ヘブリディーズ諸島とは? わかりやすく解説

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[補説] 作品名別項。→ヘブリディーズ諸島



原題、(ドイツ)Die Hebriden》⇒フィンガルの洞窟


出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2023/03/22 13:40 UTC 版)

ヘブリディーズ諸島(ヘブリディーズしょとう、英語Hebrides, 発音: [ˈhɛbrɨdiːz], HEB-ri-deez; , スコットランド・ゲール語Innse Gall)は、スコットランド西岸に広範囲に広がる島嶼部の総称である。この島嶼部は、インナー・ヘブリディーズアウター・ヘブリディーズの2つのグループに分けられる。これらの島々は中石器時代にさかのぼる長い歴史を持ち、ケルト人ノース人、英語を話す人々からの相次ぐ占領で、住民の文化は影響を受けてきた。島の名にこれらの影響が反映されている[3]

  1. ^ a b ヘブリディーズ諸島とは”. コトバンク. 2020年10月24日閲覧。
  2. ^ General Register Office for Scotland (28 November 2003) Occasional Paper No 10: Statistics for Inhabited Islands. (pdf) Retrieved 22 January 2011. Archived 22 November 2011 at the Wayback Machine.
  3. ^ Haswell-Smith, Hamish. (2004) The Scottish Islands. Edinburgh. Canongate. ISBN 1-84195-454-3
  4. ^ Rollinson, Hugh (September 1997) " Britain's oldest rocks" Geology Today. 13 no.5 pp. 185-190.
  5. ^ Gillen, Con (2003) Geology and landscapes of Scotland. Harpenden. Terra Publishing. Pages 44 and 142.
  6. ^ Rollinson (1997) states that the oldest rocks in Europe have been found "near Gruinard Bay" on the Scottish mainland. Gillen (2003) p. 44 indicates the oldest rocks in Europe are found "in the Northwest Highlands and Outer Hebrides". McKirdy, Alan Gordon, John & Crofts, Roger (2007) Land of Mountain and Flood: The Geology and Landforms of Scotland. Edinburgh. Birlinn. p. 93 state of the Lewisian gneiss bedrock of much of the Outer Hebrides that "these rocks are amongst the oldest to be found anywhere on the planet". Other non-geological sources sometimes claim the rocks of Lewis and Harris are "the oldest in Britain", meaning that they are the oldest deposits of large bedrock. As Rollinson makes clear they are not the location of the oldest small outcrop.
  7. ^ Keay & Keay (1994) p. 507.
  8. ^ Encyclopædia Britannica (1978) states: Hebrides - group of islands of the west coast of Scotland extending in an arc between 55.35 and 58.30 N and 5.26 and 8.40 W." This includes Gigha, St Kilda and everything up to Cape Wrath – although not North Rona.
  9. ^ Mac an Tàilleir, Iain (2004) 1901-2001 Gaelic in the Census (PowerPoint ) Linguae Celticae. Retrieved 1 June 2008.
  10. ^ Louis DEROY & Marianne MULON, 1992, Dictionnaire de noms de lieux, Paris: Le Robert, article "Hébrides"
  11. ^ Anderson, Joseph (Ed.) (1893) Orkneyinga Saga. Translated by Jón A. Hjaltalin & Gilbert Goudie. Edinburgh. James Thin and Mercat Press (1990 reprint). ISBN 0-901824-25-9
  12. ^ Occupation at a site on Rùm is dated to 8590+/-95 uncorrected radiocarbon years BP. Edwards, Kevin J., and Mithen, Steven (Feb., 1995) "The Colonization of the Hebridean Islands of Western Scotland: Evidence from the Palynological and Archaeological Records," World Archaeology. 26. No. 3. p. 348. Retrieved 20 April 2008.
  13. ^ Li, Martin (2005) Adventure Guide to Scotland. Hunter Publishing. p. 509.
  14. ^ "Mummification in Bronze Age Britain" BBC History. Retrieved 11 February 2008.
  15. ^ "The Prehistoric Village at Cladh Hallan". University of Sheffield. Retrieved 21 February 2008.
  16. ^ [1] Scottish Gazetteer from the University of Edinburgh's Department of Geography.
  17. ^ See for example Haycock, David Boyd. "Much Greater, Than Commonly Imagined." Archived 2009年2月26日, at the Wayback Machine. The Newton Project. Retrieved 14 March 2008.
  18. ^ Moffat, Alistair (2005) Before Scotland: The Story of Scotland Before History. London. Thames & Hudson. pp. 239-40.
  19. ^ Text of the poem in Gaelic, with Sorley Maclean's own translation into English Archived 2007年5月21日, at the Wayback Machine. Retrieved 2 June 2007.
  20. ^ フローレンス・ウィリアムズ 『NATURE FIX 自然が最高の脳をつくる』NHK出版、2017年、201頁。ISBN 978-4-14-081718-6 
  21. ^ "Famous Visitors to the Islands - Luchd-tadhail Ainmeil" Culture Hebrides. Retrieved 26 July 2008.
  22. ^ Birkin, Andrew, The Lost Boys. Yale University Press.




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