小節 (言語学)とは? わかりやすく解説

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小節 (言語学)

(small clause から転送)

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2024/03/20 05:37 UTC 版)

小節(しょうせつ、: small clause)とは、屈折要素コピュラを欠くにもかかわらず主語述語の対を成し、命題を構成する統語単位である[1]:431-432 [2]。その構造分析では、小節が構成素を成すか否かについて理論ごとの意見の相違があり、通言語的な観点からも様々な相反する経験的証拠が存在する。また、小節という文法単位は、目的語への繰り上げ英語版例外的格付与英語版不定詞付き対格英語版[注 1]コントロールなどとも関連がある。

  1. ^ 『不定詞付き対格』は、最上 (1996)[3]:149によるラテン語の accusativus cum infinitivo の対訳である。
  2. ^ 動詞句内主語仮説を採用する近代理論においては、vPも命題単位と見做される[5][6][7]
  3. ^ この例は一見するとTPのみで構成される統語単位であるが、現代の統語論においては、全ての節がCPを成すとする考えが主流である[8]:196-221。この証拠として、肯定文は疑問文との等位接続が可能である。
    (i)  a.  You can lead a horse to water.
    (i)  b.  [CP Will it drink]?
    (i)  c.  [CP You can lead a horse to water] but [CP will it drink]?
  4. ^ ECM(Exceptional Case-Marking、例外的格表示)とは、節境界を越えて補文の主語要素に対格(別名、目的格)を付与する現象を指す[1]:184
    a.  John believes [that she{NOM / *ACC} is an honest girl].
    b.  John believes [her{*NOM / ACC} to be an honest girl].

    角括弧で表す節内の女性形単数代名詞の形態から、(ib) の埋め込み主語は、その生起位置に反して対格が付与されていることが分かる。なお、目的語繰り上げとは、この事実を捉えるために一部の理論が仮定する (ii) のような移動派生のことである[1]:184

      John believes heri [ti to be an honest girl].
  5. ^ 日本語で形容詞「頼もしい」を用いた場合も同様。日本語では、例文32は「ジョン は [メリー が/を 頼もし -い -と] 思う。」、例文33は「ジョン は [メリー *が/を 頼もし -く] 思う。」となる。
  1. ^ a b c d 『増補版チョムスキー理論辞典』研究社、東京、2016年。 
  2. ^ a b c d e f g Citko, Barbara (2011a). “Small Clauses: Small Clauses”. Language and Linguistics Compass 5 (10): 748-763. 
  3. ^ 最上, 英明「ドイツ語の知覚動詞について」『香川大学経済論叢』第69巻第1号、1996年、149-162頁。 
  4. ^ 荒木, 一雄『英語学用語辞典』三省堂、東京、1996年。 
  5. ^ a b Chomsky, Noam (1995). The Minimalist Program. Cambridge MA: MIT Press 
  6. ^ a b Chomsky, Noam (2000). “Minimalist Inquiries: The Framework”. In Martin, Roger; Michaels, David; Uriagereka, Juan. Step by Step: Essays on Minimalist Syntax in Honor of Howard Lasnik. Cambridge MA: MIT Press. pp. 89-155 
  7. ^ a b Chomsky, Noam (2001). “Derivation by Phase”. In Kenstowicz, Michael. Ken Hale: A Life in Language. Cambridge MA: MIT Press. pp. 1-52 
  8. ^ Radford, Andrew (2016). Analysing English Sentences: Second edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 
  9. ^ a b c d e f Williams, Edwin (1975). “Small Clauses in English”. In Kimball, John P.. Syntax and Semantics 4. Cambridge, MA: Academic Press. pp. 249-273 
  10. ^ a b c d Chomsky, Noam (1981). Lectures on Government and Binding. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press 
  11. ^ a b Ouhalla, Jamal (1994). Introducing Transformational Grammar: From Rules to Principles and Parameters. Arnold 
  12. ^ Wardhaugh, Ronald (2003). Understanding English Grammar : A Linguistic Approach (2nd ed.). Wiley-Blackwell 
  13. ^ Fukui, Naoki; Speas, Margaret J. (1986). “Specifiers and Projection”. MIT Working Papers in Linguistics 8: 128-172. 
  14. ^ Kitagawa, Yoshihisa (1986). Subjects in Japanese and English (Ph.D. thesis). University of Massachusetts. Reprinted in Kitagawa (1994), Routledge.
  15. ^ Kuroda, Shigeyuki (1988). “Whether We Agree or Not: A Comparative Syntax of English and Japanese”. Lingvisticæ Investigationes 12 (1): 1-47. 
  16. ^ Koopman, Hilda; Sportiche, Dominique (1991). “The Position of Subejcts”. Lingua 85: 211-258. 
  17. ^ a b c Haegeman, Liliane; Guéron, Jacqueline (1999). English Grammar: A Generative Perspective. Blackwell 
  18. ^ a b c d e Williams, Edwin (1980). “Predication”. Linguistic Inquiry 11: 203-238. 
  19. ^ a b c d e f g h Williams, Edwin (1983). “Against Small Clauses”. Linguistic Inquiry 14: 278-308. 
  20. ^ a b c d e f Stowell, Timothy (1981). Origins of Phrase Structure (Ph.D. thesis). MIT.
  21. ^ Chomsky, Noam (1986a). Knowledge of Language : Its Nature, Origin, and Use. Westport, CT: Praeger 
  22. ^ a b Culicover, Peter W.; Jackendoff, Ray (2005). Simpler Syntax. Oxford University Press 
  23. ^ a b c d e f Balazs, Julie (2012). The Syntax Of Small Clauses (Master's thesis). Cornell University.
  24. ^ a b c d e Matushansky, Ora (2019). “Against the PredP Theory of Small Clauses”. Linguistic Inquiry 50 (1): 63-104. 
  25. ^ a b c Safir, Kenneth (1983). “On Small Clauses as Constituents”. Linguistic Inquiry 14 (4): 730-735. 
  26. ^ a b c d Bowers, John (1993). “The Syntax of Predication”. Linguistic Inquiry 24 (4): 596-597. 
  27. ^ a b c d e f g h i Bowers, John (2001). “Predication”. In Baltin, Mark; Collins, Chris. The Handbook of Contemporary Syntactic Theory. Blackwell. pp. 299-333 
  28. ^ a b c d e f g Sportiche, Dominique (1995). “French Predicate Clitics and Clause Structure”. In Cardinaletti, Anna. Syntax and Semantics 28: Small Clauses. San Diego, CA: Academic Press. pp. 287-324 
  29. ^ Matthews, Peter H. (2007). Syntactic Relations : A Critical Survey. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 
  30. ^ Tomacsek, Vivien (2014). “Approaches to the Structure of English Small Clauses”. The ODD Yearbook 9: 128–154. 
  31. ^ Pereltsvaig, Asya (2008). Copular Sentences in Russian: A Theory of Intra-Clausal Relations. Springer Science 
  32. ^ Citko, Barbara (2011b). Symmetry in Syntax: Merge, Move and Labels. Cambridge University Press. https://archive.org/details/symmetrysyntaxme00citk 
  33. ^ a b Moro, Andrea. (2008). The Anomaly of Copular Sentences. Ms., University of Venice.
  34. ^ Jackendoff, Ray (1974). Introduction to the X-bar Convention. Indiana University Linguistics Club 
  35. ^ Jackendoff, Ray (1977a). X-bar-Syntax: A Study of Phrase Structure. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press 
  36. ^ Jackendoff, Ray (1977b). “Constraints on Phrase Structure Rules”. In Culicover, Peter W.; Wasow, Thomas; Akmajian, Adrian. Formal Syntax. New York: Academic Press. pp. 249-283 
  37. ^ a b Eide, Kristin M.; Åfarli, Tor A. (1999). “The Syntactic Disguises of the Predication Operator” (英語). Studia Linguistica 53 (2): 155-181. 
  38. ^ Chomsky, Noam (1970). “Remarks on Nominalization”. In Jacobs, Roderick; Rosenbaum, Peter. Readings in English Transformational Grammar. Georgetown University School of Language. pp. 170–221 
  39. ^ Contreras, Heles (1987). “Small Clauses in Spanish and English”. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 5 (2): 225–243. 
  40. ^ a b Kim, Jong-Bok (2013). “On the Existence of Small Clauses in English”. 영어학연구 19: 67–88. http://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/4f2e/9ba465875edff8b4246e108dc9de5f1402cb.pdf. 
  41. ^ a b c d e Kreps, Christian (1994). “Another Look at Small Clauses”. University College Working Papers in Linguistics 6: 149–177. https://www.phon.ucl.ac.uk/publications/WPL/94papers/KREPS.pdf. 
  42. ^ Hornstein, Norbert; Lightfoot, David (1987). “Predication and PRO”. Language 63 (1): 23-52. https://repository.library.georgetown.edu/handle/10822/707734. 
  43. ^ Bailyn, John (2001). “The Syntax of Slavic Predicate Case”. Papers on Predicative Constructions: Proceedings of the Workshop on Secondary Predication, October 16-17. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/248885243. 
  44. ^ Bailyn, J. F. (1995). A Configurational Approach to Russian 'Free' Word Order (Ph.D. thesis). Cornell University.
  45. ^ Citko, Barbara (2008). “Small Clauses Reconsidered: Not So Small and Not All Alike”. Lingua 118: 261-295. 
  46. ^ a b c d Bayer, Samuel (1996). “The Coordination of Unlike Categories”. Language 72 (3): 579-616. 
  47. ^ a b c Basilico, David (2003). “The Topic of Small Clauses”. Linguistic Inquiry 34 (1): 1-35. 
  48. ^ a b c d e f g h Hong, Sungshim; Lasnik, Howard (2010). “A Note on 'Raising to Object' in Small Clauses and Full Clauses”. Journal of East Asian Linguistics 19 (3): 275-289. 
  49. ^ a b c d e f Giparaitė, Judita (2010). The Non-verbal Type of Small Clauses in English and Lithuanian. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars 
  50. ^ a b c d Wei, Ting-Chi (2007). “Nominal Predicates in Mandarin Chinese”. Taiwan Journal of Linguistics 5 (2): 85–130. http://tjl.nccu.edu.tw/main/uploads/5.2-4Wei__.pdf. 
  51. ^ a b Xie, Zhiguo (2014). “The Degree Use of the Possessive Verb Yǒu in Mandarin Chinese: A Unified Analysis and Its Rheoretical Implications”. Journal of East Asian Linguistics 23 (2): 113–156. 
  52. ^ a b c d e f Kato, Mary Aizawa (2007). “Free and Dependent Small Clauses in Brazilian Portuguese”. DELTA: Documentação de Estudos em Lingüística Teórica e Aplicada 23: 85-111. 
  53. ^ Sibaldo, Marcelo Amorim (2013). “Free Small Clauses of Brazilian Portuguese as a TP-Phrase”. Selected Proceedings of the 16th Hispanic Linguistics Symposium: 324-337. http://www.lingref.com/cpp/hls/16/paper2944.pdf. 
  54. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o Jiménez-Fernández, Á. L.; Spyropoulos, V (2013). “Feature Inheritance, vP Phases and the Information Structure of Small Clauses”. Studia Linguistica 67 (2): 185-224. 
  55. ^ a b c d e Izumi, Yu; Hayashi, Shintaro (2018). “Expressive Small Clauses in Japanese”. The Proceedings of Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics 14. 
  56. ^ a b c d e f Potts, Christopher; Roeper, Thomas (2006). “The Narrowing Acquisition Path: From Declarative to Expressive Small Clauses”. In Progovac, Ljiljana; Paesani, Kate; Casielles-Suárez, Eugenia et al.. The Syntax of Nonsententials: Multidisciplinary Perspectives. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. pp. 183-201 

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