Model View ViewModelとは? わかりやすく解説

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Model View ViewModel

(MVVMパターン から転送)

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2022/11/29 08:45 UTC 版)

Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM、モデル・ビュー・ビューモデル) はUIを持つソフトウェアに適用されるソフトウェアアーキテクチャの一種である[1]

  1. ^ "Model/View/ViewModel is ... tailored for modern UI development platforms" Gossman (2005). original post.
  2. ^ マーティン・ファウラー (2004年7月19日). “PresentationModel”. 2012年4月12日閲覧。
  3. ^ "In short, the UI part of the application is being developed using different tools, languages and by a different person than is the business logic or data backend." Gossman (2005). original post.
  4. ^ "In simple examples, the View is data bound directly to the Model. ... Other parts of the model can be edited by directly binding controls two-way to the data." Gossman (2005). original post.
  5. ^ "In practice however, only a small subset of application UI can be data bound directly to the Model" Gossman (2005). original post.
  6. ^ "The Model is very likely to have a data types that cannot be mapped directly to controls. The UI may want to perform complex operations that must be implemented in code which doesn't make sense in our strict definition of the View but are too specific to be included in the Model" Gossman (2005). original post.
  7. ^ "Finally we need a place to put view state such as selection or modes." Gossman (2005). original post.
  8. ^ "Model/View/ViewModel is thus a refinement of MVC that evolves it from its Smalltalk origins where the entire application was built using one environment and language, into the very familiar modern environment ..." Gossman (2005). original post.
  9. ^ "The term means 'Model of a View'" Gossman (2005). original post.
  10. ^ it also provides a specialization of the Model that the View can use for data-binding.  In this latter role the ViewModel contains data-transformers that convert Model types into View types, and it contains Commands the View can use to interact with the Model. Gossman (2005). original post.
  11. ^ "The View is almost always defined declaratively" Gossman (2005). original post.
  12. ^ "The View ... consists of ... controls of a GUI. ... controls themselves manage the interaction with the input devices that is the responsibility of Controller in MVC (what exactly happened to Controller in modern GUI development is a long digression...I tend to think it just faded into the background.  It is still there, but we don't have to think about it as much as we did in 1979)." Gossman (2005). original post.
  13. ^ "By the nature of ... declarative languages some view state that MVC encodes in its View classes is not easy to represent.  For example, the UI may have multiple modes of interaction such as "view mode" and "edit mode" that change the behavior of the controls or the look of the visuals, but these modes can't always be expressed in XAML" Gossman (2005). original post.
  14. ^ "MVVM パターンに厳密に関連づけられているわけではないにもかかわらず、Vue の設計は部分的にその影響を受けています。慣例的に、私たちはインスタンスを参照するのに変数 vm(ViewModel の短縮形)を使用します。" Vue.js v3. docs.
  15. ^ "多くのネイティブ アプリ開発者にとって親しみやすいモデル-ビュー-ビューモデル (MVVM: Model-View-ViewModel) パターンを踏襲しています。" ASP.NET Core - Razor ページを使った簡単な ASP.NET MVC アプリ.

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