オスマン・ハムディ・ベイとは? わかりやすく解説

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(Osman Hamdi Bey から転送)

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2022/07/22 18:28 UTC 版)

オスマン・ハムディ・ベイトルコ語: Osman Hamdi Bey1842年12月30日 - 1910年2月24日[1])は、オスマン帝国の行政官、知識人、美術専門家であり、また傑出した草創期の画家だった。優れた考古学者でもあり、トルコにおける博物館キュレーターの草分けとみなされている。オスマン・ハムディ・ベイはイスタンブール考古学博物館およびイスタンブール芸術アカデミー(現在のミマール・スィナン芸術大学)の設立者だった。

  1. ^ Bloom, Jonathan; Blair, Sheila (14 May 2009). Grove Encyclopedia of Islamic Art & Architecture: Three-Volume Set. Oxford University Press. p. 80. ISBN 9780195309911. https://books.google.com/?id=HoPrAAAAMAAJ&q=Osman+Hamdi+Bey+december+1842&dq=Osman+Hamdi+Bey+december+1842 
  2. ^ Shaw, Wendy M. K. (12 June 2003). Possessors and possessed: museums, archaeology, and the visualization of history in the late Ottoman Empire. University of California Press. p. 2003. ISBN 0-520-23335-2. "(Osman Hamdi)…His father, Ibrahim Edhem, was born in the Greek Orthodox village of Sakiz. After being captured as a prisoner of war during a village revolt, he was sold as a slave to the chief naval officer, Kaptan-ı Derya Hüsrev Pasha, the head of the Ottoman Navy, who would also soon serve as vizier to the sultan." 
  3. ^ Shankland, David (2004). Archaeology, anthropology, and heritage in the Balkans and Anatolia: the life and times of F.W. Hasluck, 1878–1920. Isis Press. p. 125. ISBN 975-428-280-3. "Osman Hamdi Bey's father, Edhem Pasha (ca. 1818–1893) was a high official of the Empire. A Greek boy captured on Chios after the 1822 massacres, he was acquired and brought up by Hüsrev Pasha, who sent him to Paris in 1831 in order to acquire a western education." 
  4. ^ Littell, Eliakim (1888). The Living age. The Living Age Co.. p. 614. OCLC 10173561. "Edhem Pasha was a Greek by birth, pure and unadulterated, having when an infant been stolen from the island of Chios at the time of the great massacre there" 
  5. ^ "Kaplumbağa Terbiyecisi", Osman Hamdi Bey'in Romanı, Emre Can, Kapı Yayınları, 2008, pp 200–201
  6. ^ The Encyclopædia Britannica, Vol.7, Edited by Hugh Chisholm, (1911), 3; "Constantinople, the capital of the Turkish Empire...".
  7. ^ Wendy M.K. Shaw, Possessors and Possessed: Museums, Archaeology, and visualisation of history in the late Ottoman Empire. University of California Press 2003, p. 98 0-520-23335-2
  8. ^ Bloom J. and Blair, S., The Grove Encyclopedia of Islamic Art and Architecture, Oxford University Press, 2009 Vol. 3, p.361
  9. ^ a b W. Shaw, p. 98
  10. ^ a b c d "Aşık olduğu iki kadının adı da Marie'ydi...", Posta.com.tr, 11 October 2010.
  11. ^ Çelik, Zeynep (2016). About Antiquities: Politics of Archaeology in the Ottoman Empire. Austin: University of Texas Press. pp. 62–63 
  12. ^ Osman Hamdi Bey & Amerikalılar : arkeoloji, diplomasi sanat = Osman Hamdi Bey & the Americans : archaeology, diplomacy, art. Holod, Renata., Ousterhout, Robert G.. İstanbul. pp. 32. ISBN 9789759123895. OCLC 769236334 
  13. ^ Expedition Magazine | Nippur and Hamdi Bey”. www.penn.museum. 2019年2月19日閲覧。
  14. ^ W. Shaw, p. 99
  15. ^ Le Tumulus de Nemroud-Dagh : voyage, description, inscriptions ... | 1886 - Collections patrimoniales numérisées de Bordeaux Montaigne” (フランス語). 1886.u-bordeaux-montaigne.fr. 2018年1月21日閲覧。
  16. ^ Holod, Renata, Ousterhout, Robert (2011). Osman Hamdi Bey & Amerikalılar : Arkeoloji, Diplomasi, Sanat = Osman Hamdi Bey & the Americans : Archaeology, Diplomacy, Art.. İstanbul: Pera Müzesi. pp. 23. ISBN 9789759123895. OCLC 1030061364 


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