尊室説とは? わかりやすく解説

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(Tôn Thất Thuyết から転送)

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2023/11/19 14:56 UTC 版)

尊室説(そんしつ せつ[2]ベトナム語Tôn Thất Thuyết / 尊室説明命20年3月29日1839年5月12日) - 維新7年(1913年)3月[3])は、ベトナム阮朝官僚博英ベトナム語Bác Anh / 博英)。咸宜年間に勤王運動を提唱、ベトナムの独立回復を目指そうとした[4][5][6]

  1. ^ トン・タット・トゥエットとは - コトバンク”. 2016年11月25日閲覧。
  2. ^ 尊室説(そんしつせつ)とは - コトバンク”. 2016年11月24日閲覧。
  3. ^ 小倉貞男『物語 ヴェトナムの歴史』中央公論社中公新書〉、1997年、382頁。ISBN 4-12-101372-7 
  4. ^ Vietnamese Royal Exile in Japan p.38 "He had secured a safe meeting place to be with Cuồng Để thanks to the help of his Chinese friends in Yokohama"、"Châu took Cường Để to Canton to visit Liu Yung-fu and Tôn Thất Thuyết, great long-time sympathisers of the Vietnamese cause."
  5. ^ Văn Đào Hoàng Viet Nam Quoc Dan Dang: A Contemporary History 2008 "When the Huế Court surrendered itself to the French, Tôn Thất Thuyết, a high-ranking mandarin of the Court, ..."
  6. ^ Charles Keith Catholic Vietnam: A Church from Empire to Nation 2012 p. 52 "In July 1885, as Qing forces were withdrawing, the regent Tôn Thất Thuyết led an attack on the French garrison at huế and escaped with the young emperor hàm nghi into the mountains. Thuyết called for a general uprising and for all of the ..."
  7. ^ Chapuis, p. 22.
  8. ^ 越南通史 pp.400-401
  9. ^ Chapuis, p. 15.
  10. ^ a b 越南通史 p.396
  11. ^ Chapuis, p. 16.
  12. ^ Chapuis, p. 17.
  13. ^ Chapuis, pp. 18, 22.
  14. ^ Pierre Brocheux and Daniel Hémery, Indochine : la colonisation ambiguë 1858-1954, La Découverte, 2004, pages 57-58
  15. ^ Charles Fourniau; Trinh Van Thao (2013). Le contact franco-vietnamien: Le premier demi-siècle (1858-1911). Presses universitaires de Provence. pp. 77-85. ISBN 9782821827516. https://books.google.jp/books?id=V5kVCwAAQBAJ&pg=PA78&dq= 
  16. ^ 越南通史 p.417
  17. ^ Spencer C. Tucker (dir), The Encyclopedia of the Vietnam War, ABC-Clio, 2011, page 1124


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