Antheraxanthinとは? わかりやすく解説

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  6. ^ Kováč D, et al 2013. Response of green reflectance continuum removal index to the xanthophyll de-epoxidation cycle in Norway spruce needles. Journal of Experimental Botany 64, 1817-1827
  7. ^ Eskling M, Arvidsson P, & Akerland H, 1997. The xanthophyll cycle, its regulation and components. Physiologia Plantarum 100, 806-816
  8. ^ Havaux M, 1998. Carotenoids as membrane stabilizers in chloroplasts. Trends in Plant Science 3, 147-151
  9. ^ Kováč D, et al 2013. Response of green reflectance continuum removal index to the xanthophyll de-epoxidation cycle in Norway spruce needles. Journal of Experimental Botany 64, 1817-1827
  10. ^ Molina-Montenegro MA, Penuelas J, Munne-Bosch S, & Sardans J, 2012. Higher plasticity in ecophysiological traits enhances the performance and invasion success of Taraxacum officinale (dandelion) in alpine environments. Biology of Invasions 14, 21-33
  11. ^ a b Eskling M, Arvidsson P, & Åkerlund H, 1997. The xanthophyll cycle, its regulation and components. Physiologia Plantarum 100, 806-816


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