ヤツデヒトデとは? わかりやすく解説

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学名 Coscinasterias actispina


出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2024/01/14 00:38 UTC 版)

ヤツデヒトデ (八手海星[2]学名Coscinasterias acutispina) は、日本沿岸で普通なヒトデの1種。腕が8本前後ある。

  1. ^ ヤツデヒトデ - Biological Information System for Marine Life (JAMSTEC)
  2. ^ 『日本大百科全書』小学館、1984~1994。 
  3. ^ a b c Shibata, D., Hirano,Y., and M. Komatsu, 2011. "Life Cycle of the Multiarmed Sea Star Coscinasterias acutispina (Stimpson, 1862) in Laboratory Culture: Sexual and Asexual Reproductive Pathways." Zoological Science28: p.313-317, doi:10.2108/zsj.28.313.
  4. ^ a b 西村(1995)p.525
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  6. ^ a b c d e f Seto, Y., Moriyama, Y., Fujita, D., and M. Komatsu, 2000, "Sexual and Asexual Reproduction in Two Populations of the Fissiparous Asteroid Coscinasterias acutispina in Toyama Bay, Japan." Benthos Research 55: 85-93, doi:10.5179/benthos1996.55.2_85.
  7. ^ Noumura,T.and H.Kanatani, 1962..Induction of spawning by radial nerve extracts in some starfishes. Journal of the Faculty of Science,Tokyo University9: 397-402.
  8. ^ Oguro,C., and M. Komatsu,1984. Reproduction and development of sea stars I. Aquabiology30:24-32, NAID 10006686372.
  9. ^ 小松他(1998)
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  11. ^ Haramoto, S.; Komatsu, M.; Yamazaki, Y. (2006-03-02). “Population genetic structures of the fissiparous seastar Coscinasterias acutispina in the Sea of Japan” (英語). Marine Biology 149 (4): 813-820. doi:10.1007/s00227-005-0163-6. ISSN 0025-3162. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00227-005-0163-6. 
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  14. ^ Fujita, D., Seto, Y., Moriyama, Y. and Komatsu, M. 2001. Coscinasterias acutispina: Distribution and ecology in Toyama Bay. in Barker, M. (Ed. ), Echinoderms. Swets and Zeitlinger, Lisse, p.169-174, NAID 10014564419.
  15. ^ 藤田大介, 瀬戸陽一「富山湾のヤツデヒトデについて(予報)」『富山県水産試験場研究報告』第10巻、富山県水産試験場、1998年、53-64頁、ISSN 0915-6542NAID 40004864651  p.63 より
  16. ^ Haramoto, Shinji; Komatsu, Mieko; Yamazaki, Yuji (2007-11). “Patterns of Asexual Reproduction in the Fissiparous Seastar Coscinasterias acutispina (Asteroidea: Echinodermata) in Japan” (英語). Zoological Science 24 (11): 1075-1081. doi:10.2108/zsj.24.1075. ISSN 0289-0003. https://doi.org/10.2108/zsj.24.1075. 
  17. ^ a b Koichiro Nakamura, Toshihiko Fujita., "Ammothea hilgendorfi (Pycnogonida: Ammotheidae) Associated with a Sea-Star, Coscinasterias acutispina (Echinodermata: Asteroidea), from Sagami Bay, Japan.", Species Diversity. 2004年 9巻 3号 p.251-258, doi:10.12782/specdiv.9.251
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  35. ^ ヒトデガイドブック, p. 76.
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