Control.Width プロパティとは? わかりやすく解説

Control.Width プロパティ


名前空間: System.Windows.Forms
アセンブリ: System.Windows.Forms ( 内)


フォーム3 つの Button コントロール作成しサイズ関連位置関連各種プロパティ使用してそのサイズ位置設定するコード例次に示します。この例では、幅と高さが 300 ピクセル以上ある Form存在している必要があります

' Create three buttons and place them on a form using 
' several size and location related properties. 
Private Sub AddOKCancelButtons()
   ' Set the button size and location using 
      ' the Size and Location properties. 
   Dim buttonOK As New Button()
   buttonOK.Location = New Point(136, 248)
   buttonOK.Size = New Size(75, 25)
   ' Set the Text property and make the 
   ' button the form's default button. 
   buttonOK.Text = "&OK"
   Me.AcceptButton = buttonOK
   ' Set the button size and location using the Top, 
   ' Left, Width, and Height properties. 
   Dim buttonCancel As New
   buttonCancel.Top = buttonOK.Top
   buttonCancel.Left = buttonOK.Right + 5
   buttonCancel.Width = buttonOK.Width
   buttonCancel.Height = buttonOK.Height
   ' Set the Text property and make the 
   ' button the form's cancel button. 
   buttonCancel.Text = "&Cancel"
   Me.CancelButton = buttonCancel
   ' Set the button size and location using 
   ' the Bounds property. 
   Dim buttonHelp As New
   buttonHelp.Bounds = New Rectangle(10, 10, 75, 25)
   ' Set the Text property of the button.
   buttonHelp.Text = "&Help"
   ' Add the buttons to the form.
   Me.Controls.AddRange(New Control() {buttonOK,
 buttonCancel, buttonHelp})
End Sub
// Create three buttons and place them on a form using 
// several size and location related properties. 
private void AddOKCancelButtons()
   // Set the button size and location using 
   // the Size and Location properties.
   Button buttonOK = new Button();
   buttonOK.Location = new Point(136,248);
   buttonOK.Size = new Size(75,25);
   // Set the Text property and make the 
   // button the form's default button. 
   buttonOK.Text = "&OK";
   this.AcceptButton = buttonOK;

   // Set the button size and location using the Top, 
   // Left, Width, and Height properties.
   Button buttonCancel = new Button();
   buttonCancel.Top = buttonOK.Top;
   buttonCancel.Left = buttonOK.Right + 5;
   buttonCancel.Width = buttonOK.Width;
   buttonCancel.Height = buttonOK.Height;
   // Set the Text property and make the 
   // button the form's cancel button.
   buttonCancel.Text = "&Cancel";
   this.CancelButton = buttonCancel;

   // Set the button size and location using 
   // the Bounds property.
   Button buttonHelp = new Button();
   buttonHelp.Bounds = new Rectangle(10,10, 75, 25);
   // Set the Text property of the button.
   buttonHelp.Text = "&Help";

   // Add the buttons to the form.
   this.Controls.AddRange(new Control[] {buttonOK,
 buttonCancel, buttonHelp} );
// Create three buttons and place them on a form using
// several size and location related properties.
void AddOKCancelButtons()
   // Set the button size and location using
   // the Size and Location properties.
   Button^ buttonOK = gcnew Button;
   buttonOK->Location = Point(136,248);
   buttonOK->Size = System::Drawing::Size( 75, 25 );
   // Set the Text property and make the
   // button the form's default button.
   buttonOK->Text = "&OK";
   this->AcceptButton = buttonOK;
   // Set the button size and location using the Top,
   // Left, Width, and Height properties.
   Button^ buttonCancel = gcnew Button;
   buttonCancel->Top = buttonOK->Top;
   buttonCancel->Left = buttonOK->Right + 5;
   buttonCancel->Width = buttonOK->Width;
   buttonCancel->Height = buttonOK->Height;
   // Set the Text property and make the
   // button the form's cancel button.
   buttonCancel->Text = "&Cancel";
   this->CancelButton = buttonCancel;
   // Set the button size and location using
   // the Bounds property.
   Button^ buttonHelp = gcnew Button;
   buttonHelp->Bounds = Rectangle(10,10,75,25);
   // Set the Text property of the button.
   buttonHelp->Text = "&Help";
   // Add the buttons to the form.
   array<Control^>^temp1 = {buttonOK,buttonCancel,buttonHelp};
   this->Controls->AddRange( temp1 );
// Create three buttons and place them on a form using 
// several size and location related properties. 
private void AddOKCancelButtons()
    // Set the button size and location using 
    // the Size and Location properties.
    Button buttonOK = new Button();
    buttonOK.set_Location(new Point(136, 248));
    buttonOK.set_Size(new Size(75, 25));
    // Set the Text property and make the 
    // button the form's default button. 
    // Set the button size and location using the Top, 
    // Left, Width, and Height properties.
    Button buttonCancel = new Button();
    buttonCancel.set_Left(buttonOK.get_Right() + 5);
    // Set the Text property and make the 
    // button the form's cancel button.
    // Set the button size and location using 
    // the Bounds property.
    Button buttonHelp = new Button();
    buttonHelp.set_Bounds(new Rectangle(10, 10, 75, 25));
    // Set the Text property of the button.
    // Add the buttons to the form.
    this.get_Controls().AddRange(new Control[]
 { buttonOK, buttonCancel,
        buttonHelp });
} //AddOKCancelButtons

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「Control.Width プロパティ」の関連用語

Control.Width プロパティのお隣キーワード



Control.Width プロパティのページの著作権
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