松村外志張とは? わかりやすく解説

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松村 外志張(まつむら としはる、1939年9月6日-)は、日本生命科学研究者・バイオ技術者。理学博士東京都生まれ。

  1. ^ 博士論文書誌データベース
  2. ^ (1) Matsumura, T., Shinmei, M. and Nagai, Y. (1973) Disaggregation of Connective Tissue: Preparation of Fibrous Components from Sea Cucumber Body Wall and Calf Skin. J. Biochem. (Tokyo), 73: 155-162. (2) Matsumura, T. (1973) Shape, Size and Amino Acid Composition of Collagen Fibril of the Starfish Asterias Amurensis. Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 44B: 1197-1205. (3) Matsumura, T. (1974) Collagen Fibrils of the Sea Cucumber, Stichopus Japonicus: Purification and Morphological Study: Connective Tissue Res., 2: 117-125. (4) Matsumura, T., Hasegawa, M. and Shigei, M. (1979) Collagen Biochemistry and Phylogeny of Echinoderms. Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 62B: 101-105.
  3. ^ (1) Matsumura, T., Pfendt, E. A. and Hayflick, L. (1979) DNA Synthesis in the Human Diploid Cell Strain WI-38 During in Vitro Aging an Autoradiography Study. J. Geront., 34: 323-327. (2) Matsumura, T., Zerrudo, Z. and Leonard, H. (1979) Senescent Human Diploid Cells in Culture Survival, DNA Synthesis and Morphology. J. Geront., 34: 328-334.
  4. ^ Matsumura, T. (1980) Multinucleation and Polyploidization of Aging Human Cells in Culture Aging Phenomena. (Eds. K. Oota et al.), Plenum Press, N. Y., 31-38.
  5. ^ Matsumura, T., Hunter, J., Farooq, M. and Holliday,R. (1989) Maintenance of DNA Methylation Level in SV40-Infected Human Fibroblasts during their in Vitro Limited Proliferative Life Span. Exp. Cell Res., 184: 148-157.
  6. ^ (1) Matsumura, T., Masuda, K., Murakami,Y. and Konishi, R. (1983) Family Trees Representing the Finitely Proliferative Nature of Cultured Rat Liver Cells. Cell Str. Func. (Japan Soc. Cell Biol.), 8: 293-301. (2) Matsumura, T. (1983) A Rare Family Tree of Cultured Rat Cells Showing a Change in Proliferative Potential. Cell Biol. Int. Rep., 7: 931-935. (3) Matsumura, T. (1984) Sequence of Cell Life Phases in a Finitely Proliferative Population of Cultured Rat Cells, A Genealogy Study. J. Cell. Physiol., 119: 145-154. (4) Matsumura, T., Hayashi, M. and Konishi, R. (1985) Immortalization in Culture of Rat Cells, A genealogic Study. J. Natl. Cancer Inst., 74: 1223-1232. (5) Matsumura T. (1999) Monograph "Cell Immortalization" in ed. A. Macieira-Coelho, Cellular Genealogy of In-vitro Senescence and Immortalization. Springer Verlag GmbH & Co., Heidelberg, Germany, p.103-119.
  7. ^ (1) Matsumura, T., Yamanaka, T., Hashizume, S., Irie, Y. and Nitta, K. (1975) Tissue Dispersion, Cell Harvest and Fluid Suspension Culture by the Use of Bacterial Neutral Protease Japan. J. Exp. Med., 45: 377-382. (2) Matsumura, T., Nitta, K., Yoshikawa, M., Takaoka, T. and Katsuta, H. (1975) Action of Bacterial Neutral Protease on the Dispersion of Mammalian Cells in Tissue Culture. Japan. J. Exp. Med., 45: 383-392. (3) Nagata, M. and Matsumura, T. (1986) Action of the Bacterial Neutral Protease, Dispase, on Cultured Cells and its Application to Fluid Suspension Culture with a Review on Biomedical Application of This Protease. Japan. J. Exp. Med., 56: 297-307.
  8. ^ (1) Matsumura, T., Sawai, Y., Suzuki, J. and Fuzimori, T. (1993) Circulatory Culture Equipment. US Patent 5270207. (2) Nakamichi, N., Noda, A., Yonezu, T., Koike, K. and Matsumura, T. (1997) Structure and Expression of Integrated Hepatitis B Virus Genes in an HBs Antigen Producing Human Cell Line (huGK-14). Cytotechnology, 25: 61-70. (3) Nakamichi, N., Noda, A., Yonezu, T., Koike K. and Matsumura T. (1998) Characterization of an HBs Antigen Producing Cell Line huGK14 at the Molecular Level. In K. Nagai and M.Wachi (eds.) Animal Cell Technology Basic and Applied Aspects, 9: 51-57.
  9. ^ Matsumura, T., Mitsui, Y., Fujiwara,Y., Ishii, T. and Shimada, H. (1980) Cell, Tissue and Organ Banks in Japan with Special Reference to the Study of Premature Aging. Japan. J. Exp. Med., 50: 321-328.
  10. ^ 絵野沢伸・鈴木盛一・雨宮浩・土 信明・宇都木伸・松村外志張ほか (2000) 公共的な研究用ヒト組織バンク設立のための検討 -国立小児病院における摘出ヒト扁桃リンパ組織バンク構築の試み-. Tiss. Cult. Res. Commun., 19: 163-183.
  11. ^ 松村外志張ほか(日本組織培養学会倫理問題検討委員会)(1998) 非医療分野におけるヒト組織・細胞の取り扱いについて-とくに組織培養研究での取り扱いを中心とした法・倫理・安全視点からの基本的遵守事項と自主ルール構築のための参考事項-. 組織培養研究,17: 117-171.
  12. ^ (1) 松村外志張 (2004) 患者本人の治療以外の目的での人体ならびにその部分を対象とする取り扱いの在り方について-その基本原則たたき台(V1.1)の提案と古典的倫理諸原則との対比-. 組織培養研究, 23: 91-114. (2) 松村外志張 (2005) 臓器提供に思う-直接本人の医療に関わらない人体組織等の取り扱いルールのたたき台提案-. 移植, 40-No. 2: 129-142. (3) Matsumura, T., English, V., Sato, Y. and Utsugi, S. (eds.) Law and Ethics of Human Tissue Uses: A Comparison of the Approach to Regulation in England (Human Tissue Act 2004) and Japan. Proc. Workshop Meet. Intern. Understanding of Human Tissue Uses. Harumi, Tokyo, Japan. November 18-19, 2006. Published in 2008.


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