シェフィールド・ルールとは? わかりやすく解説

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シェフィールド・ルールズ: Sheffield Rules)は、イングランドの都市シェフィールドで1857年から1877年の間に考案されプレーされていたフットボールのコード(法典)である。この規則は初めにシェフィールド・フットボール・クラブによって作成、改訂され、1867年にシェフィールドフットボール協会英語版が設立されると規則に対する責任は協会に受け渡された。シェフィールド・ルールはシェフィールドの街を越えて、イングランド北部英語版ミッドランズ英語版のその他のクラブや協会に拡がっていき、1860年代および1870年代の間で最も人気のあるフットボールの一つとなった[1]

  1. ^ a b Where Football Kicked Off: Sheffield FC. (1957) 
  2. ^ “Meeting of the Sheffield Football Association”. Sheffield and Rotherham Independent lxi (5722): 7. (1877-04-24). https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Meeting_of_the_Sheffield_Football_Association_(Sheffield_Independent)_1877_04_24.png. "It was then formally resolved, ... that the Sheffield Association accept the Clydesdale Amendment and the London Rules"" 
  3. ^ a b “Potting shed birth of oldest team”. BBC. (2007年10月24日). http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/south_yorkshire/7059900.stm 2008年3月15日閲覧。 
  4. ^ Murphy, Brendan (2007). From Sheffield with Love. Sports Book Limited. pp. 82–83. ISBN 978-1-899807-56-7 
  5. ^ Farnsworth, Keith (1995). Sheffield Football: A History — Volume 1 1857-1961. The Hallamshire Press. pp. 16–17. ISBN 1-874718-13-X 
  6. ^ Murphy, Brendan (2007). From Sheffield with Love. Sports Book Limited. p. 39. ISBN 978-1-899807-56-7 
  7. ^ a b Young, Percy M. (1964). Football in Sheffield. S. Paul. pp. 15–17 
  8. ^ Mangan, J. A. (1999). Sport in Europe: Politics, Class, Gender. Routledge. pp. 95–96. ISBN 0-7146-4946-5. https://books.google.co.jp/books?id=xmP-Qto7IfMC&redir_esc=y&hl=ja 
  9. ^ Harvey, Adrian (2004). The Beginnings of a Commercial Sporting Culture in Britain, 1793-1850. Ashgate Publishing Limited. p. 8. ISBN 0-7546-3643-7 
  10. ^ Murphy, Brendan (2007). From Sheffield with Love. Sports Books Limited. pp. 38–39. ISBN 1-899807-56-X 
  11. ^ Farnsworth, Keith (1995). Sheffield Football: A History — Volume 1 1857-1961. The Hallamshire Press. pp. 21–22. ISBN 1-874718-13-X 
  12. ^ Hutton, Steven; Graham Curry, Peter Goodman (2007). Sheffield FC. At Heart Limited. p. 50. ISBN 978-1-84547-174-3 
  13. ^ a b Tims, Richard (2011年). “The Birth of Modern Football: The Earliest Rules and Historic Archive of the World's First Football Club”. 2019年5月9日閲覧。
  14. ^ Murphy, Brendan (2007). From Sheffield with Love. Sports Book Limited. pp. 41–43. ISBN 978-1-899807-56-7 
  15. ^ Curry and Dunning (2015), p. 49
  16. ^ Murphy, Brendan (2007). From Sheffield with Love. Sports Book Limited. p. 47. ISBN 978-1-899807-56-7 
  17. ^ Harvey (2005), pp. 95-100
  18. ^ Collins, Tony (2015). “Early Football and the Emergence of Modern Soccer, c. 1840–1880”. International Journal of the History of Sport 32 (9): 1131-2. doi:10.1080/09523367.2015.1042868. 
  19. ^
    シェフィールド・ルールズ(1858年)(第一草稿) ラグビースクール・ルールズ(1851年)
    1. Kick off from Middle must be a place kick. i: Kick off from Middle must be a place-kick.
    2. Kick out must not be from more than twenty five yards out of goal. ii: Kick out must not be from more than 25 yards out of goal, nor from more than 10 yards if a place-kick.
    3. Fair Catch is a Catch direct from the foot of the opposite side and entitles a free kick. iii. Fair Catch is a catch direct from the foot.
    4. Charging is fair in case of a place kick (with the exception of a kick off) as soon as the player offers to kick, but he may always draw back unless he has actually touched the Ball with his foot. iv: Charging is fair, in case of a place-kick, as soon as a ball has touched the ground; in case of a kick from a catch, as soon as the player offers to kick, but he may always draw back, unless he has actually touched the ball with his foot.
    6. Knocking or pushing on the Ball is altogether disallowed. The side breaking this Rule forfeits a free kick to the opposite side. vii: Knocking on, as distinguished from throwing on, is altogether disallowed under any circumstances whatsoever.—In case of this rule being broken, a catch from such a knock on, shall be equivalent to a fair catch.
    7. No player may be held or pulled over. xii: No player out of a maul may be held, or pulled over, unless he is himself holding the ball.
    8. It is not lawful to take the Ball off the ground (except in touch) for any purpose whatever. viii: It is not lawful to take the ball off the ground, except in touch, either for a kick or throw on.
    10. No Goal may be kicked from touch nor by a free kick from a catch. xx: No goal may be kicked from touch.
    11. A ball in touch is dead. Consequently the side that touches it down, must bring it to the edge of the touch, & throw it straight out at least six yards from touch. xxi: Touch — A ball in touch is dead; consequently the first player on his side must in any case touch it down, bring it to the edge of touch, and throw it straight out.
  20. ^ Sheffield F.C. – The Club”. 2008年5月9日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2008年5月2日閲覧。
  21. ^ Murphy, Brendan (2007). From Sheffield with Love. Sports Book Limited. p. 44. ISBN 978-1-899807-56-7 
  22. ^ “Sheffield Foot-Ball Club”. Sheffield Daily Telegraph: 2. (1859-10-12). 
  23. ^ Sheffield Rules (1859) . ウィキソースより。
  24. ^ Sheffield Football Club (1859). Rules, Regulations, & Laws of the Sheffield Foot-Ball Club, a list of members, &c.. Sheffield: Pawson and Brailsford. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Rules,_Regulations,_%26_Laws_of_the_Sheffield_Foot-Ball_Club_1859.png 
  25. ^ Sheffield City Archives FCR/2; see also Murphy, Brendan (2007). From Sheffield with Love. Sports Book Limited. p. 46. ISBN 978-1-899807-56-7 
  26. ^ a b “Sheffield Football Club”. Sheffield Daily Telegraph (1984): 5. (1861-10-15). https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Sheffield_Football_Club_(Sheffield_Daily_Telegraph)_1861-10-15.png. 
  27. ^ a b c Rules of Sheffield Football Club. Pawson and Brailsford. (1862) 
  28. ^ a b “Sheffield Football Club”. Sheffield Daily Telegraph: 2. (1862-01-31). https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Sheffield_Football_Club_(Sheffield_Daily_Telegraph)_1862-01-31.png. 
  29. ^ “Sheffield Football Club”. Sheffield Daily Telegraph: 5. (1862-02-08). https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Sheffield_Football_Club_(Sheffield_Daily_Telegraph)_1862-02-08.png. 
  30. ^ Laws of the Eton Field Game (1857) . ウィキソースより。
  31. ^ “Sheffield Football Club v. the 58th Regiment”. Sheffield Daily Telegraph: 2. (1860-12-20). 
  32. ^ e.g. “Sheffield Football Club v. Hallam and Stumpelow Clubs”. Sheffield Daily Telegraph: 2. (1860-12-18).  “Sheffield Football Club v. Norton Football Club”. Sheffield Daily Telegraph: 3. (1861-11-28). 
  33. ^
    Sheffield Rules (1862) Eton Field Game (1857)
    11. A rouge is obtained by the player who first touches the ball after it has been kicked between the rouge flags, and when a rouge has been obtained one of the defending side must stand post two yards in front of the goal sticks. 5. A "rouge" is obtained by the player who first touches the ball after it has been kicked behind, or on the line of the goalsticks of the opposite side, provided the kicker has been "bullied" by one of more of the opposite party in the act of kicking.
    12. No rouge is obtained when a player who first touches the ball is on the defending side. In that case it is a kick out as specified in law 2. 7. [...] should the ball be first touched by one of the defending party, no rouge is obtained, and the ball must be placed on a line with the goalsticks, and "kicked off" by one of that party.
    13. No player who is behind the line of the goal sticks when the ball is kicked behind, may touch it in any way, either to prevent or obtain a rouge. 10. No player who is behind the line of the goalsticks, before the ball be kicked behind, may touch it in any way, either to prevent or obtain a rouge.
    14. A goal outweighs any number of rouges. Should no goals or an equal number be obtained, the match is decided by rouges. 25. A goal outweighs any number of rouges, should no goals or an equal number be obtained, the match is decided by rouges.
  34. ^ "Stand post" の意味については、イートン・フィールド・ゲームの以下の記述(Shearman, Montague (1887). Athletics and Football. London: Longman, Greens and Co. pp. 313–314)を見よ。「[T]he defending side form down one yard from the centre of the goals by one of their number, called post, taking up his position in the centre with the ball between his feet, and three or four placing themselves close up behind him, with others called sides on either side to support him ... On the attacking side, four players, also called sides, form down against the defenders' bully... 」
  35. ^ Shearman, Montague (1887). Athletics and Football. London: Longman, Greens and Co.. pp. 313-314. https://archive.org/details/athleticsandfoo01sheagoog/page/n350. "[T]he defending side form down one yard from the centre of the goals by one of their number, called post, taking up his position in the centre with the ball between his feet, and three or four placing themselves close up behind him, with others called sides on either side to support him ... On the attacking side, four players, also called sides, form down against the defenders' bully [scrummage]... two on either side, leaving a small gully in front of 'post' just large enough to admit some four of the attacking side, and these headed by one who is said to run in charge in a compact mass, one close behind the other, against the centre of the opponents' bully, so that when they have closed, the whole is one consolidated mass. If the attacking side is stronger, and the 'sides ' do their work properly, the bully of the defenders is sometimes pushed bodily through goals ; if, however, the two bullies are equal in weight or strength, the ball eventually breaks loose, and the play continues as originally begun" 
  36. ^ a b Murphy, Brendan (2007). From Sheffield with Love. Sports Book Limited. p. 68. ISBN 978-1-899807-56-7 
  37. ^ “Football: Sheffield v. Norton”. Sheffield Daily Telegraph: 2. (1862-02-24). 
  38. ^ a b c Chambers, Harry W. (1867-02-09). “[Correspondence]”. The Field xxix (737): 104. 
  39. ^ “The Football Association [letter from W. Chesterman, Hon. Sec. of Sheffield Football Club”]. Supplement to Bell's Life in London: p. 1. (1863年12月5日). https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:The_Football_Association_(Bell%27s_Life_in_London),_1863-12-05.png. "We have no printed rule at all like your No. 6 [the FA's draft offside law], but I have written in the book a rule which is always played by us" 
  40. ^ Tims, Richard (2011年7月14日). “Catalogue note (Sheffield Football Club)”. 2019年6月25日閲覧。
  41. ^ Harvey (2005), pp. 118-119
  42. ^ "A Correspondent" (1867-01-30). “Football in Sheffield”. The Sporting Life (London) (826): 4. 
  43. ^ “The Football Association”. Bell's Life in London (2288): 7. (1866-02-24). https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:The_Football_Association_(Bell%27s_Life_in_London)_1866-02-24.png. 
  44. ^ “Rules in 1866”. Nottingham Evening Post: 14. (1935-02-22). 
  45. ^ Sheffield Rules (March 1867) . ウィキソースより。
  46. ^ “Sheffield Football Association”. The Sportsman: 4. (1867-03-14). https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Sheffield_Football_Association_(Sportsman)_1867-03-14.png. "The laws of the General Association [i.e. the FA], as settled at the last meeting, were in each case taken as the proposition, and the laws of the game, as played at Sheffield, were moved as the amendments" 
  47. ^ Sheffield Rules (October 1867) . ウィキソースより。
  48. ^ a b “Sheffield Football Clubs Association”. Sheffield and Rotherham Independent: 3. (1871-01-24). https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Sheffield_Football_Clubs%27_Association_(Sheffield_Independent)_1871_01_24.png. 
  49. ^ a b c “Sheffield Football Association: Annual General Meeting”. Sheffield and Rotherham Independent: 3. (1871-10-12). https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Sheffield_Football_Association_(Sheffield_Independent)_1871_10_12.png. 
  50. ^ “Football Association”. The Sportsman (London) (1165): 6. (1872-02-03). https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Football_Association_(Sportsman)_1872-02-03.png. 
  51. ^ “Football Association”. The Sportsman (London) (1181): 6. (1872-03-02). https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Football_Association_(Sportsman),_1872-03-02.png. 
  52. ^ “The Football Association”. The Sportsman (London) (1387): 3. (1873-02-27). https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:The_Football_Association_(Sportsman),_1873-02-27.png. 
  53. ^ “The Football Association”. Bell's Life in London and Sporting Chronicle (London) (2797): 9. (1874-02-07). https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Football_Association_(Bell%27s_Life_in_London)_1874-02-07.png. 
  54. ^ “The Football Association”. The Sportsman (London) (1596): 3. (1874-03-03). https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Football_Association_(Sportsman)_1874-03-03.png. 
  55. ^ “The London Football Association”. Sheffield Daily Telegraph (6149): 7. (1875-02-25). https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:London_Football_Association_(Sheffield_Daily_Telegraph)_1875-02-25.png. 
  56. ^ “Sheffield Football Association”. Sheffield Daily Telegraph: 3. (1875-02-26). https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Sheffield_Football_Association_(Sheffield_Daily_Telegraph)_1875-02-26.png. 
  57. ^ a b “Football Notes”. Bell's Life in London and Sporting Chronicle (2905): 5. (1876-03-04). https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Football_Notes_(extract)_(Bells_Life_in_London)_1876-03-04.png. 
  58. ^ “The Football Association”. Nottinghamshire Guardian (1649): 7. (1877-03-02). https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Football_Association_(Notts_Guardian)_1877-03-02.png. 
  59. ^ "White Surrey" (1877-03-02). “The Football Association Meeting [letter to the editor”]. The Sportsman (2323): 4. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Football_Association_Meeting_(Sportsman)_1877-03-02.png. 
  60. ^ Laws of the Game (1877) . ウィキソースより。
  61. ^ “Meeting of the Sheffield Football Association”. Sheffield and Rotherham Independent lxi (5722): 7. (1877-04-24). https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Meeting_of_the_Sheffield_Football_Association_(Sheffield_Independent)_1877_04_24.png. 
  62. ^ a b Murphy, Brendan (2007). From Sheffield with Love. Sports Book Limited. p. 107. ISBN 978-1-899807-56-7 
  63. ^ “Sheffield Football Association”. Sheffield Daily Telegraph (7386): 7. (1879-02-18). 
  64. ^ 印刷された規則にはタイブレイカーはないが、シェフィールドFCは1860年12月のある試合ではルージュを使った。
  65. ^ 全ての試合に適用されなかった
  66. ^ Farnsworth, Keith (1995). Sheffield Football: A History — Volume 1 1857-1961. The Hallamshire Press. p. 23 
  67. ^ Goodley, Simon (2007年10月25日). “Sheffield parade status”. Telegraph Media Group. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/main.jhtml?view=DETAILS&grid=A1YourView&xml=/sport/2007/10/25/sfnshe125.xml 2007年12月5日閲覧。 
  68. ^ Mangan, J. A. (1999). Sport in Europe: Politics, Class, Gender. Routledge. p. 110. ISBN 0-7146-4946-5 
  69. ^ Murphy, Brendan (2007). From Sheffield with Love. Sports Book Limited. p. 46. ISBN 978-1-899807-56-7 
  70. ^ “Local and General Intelligence”. Sheffield Daily Telegraph. (1860年12月28日) 
  71. ^ a b Young, Percy (1964). Football in Sheffield. S. Paul. pp. 18–19 
  72. ^ Hutton, Steven; Graham Curry, Peter Goodman (2007). Sheffield Football Club: 150 years of Football. At Heart Limited. pp. 31–32. ISBN 978-1-84547-174-3 
  73. ^ 1863 - The FA Forms”. AFS Enterprises Limited. 2008年1月15日閲覧。
  74. ^ Murphy, Brendan (2007). From Sheffield with Love. Sports Book Limited. ISBN 978-1-899807-56-7 
  75. ^ Harvey, Adrian (2005). Football, the First Hundred Years. Routledge. p. 116. ISBN 0-415-35019-0. https://books.google.co.jp/books?id=TxoZ0S-GC7MC&redir_esc=y&hl=ja 
  76. ^ a b Murphy, Brendan (2007). From Sheffield with Love. Sports Book Limited. p. 67. ISBN 978-1-899807-56-7 
  77. ^ a b Young, Percy (1964). Football in Sheffield. S. Paul. p. 23 
  78. ^ Murphy, Brendan (2007). From Sheffield with Love. Sports Book Limited. p. 70. ISBN 978-1-899807-56-7 
  79. ^ a b Harvey, Adrian (2005). Football, the First Hundred Years. Routledge. p. 122. ISBN 0-415-35019-0. https://books.google.co.jp/books?id=TxoZ0S-GC7MC&redir_esc=y&hl=ja 
  80. ^ Murphy, Brendan (2007). From Sheffield with Love. Sports Book Limited. p. 66. ISBN 978-1-899807-56-7 
  81. ^ “Football Association meeting”. Bell's Life. (1866年2月24日) 
  82. ^ Harvey, Adrian (2005). Football, the First Hundred Years. Routledge. p. 165. ISBN 0-415-35019-0. https://books.google.co.jp/books?id=TxoZ0S-GC7MC&redir_esc=y&hl=ja 
  83. ^ a b Murphy, Brendan (2007). From Sheffield with Love. Sports Book Limited. pp. 77–78, 117. ISBN 978-1-899807-56-7 
  84. ^ Murphy, Brendan (2007). From Sheffield with Love. Sports Book Limited. pp. 101–102, 106. ISBN 978-1-899807-56-7 
  85. ^ Keith, Farnsworth (1982). Wednesday!. Sheffield City Libraries. pp. 12–13. ISBN 0-900660-87-2 
  86. ^ Murphy, Brendan (2007). From Sheffield with Love. Sports Book Limited. p. 79. ISBN 978-1-899807-56-7 
  87. ^ Keith, Farnsworth (1982). Wednesday!. Sheffield City Libraries. p. 18. ISBN 0-900660-87-2 
  88. ^ Young, Percy (1964). Football in Sheffield. S. Paul. p. 24 
  89. ^ Murphy, Brendan (2007). From Sheffield with Love. Sports Book Limited. pp. 104–105. ISBN 978-1-899807-56-7 
  90. ^ a b Young, Percy M. (1964). Football in Sheffield. S. Paul. pp. 28–29 
  91. ^ Young, Percy M. (1964). Football in Sheffield. S. Paul. p. 27 
  92. ^ Hutton, Steve; Curry, Graham; Goodman, Peter (2007). Sheffield FC. At Heart Limited. pp. 35–36. ISBN 978-1-84547-174-3 
  93. ^ a b Murphy, Brendan (2007). From Sheffield with Love. SportsBooks Limited. pp. 121–122. ISBN 978-1-899807-56-7 
  94. ^ Murphy, Brendan (2007). From Sheffield with Love. SportsBooks Limited. pp. 105–106. ISBN 978-1-899807-56-7 
  95. ^ Farnsworth, Keith (1995). Sheffield Football: A History — Volume 1 1857-1961. The Hallamshire Press. pp. 29, 50–51. ISBN 1-874718-13-X 
  96. ^ History of the Laws of the Game”. FIFA. 2008年1月14日閲覧。
  97. ^ The Football Association (1881). The National Football Calendar for 1881. The Cricket Press. p. 3 
  98. ^ “Sheffield F.C.: 150 years of history”. FIFA. (2007年10月24日). http://www.fifa.com/world-match-centre/news/newsid/621/801/ 2015年11月12日閲覧。 
  99. ^ Young, Percy M. (1964). Football in Sheffield. S. Paul. p. 40 
  100. ^ Murphy, Brendan (2007). From Sheffield with Love. Sports Book Limited. pp. 43, 57. ISBN 978-1-899807-56-7 
  101. ^ a b Murphy, Brendan (2007). From Sheffield with Love. Sports Book Limited. p. 117. ISBN 978-1-899807-56-7 
  102. ^ Barrett, Norman (1996). The Daily Telegraph Football Chronicle. Random House Limited. p. 7. ISBN 0-09-185234-X 
  103. ^ Part 12 of the History of Football”. AFS Enterprises Limited. 2007年12月17日閲覧。
  104. ^ Football: The first hundred years. The untold story. Adrian Harvey. Routledge, Abingdon 2005 page 184
  105. ^ Mangan, J. A. (2005). Sport in Europe: Politics, Class, Gender. Routledge. p. 112. ISBN 0-7146-8005-2 
  106. ^ Harvey, Adrian (2005). Football, the First Hundred Years. Routledge. p. 125. ISBN 0-415-35019-0. https://books.google.co.jp/books?id=TxoZ0S-GC7MC&redir_esc=y&hl=ja 
  107. ^ Murphy, Brendan (2007). From Sheffield with Love. Sports Book Limited. p. 106. ISBN 978-1-899807-56-7 
  108. ^ Harvey, Adrian (2001). “An Epoch in the Annals of National Sport': Football in Sheffield and the Creation of Modern Soccer and Rugby”. The International Journal of the History of Sport (routledge) 18 (4): 53–87. doi:10.1080/714001668. PMID 18578082. http://www.informaworld.com/openurl?genre=article&issn=0952-3367&volume=18&issue=4&spage=53 2008年5月2日閲覧。. 
  109. ^ Harvey, Adrian (2005). Football, the First Hundred Years. Routledge. pp. 92, 116. ISBN 0-415-35019-0. https://books.google.co.jp/books?id=TxoZ0S-GC7MC&redir_esc=y&hl=ja 
  110. ^ Murphy, Brendan (2007). From Sheffield with Love. Sports Book Limited. pp. 69, 106. ISBN 978-1-899807-56-7 
  111. ^ Murphy, Brendan (2007). From Sheffield with Love. Sports Book Limited. pp. 39–41. ISBN 978-1-899807-56-7 
  112. ^ Ward, Andrew (2000). Football's Strangest Matches. Robson Books Ltd. p. 1. ISBN 1-86105-292-8 
  113. ^ Dickens, Charles (1972). A London Dictionary and Guide Book for 1879. Howard Baker. p. 147. ISBN 0-7030-0018-7. http://www.victorianlondon.org/publications/dictionary.htm 
  114. ^ Cox, Richard; Vamplew, Wray; Russell, David (2002). Encyclopedia of British Football. Routledge. p. 3. ISBN 978-0-7146-5249-8 
  115. ^ a b Murphy, Brendan (2007). From Sheffield with Love. Sports Book Limited. p. 59. ISBN 978-1-899807-56-7 
  116. ^ Harvey, Adrian (2005). Football, the First Hundred Years. Routledge. pp. 118–119. ISBN 0-415-35019-0. https://books.google.co.jp/books?id=TxoZ0S-GC7MC&redir_esc=y&hl=ja 
  117. ^ a b Murphy, Brendan (2007). From Sheffield with Love. Sports Book Limited. pp. 65, 82. ISBN 978-1-899807-56-7 
  118. ^ Alcock, Charles. Football: our winter game. 1874.
  119. ^ Bell's Life in London and Sporting Chronicle (London, England), Saturday, 7 January 1865; Issue 2,229: "The Sheffield party, however, eventually took a lead, and through some scientific movements of Mr J Wild, scored a goal amid great cheering"
  120. ^ Bell's life in London, 26 November 1865, issue 2275
  121. ^ Bells Life, Sat 8 February 1868 issue 2390
  122. ^ a b The Derby Mercury (Derby, England), Wednesday, 17 January 1872; Issue 8218.
  123. ^ Bells Life in London and Sporting Chronicle, Sat 27 January 1872 Issue 2691
  124. ^ Bell's Life in London and Sporting Chronicle (London, England), Saturday, 9 March 1872; Issue 2,697.
  125. ^ a b Murphy, Brendan (2007). From Sheffield with Love. Sports Book Limited. p. 82. ISBN 978-1-899807-56-7 
  126. ^ “Football Match at Bramall Lane”. Sheffield and Rotherham Independent. (1863年1月1日) 
  127. ^ Hutton, Steven; Curry, Graham; Goodman, Peter (2007). Sheffield Football Club: 150 years of Football. At Heart Limited. p. 25. ISBN 978-1-84547-174-3 
  128. ^ Murphy, Brendan (2007). From Sheffield with Love. Sports Book Limited. pp. 52, 102. ISBN 978-1-899807-56-7 
  129. ^ Keith, Farnsworth (1982). Wednesday!. Sheffield City Libraries. pp. 15–17. ISBN 0-900660-87-2 
  130. ^ Murphy, Brendan (2007). From Sheffield with Love. Sports Book Limited. pp. 69, 94. ISBN 978-1-899807-56-7 

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