ガリレオ・フェラリスとは? わかりやすく解説

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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2021/09/20 08:43 UTC 版)

ガリレオ・フェラリス(Galileo Ferraris、1847年10月31日 - 1897年2月7日)はイタリアの物理学者電気工学者。交流電力システムの先駆者の1人であり、三相誘導電動機の発明者[1][2][3][4]。フェラリスの誘導電動機と電力伝送システムに関する研究は全時代で最も優れた発明の一部であると多くの新聞で述べられている。電力工学者ルシアン・ゴーラールとJohn Dixon Gibbsにより設計されたタイプの開回路変圧器により得られた実験結果に関する広範で完全なモノグラフを発表している。

  1. ^ Alternating currents of electricity: their generation, measurement, distribution, and application by Gisbert Kapp, William Stanley, Jr.. Johnston, 1893. p. 140. [cf., This direction has been first indicated by Professor Galileo Ferraris, of Turin, some six years ago. Quite independent of Ferraris, the same discovery was also made by Nikola Tesla, of New York; and since the practical importance of the discovery has been recognized, quite a host of original discoverers have come forward, each claiming to be the first.]
  2. ^ Larned, J. N., & Reiley, A. C. (1901). History for ready reference: From the best historians, biographers, and specialists; their own words in a complete system of history. Springfield, Mass: The C.A. Nichols Co.. p. 440. [cf., At about the same time [1888], Galileo Ferraris, in Italy, and Nikola Tesla, in the United States, brought out motors operating by systems of alternating currents displaced from one another in phase by definite amounts and producing what is known as the rotating magnetic field.]
  3. ^ The Electrical engineer. (1888). London: Biggs & Co. p., 239. [cf., "[...] new application of the alternating current in the production of rotary motion was made known almost simultaneously by two experimenters, Nikola Tesla and Galileo Ferraris, and the subject has attracted general attention from the fact that no commutator or connection of any kind with the armature was required."]
  4. ^ Nichols, E. L. (1897). “NOTE. Galileo Ferraris. Physical Review. 4. pp. 505–506. https://books.google.com/books?id=rR_OAAAAMAAJ&pg=PA505 
  5. ^ G. Reimer (1886). Die Fortschritte der Physik (tr., The progress of physics), Volume 35. Berlin etc.: Deutsche physikalische Gesellschaft etc.. Page 354.
  6. ^ a b The Electrical review. 40. IPC Electrical-Electronic Press. (1897). pp. 357–. https://books.google.com/books?id=YoVNAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA357 2011年8月6日閲覧。 
  7. ^ Mappa di Torino – Corso Galileo Ferraris
  8. ^ Le proprietà cardinali degli strumenti ottici, www.worldcat.org See vol. 3 of Opere di Galileo Ferraris.
  9. ^ Wilson, E. B. (1904). “Review: Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik Von Galileo Ferraris. Deutsch herausgegeben von Leo Finzi”. Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 10 (5): 266–267. doi:10.1090/S0002-9904-1904-01108-8. http://www.ams.org/journals/bull/1904-10-05/S0002-9904-1904-01108-8/S0002-9904-1904-01108-8.pdf. 


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