ニュートン=カントロビッチの定理とは? わかりやすく解説

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  1. ^ a b c d e 大石進一(編著)『精度保証付き数値計算の基礎』コロナ社、2018年7月。ISBN 978-4-339-02887-4 
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  3. ^ a b c 山本哲朗「Newton法とその周辺」『数学』第37巻第1号、1985年、1-15頁、doi:10.11429/sugaku1947.37.1 
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  6. ^ Ortega, J. M. (1968). “The Newton-Kantorovich Theorem”. Amer. Math. Monthly 75 (6): 658–660. doi:10.2307/2313800. JSTOR 2313800. 
  7. ^ Gragg, W. B.; Tapia, R. A. (1974). “Optimal Error Bounds for the Newton-Kantorovich Theorem”. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 11 (1): 10–13. doi:10.1137/0711002. JSTOR 2156425. 
  8. ^ A. M. Ostrowski, “La method de Newton dans les espaces de Banach,” C. R. Acad. Sei. Paris, 27 (A) (1971), 1251–1253.
  9. ^ A. M. Ostrowski, Solution of Equations in Euclidean and Banach Spaces, Academic Press, New York, 1973.
  10. ^ F. A. Potra and V. Ptak, “Sharp error bounds for Newton’s process,” Numer. Math., 34 (1980), 63–72.
  11. ^ G. J. Miel, “An updated version of the Kantorovich theorem for Newton’s method,” Computing, 27 (1981), 237–244.
  12. ^ F. A. Potra, “On the a posteriori error estimates for Newton’s method,” Beiträge zur Numerische Mathematik, 12 (1984), 125–138.
  13. ^ Yamamoto, T. (1986). A method for finding sharp error bounds for Newton's method under the Kantorovich assumptions. Numerische Mathematik, 49(2-3), 203-220.
  14. ^ Rajkovic, P. M., Stankovic, M. S., & Marinkovic, S. D. (2003). On q-iterative methods for solving equations and systems. Novi Sad J. Math, 33(2), 127-137.
  15. ^ Rajković, P. M., Marinković, S. D., & Stanković, M. S. (2005). On q-Newton–Kantorovich method for solving systems of equations. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 168(2), 1432-1448.
  16. ^ Ortega, J. M., & Rheinboldt, W. C. (1970). Iterative Solution of Nonlinear Equations in Several Variables. SIAM.


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