ディジタル・イクイップメント・コーポレーションとは? わかりやすく解説

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(Digital Equipment Corporation から転送)

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2024/04/26 15:40 UTC 版)

ディジタル・イクイップメント・コーポレーション (Digital Equipment Corporation) は、かつてアメリカ合衆国を代表したコンピュータ企業の一つ。1957年ケン・オルセンによってマサチューセッツ州メイナードに設立された。略称DEC(デック)[注 1]」。欧米では「Digital」と略称されることも多い。


  1. ^ ディジタル・イクイップメント・コーポレーション自身が "DEC" を使った例: PDP11 Processor Handbook (1973): page 8, "DEC, PDP, UNIBUS are registered trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation;" page 1-4, "Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) designs and manufactures many of the peripheral devices offered with PDP-11's. As a designer and manufacturer of peripherals, DEC can offer extremely reliable equipment... The LA30 DECwriter, a totally DEC-designed and built teleprinter, can serve as an alternative to the Teletype."
  2. ^ 後にオルセンはホームオートメーションのことを言ったのだと主張した。"Ken Olsen"


  1. ^ a b DIGITAL Japan Profile”. 1998年1月30日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2016年6月17日閲覧。
  2. ^ a b 「インフォメーション」『Computer report』第4巻第12号、日本経営科学研究所、1964年、71頁、ISSN 0385-6658 
  3. ^ a b c 岩淵, 明男「日本DEC誕生までの道程」『超エクセレントカンパニーDEC』ティビーエス・ブリタニカ、1985年、168-184頁。ISBN 4-484-84214-9 
  4. ^ 『在日外資企業要覧 1984』日本工業新聞社、1983年、189頁。ISBN 4-8191-0308-3 
  5. ^ 日本ディジタルイクイップメント「日本DEC 昭和63年度6月期の決算報告 売り上げ高730億円、対前年度比25%の増収」『情報科学』第24巻第6号、情報科学研究所、1988年、88頁、ISSN 0368-3354 
  6. ^ 「企業研究:小さな巨人・DEC PART3 R&D戦略の拠点・日本DECの役割」『Decide』第5巻第3号、サバイバル出版、1987年、103-104頁、ISSN 0911-291X 
  7. ^ 「国内関係ニュース」『電子工業月報』第34巻第7号、日本電子工業振興協会、1992年、74頁。 
  8. ^ "MITRE's Project Whirlwind Computer Collection Transferred to MIT", MITRE, 1 July 2009
  9. ^ "Semi-Automatic Ground Environment (SAGE)" Archived 2009年5月13日, at the Wayback Machine., MITRE, 25 January 2005
  10. ^ "TX-0 Computer", Computer History Museum
  11. ^ The Computer Museum Report Volume 8 Spring 1984, The Computer Museum, Boston, MA,
  12. ^ a b c d e "Digital Equipment Corporation", International Directory of Company Histories, Volume 6, St. James Press, 1992
  13. ^ a b "A Proposal to American Research and Development Corporation 27 May 1957"
  14. ^ a b c Richard Best, Russell Doane and John McNamara, "Digital Modules, The Basis for Computers", Computer Engineering, A DEC view of hardware systems design", Digital Press, 1978
  15. ^ "DEC Laboratory Module – FLIP-FLOP 201", Computer History Museum
  16. ^ a b Present 1978, p. 3
  17. ^ a b Present 1978, p. 10
  18. ^ Eastern Joint Computer Conference and Exhibition, official program of 1959 meeting in Boston
  19. ^ "DIGITAL Computing Timeline, 1960"
  20. ^ Computers and Automation, April 1961, pg. 8B
  21. ^ "Bureau of Labor Statistics Inflation Calculator, 1961–2011"
  22. ^ "History of Computing", Lexikon Services, ISBN 0-944601-78-2
  23. ^ http://ftrcrblog.g2.xrea.com/PDP/23.html
  24. ^ Datamation, Volume 5 Number 6 (November/December), pg. 24
  25. ^ "Preliminary Specifications: Programmed Data Processor Model Three (PDP-3)", DEC, October 1960
  26. ^ Posting in "Announcements from The DEC Connection", The DEC Connection, 14 January 2007
  27. ^ a b c d http://ftrcrblog.g2.xrea.com/PDP/32.html
  28. ^ Gordon Bell, "DIGITAL Computing Timeline, 1964, PDP-7"
  29. ^ Gordon Bell, "DIGITAL Computing Timeline, 1965, PDP-7A"
  30. ^ Eric Steven Raymond, "Origins and History of Unix, 1969–1995", 19 September 2003
  31. ^ Gordon Bell, "DIGITAL Computing Timeline, 1965, PDP-9"
  32. ^ DEC Advertisement, Chemical and Engineering News, Volume 46 (1968), pg. 85
  33. ^ a b c d http://ftrcrblog.g2.xrea.com/PDP/33.html
  34. ^ Wesley Clark, "The Linc, Perhaps the First Mini-Computer", From Cave Paintings to the Internet
  35. ^ a b c d "DEC FAQ: What is a PDP-8?"
  36. ^ "DEC PDP-8 minicomputer, 1965", The Science Museum
  37. ^ "Internet History:1965", Computer History Museum
  38. ^ Present 1978, p. 7
  39. ^ http://ftrcrblog.g2.xrea.com/PDP/31.html
  40. ^ Present 1978, p. 8
  41. ^ Gordon Bell, "DIGITAL Computing Timeline, 1964, PDP-6"
  42. ^ "PDP-6 Timesharing Software", DEC Publication F-61B
  43. ^ a b Larry McGowan, "How the PDP-11 Was Born (according to Larry McGowan), 19 August 1998
  44. ^ alt.folklore.computers List of Frequently Asked Questions
  45. ^ "The day Jupiter went out of orbit", Electronic Business, Volume 10 (1984), pg. 76–79
  46. ^ DEC Microprocessors: NVAX (1991)
  47. ^ Croxton, Greg. “DEC Robin (VT-180) & documentation”. DigiBarn Computer Museum. 2011年3月21日閲覧。
  48. ^ Katan, M.B., Scholte, B.A., 1984. Application of a Professional 350 in a university department - a consumer’s report, in: Proceedings Digital Equipment Computer Users Society. Amsterdam, p. 368.
  49. ^ a b ASCII 1983年5月号, p. 98.
  50. ^ The Rainbow 100 Frequently Asked Questions”. Drive W. Approximatrix, LLC (2009年). 2010年12月15日閲覧。
  51. ^ a b Stravers, Kees. “The RX50 FAQ”. Kees's VAX page. 2011年3月21日閲覧。
  52. ^ "Geek Historian". “MP01482 RX50 EngrDrws Jul82”. Tech History – Digital Equipment Corporation. 2011年3月21日閲覧。
  53. ^ Wilson, John. “PUTR.COM V2.01”. 2011年3月21日閲覧。 This relatively-recent work is a well-developed example of programs to enhance interchange of data between DEC formatted media and standard PC systems
  54. ^ John Hennessy, David Patterson and David Goldberg, "Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach", Morgan Kaufmann, 2003, pg. 152
  55. ^ John Markoff, "Market Place; Digital Finally Follows a Trend", The New York Times, 16 July 1990
  56. ^ Dileep Bhandarkar et al., "High performance issue oriented architecture", Proceedings of Compcon Spring '90, pg. 153–160
  57. ^ Mark Smotherman, "PRISM (Parallel Reduced Instruction Set Machine)", Clemson University School of Computing, October 2009
  58. ^ Thomas Furlong et al., "Development of the DECstation 3100", Digital Technical Journal, Volume 2 Number 2 (Spring 1990), pg. 84–88
  59. ^ www.top500.org Top 10 Supercomputing Sites, November 2004
  60. ^ The digital LOGO Vt100.net
  61. ^ Schein 2003, pp. 67, 109
  62. ^ Schein 2003, p. 233
  63. ^ Schein 2003, pp. 128, 144, 234
  64. ^ PDP-11 RSX RT RSTS Emulator Osprey Charon
  65. ^ "DEC, Cyrix sue Intel", by Gale Bradley and Jim Detar, Electronic News 43, #2168 (19 May 1997), ISSN 1061-6624.
  66. ^ SEC Web site retrieved 22 January 2008
  67. ^ 速報:米COMPAQ、米DECを96億ドルで買収”. PC Watch (1998年1月26日). 2012年8月30日閲覧。
  68. ^ Digital Equipment Corp - Takeover By Compaq Computer Corp.
  69. ^ Digital Technical Journal – Online Issues
  70. ^ dec.com
  71. ^ DECTEI-L Archives – February 1994 (#2)[リンク切れ]



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