テペ・シアルクとは? わかりやすく解説

Weblio 辞書 > 辞書・百科事典 > 百科事典 > テペ・シアルクの意味・解説 


(テペ・スィアールク から転送)

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2019/04/06 09:36 UTC 版)

座標: 北緯33度58分08秒 東経51度24分17秒 / 北緯33.968915度 東経51.404738度 / 33.968915; 51.404738 (Sialk)

  1. ^ Cultural Heritage Organization of Iran (CHN) report: "Zayandeh Rood Civilization Linked to Marvdasht and Sialk". Accessed January 30, 2007. Link: Chnpress.com
  2. ^ Roman Ghirshman, Fouilles de Sialk près de Kashan, 1933, 1934, 1937, vol. 1, Paul Geuthner, 1938
  3. ^ Ghirshman, Fouilles de Sialk, vol. 2, Paul Geuthner, 1939
  4. ^ D. E. McCown, The Comparative Stratigraphy of Early Iran, Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization no. 23, Oriental Institute of Chicago, 1942
  5. ^ Yousef Majidzadeh, Correction of the Internal Chronology for the Sialk III Period on the Basis of the Pottery Sequence at Tepe Ghabristan, Iran, vol. 16, pp. 93-101, 1978
  6. ^ S.M. Shahmirzadi, The Ziggurat of Sialk, Sialk Reconsideration Project Report No. 1, Archaeological Research Center. Iranian Cultural Heritage Organization, 2002, (Persian)
  7. ^ S.M. Shahmirzadi, The Silversmiths of Sialk, Sialk Reconsideration Project Report No. 2, Archaeological Research Center. Iranian Cultural Heritage Organization, 2003, (Persian)
  8. ^ S.M. Shahmirzadi, The Potters of Sialk, Sialk Reconsideration Project Report No. 3, Archaeological Research Center. Iranian Cultural Heritage Organization, 2004, (Persian)
  9. ^ S.M. Shahmirzadi, The Smelters of Sialk, Sialk Reconsideration Project Report No. 4, Archaeological Research Center. Iranian Cultural Heritage Organization, 2005, (Persian)
  10. ^ Langer, William L., ed (1972). An Encyclopedia of World History (5th ed.). Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Company. pp. 17. ISBN 0-395-13592-3. 


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