ミマール・スィナンとは? わかりやすく解説

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(Mimar Sinan から転送)

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2023/09/24 17:19 UTC 版)

ミマール・スィナン(Mimar Sinan, 1489年-1588年[1])は、盛期オスマン帝国建築家土木技術者[2]。1490年前後にアナトリア半島カイセリ近郊で生まれ、1588年7月17日イスタンブルで亡くなった[2]。スィナン(シナン)が名前でミマールは建築家を意味するアラビア語由来の言葉であるため、ミマール・スィナンは「建築家スィナン」を意味する。


  1. ^ ミマールとミーマールの違いは咽頭閉鎖音のカナ転写の表記ゆれの問題で、アーガーをアーと書く場合もあるのはトルコ語を現代風に表記するかオスマン時代風に表記するのかの問題。
  2. ^ Orta. イェニチェリの軍制における大隊を意味する。
  3. ^ Mihrimah Sultan Mosque. ユスキュダル・キー・モスク(the Üsküdar Quay Mosque)としても知られる。
  4. ^ 1961年ノーベル文学賞受賞作家、イヴォ・アンドリッチの代表作「ドリナの橋」で有名である。
  5. ^ 4世紀シリアリサーファ英語版で殉死した聖人セルギオスとバッコス英語版に奉献するため6世紀に東ローマ皇帝ユスティニアヌス1世コンスタンチノープルに建てた修道院教会。16世紀前半にモスクに改装された。現キュチュク・アヤソフィア・ジャーミイ英語版ファティフ地区英語版の海辺にある。


  1. ^ 瀧川美生 Hagia Sophia and Sinan’s Mosques: Structure and Decoration in Süleymaniye Mosque and Selimiye Mosque
  2. ^ a b c d e f Encyclopædia Britannica. (2015-08-20). https://global.britannica.com/biography/Sinan 2016年8月2日閲覧. "Sinan, also called Mimar Sinan (“Architect Sinan”) or Mimar Koca Sinan (“Great Architect Sinan”) (born c. 1490, Ağırnaz, Turkey—died July 17, 1588, Constantinople [now Istanbul]), most celebrated of all Ottoman architects, whose ideas, perfected in the construction of mosques and other buildings, served as the basic themes for virtually all later Turkish religious and civic architecture.
    The son of Greek or Armenian Christian parents, Sinan entered his father’s trade as a stone mason and carpenter."
  3. ^ Goodwin (2001), p. 87
  4. ^ a b ビタール『オスマン帝国の栄光』(創元社、1995年)
  5. ^ a b Kinross (1977), pp 214–215
  6. ^ Cafer Çelebi: Risale-i-mimariye. 1623
  7. ^ Gülru Necipoğlu, The Age of Sinan: Architectural Culture in the Ottoman Empire. Princeton 2005, S. 131f
  8. ^ Sinan's Autobiography”. 2016年10月15日閲覧。
  9. ^ a b c Günay, Reha (2006). A guide to the works of Sinan the architect in Istanbul. Istanbul, Turkey: Yapı-Endüstri Merkezi Yayınları. p. 23. ISBN 975-8599-77-1. https://books.google.com/books?id=OfQjGQAACAAJ&dq=A+guide+to+the+works+of+Sinan+the+Architect+in+Istanbul&hl=en&sa=X&ei=3ZV8T5rqA8PV4QTisvHYDA&ved=0CDEQ6AEwAA 2012年4月5日閲覧。 
  10. ^ a b c d e f Goodwin (2003), pp 199–200.
  11. ^ Kinross, pp 214–215.
  12. ^ Sinan (in Dictionary of Islamic Architecture)
  13. ^ A list of the buildings designed by Mimar Sinan
  14. ^ デジタル大辞泉の解説”. コトバンク. 2018年8月12日閲覧。
  15. ^ (Article’s author): Gjergji Frashëri (2000). Fjalori Enciklopedik Shqiptar. Akademia e Shkencave e Shqipërisë. p. 2946. ISBN 978-99956-10-32-6 
  16. ^ Albanian Cultural Heritage. Republic of Albania, National Tourism Agency. (2000). p. 59. http://www.akt.gov.al/materiale/kultura%20blerina.pdf 2012年4月7日閲覧。 
  17. ^ Tracy, James D.; Savitri Mahajan (2000). City Walls: The Urban Enceinte in Global Perspective. Cambridge University Press. p. 306. ISBN 978-0-521-65221-6. https://books.google.com/books?ei=foZ8T_nhA9Ha4QSSicyUDQ&id=S7dUv-1Ql2oC&dq=architect+sinan+had+albanian+origin&q=the+architect+may+have+been+Sinan#v=onepage&q=%22the%20architect%20may%20have%20been%20Sinan%22&f=false 2012年4月7日閲覧。 
  18. ^ Faroqhi (2005), Subjects of the Sultan.
  19. ^ William J. Hennessey, PhD, Director, Univ. of Michigan Museum of Art. IBM 1999 WORLD BOOK.
  20. ^ Marvin Trachtenberg and Isabelle Hyman. Architecture: from Prehistory to Post-Modernism. p. 223.
  21. ^ De Osa, Veronica.
  22. ^ Saoud (2007), p. 7
  23. ^ Vasari (1963), Book IV, p. 122
  24. ^ Hanioğlu, M. Şükrü (2013). Atatürk: An Intellectual Biography. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. pp. 171. ISBN 9780691157948 
  25. ^ Fletcher, Richard (2005). The cross and the crescent: Christianity and Islam from Muhammad to the Reformation (Reprinted ed.). London: Penguin. p. 138. ISBN 9780670032716. "...was Sinan the Old-he lived to be about ninety-an Armenian from Anatolia who had been brought to the capital as one of the 'gathered'." 
  26. ^ Zaryan, Sinan, Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, p. 385.
  27. ^ Kouymjian, Dickran. "Armenia from the Fall of the Cilician Kingdom (1375) to the Forced Emigration under Shah Abbas (1604)" in The Armenian People From Ancient to Modern Times, Volume II: Foreign Dominion to Statehood: The Fifteenth Century to the Twentieth Century. Richard G. Hovannisian (ed.). New York: St. Martin's Press, 1997, p. 13. ISBN 0-312-10168-6.
  28. ^ a b Alboyajian (1937), vol. 2, pp. 1533-34.
  29. ^ Jackson, Thomas Graham (1913). Byzantine and Romanesque Architecture, Volume 1. Cambridge University Press. p. 143. "They are many of them designed by Sinan, who is said to have been an Armenian" 
  30. ^ Sitwell, Sacheverell (1939). Old Fashioned Flowers. Country Life. p. 74. "The architect Sinan, perhaps of Armenian descent, raised mosques and other buildings all over the Turkish Empire." 
  31. ^ Talbot, Hamlin Architecture Through the Ages. University of Michigan, p. 208.
  32. ^ Byzantium and the Magyars, Gyula Moravcsik, Samuel R. Rosenbaum p.28.
  33. ^ Kathleen Kuiper. Islamic Art, Literature, and Culture. — The Rosen Publishing Group, 2009 — p. 204 — ISBN 9781615300976: "The son of Greek Orthodox parents, Sinan entered his father's trade as a stone mason and carpenter." .
  34. ^ Sinan: the grand old master of Ottoman architecture, p. 35, Aptullah Kuran, Institute of Turkish Studies, 1987
  35. ^ Walker, Benjamin and Peter Owen Foundations of Islam: the making of a world faith, 1998, p. 275.
  36. ^ a b Goodwin, Godfrey (1971). A history of Ottoman architecture. Johns Hopkins Press. p. 199. ISBN 978-0-8018-1202-6. "He came from the district of Karaman and the Greek lands, but he does not, it is true, specifically call himself a Greek, which, in effect, he no longer was from the moment that he admitted that there was no other God but Allah. Yet after the conquest of Cyprus in 1571, when Selim decided to repopulate the island by transferring Greek families from the Karaman beylik, Sinan intervened on behalf of his family and obtained two orders from the Sultan in council exempting them from deportation. It was Selim I who ordered the first devsirme levy in Anatolia in 1512 and sent Yaya- basis to Karamania and this is probably the year in which Sinan came to Istanbul. Since he was born about 1491, or at the latest in 1492, he was old for a devsirme…" 
  37. ^ Rogers, J. M. (2006). Sinan: Makers of Islamic Civilization.. I.B.Tauris: Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies. p. backcover. ISBN 978-1-84511-096-3. "(Sinan) He was born in Cappadocia, probably into a Greek Christian family. Drafted into the Janissaries during his adolescence, he rapidly gained promotion and distinction as a military engineer." 
  38. ^ a b Cragg, Kenneth (1991). The Arab Christian: A History in the Middle East. Westminster John Knox Press. p. 120. ISBN 0-664-22182-3. https://books.google.com/books?id=pMuxLlWih04C&pg=PA120 
  39. ^ al-Lubnānī lil-Dirāsāt, Markaz (1992). The Beirut review, Issue 3. Lebanese Center for Policy Studies. p. 113. https://books.google.com/books?id=Cf26AAAAIAAJ&q=sinan+albanian+origin&dq=sinan+albanian+origin&hl=en&sa=X&ei=i458T9SdJo_R4QSvxLHlDA&ved=0CF0Q6AEwCTgo 2012年4月5日閲覧。 
  40. ^ Brown, Percy (1942). Indian architecture: (The Islamic period). Taraporevala Sons. p. 94. https://books.google.com/books?id=e-VOAAAAYAAJ&q=the+fame+of+the+leading+Ottoman+architect,+Sinan,+having+reached+his+ears,+he+is+reported+to+have+invited+certain+pupils+of+this+Albanian+genius+to+India+to+carry+out+his+architectural+schemes.&dq=the+fame+of+the+leading+Ottoman+architect,+Sinan,+having+reached+his+ears,+he+is+reported+to+have+invited+certain+pupils+of+this+Albanian+genius+to+India+to+carry+out+his+architectural+schemes.&hl=en&sa=X&ei=SyWyT__ZCsjOswb_y4C9Bg&ved=0CDQQ6AEwAA. "… the fame of the leading Ottoman architect, Sinan, having reached his ears, he is reported to have invited certain pupils of this Albanian genius to India to carry out his architectural schemes." 
  41. ^ Akgündüz Ahmed & Öztürk Said, (2011), Ottoman History, Misperfections and Truths, IUR Press (Islamitische Universiteit Rotterdam), Pg.196, See online. Quoted from the book: "According to yet another view, Sinan came from a Christian Turkish family, whose father's name was Abdulmennan and his grandfather's Doğan Yusuf."
  42. ^ This decree was published in the Turkish journal Türk Tarihi Encümeni Mecmuası, vol. 1, no. 5 (June 1930-May 1931) p. 10.
  43. ^ Muller, Herbert Joseph (1961). The Loom of History. New American Library. p. 439 
  44. ^ Architects, Craftsmen, Weavers: Armenians and Ottoman Art”. Abstracts from the International Conference ARMENIAN CONSTANTINOPLE organized by Richard G. Hovannisian, UCLA, May 19–20, 2001. Social Sciences Division University of California, Los Angeles. 2014年7月12日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2013年9月13日閲覧。
  45. ^ Muqarnas, Volume 24 History and Ideology: Architectural Heritage of the lands of Rum, p. 179, Gurlu Necipoglu, Bril, 2007, ISBN 978-90-04-16320-1
  46. ^ Constantinople, de Byzance à Stamboul, Celâl Esad Arseven, H. Laurens, 1909
  47. ^ Brown, Percy (1942). Indian architecture: (The Islamic period). Taraporevala Sons. p. 92. https://books.google.com/books?id=SnlNAAAAMAAJ&q=architect+sinan+had+albanian+origin&dq=architect+sinan+had+albanian+origin&hl=en&sa=X&ei=LoZ8T9iVMPP04QS8gM26DA&ved=0CFoQ6AEwCA 2012年4月5日閲覧. "… the fame of the leading Ottoman architect, Sinan, having reached his ears, he is reported to have invited certain pupils of this Albanian genius to India to carry out his architectural schemes." 
  48. ^ Mahajan, Vidya Dhar; Savitri Mahajan (1962). The Muslim rule in India, Volume 1. S.Chand. p. 210. https://books.google.com/books?id=bOG1AAAAIAAJ&q=He+had+a+mind+to+invite+from+Constantinople+a+pupil+of+Sinan,+the+famous+Albanian+architect,+to+assist+him+in+his+building+projects.&dq=He+had+a+mind+to+invite+from+Constantinople+a+pupil+of+Sinan,+the+famous+Albanian+architect,+to+assist+him+in+his+building+projects.&hl=en&sa=X&ei=lvt_T4XPL9PS4QSv69S4Bw&ved=0CD4Q6AEwAw 2012年4月7日閲覧。 


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