メロドラマとは? わかりやすく解説

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メロドラマ: Melodrama, : Melodrame, : Melodramma, : Melodram, 西: Melodrama)は、演劇映画のジャンルの一つで、一般に感情の起伏を誇張した感傷的な恋愛劇を指す[1]。「メロ」はギリシア語の「メロス(歌)」に由来し、かつて通俗的な芝居がしばしば甘ったるい扇情的な音楽とともに上演されたことからこの名前がある[2]御都合主義や通俗性から蔑称として用いられることもあるが、映画とテレビドラマでは草創期から現在に到るまで繰り返し作品が作られてきたジャンルである。

  1. ^ a b c d Gerould, Daniel, ed. (1980) Melodrama. New York Literary Forum 7. New York: New York Literary Forum.; Davis, Jim (2015). "melodrama." The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Stage Actors and Acting, ed. by Simon Williams, Cambridge UP.
  2. ^ a b Gould, Marty (2018) “Melodrama and Empire”, The Cambridge Companion to English Melodrama, New York: Cambridge UP.
  3. ^ Mayer, David (2004) “Encountering Melodrama”, The Cambridge Companion to Victorian and Edwardian Theatre, ed. by Kerry Powell, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge UP, pp. 145–163.
  4. ^ Thomas Holocroft, A Tale of Mystery: A Melo-drame (1802)
  5. ^ Nicoll, Allardyce (1959) A History of English Drama, 1660–1900. Vol. 4, Early Nineteenth Century Drama, 1800–1850, 2d ed. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge UP.
  6. ^ Kuhn, Annette and Guy Westwel (2012) “melodrama”, A Dictionary of Film Studies, Oxford UP.
  7. ^ a b Altman, Rick (1992) “Dickens, Griffith, and Film Theory Today”, Classical Hollywood Narrative: The Paradigm Wars, ed. by Jane Gaines, Durham, NC: Duke UP, pp. 9–47.
  8. ^ Gledhill, Christine et al. eds (1994) Melodrama: Stage, Picture, Screen. London: British Film Institute.
  9. ^ BFI Screenonline: Gainsborough Melodrama”. www.screenonline.org.uk. 2020年5月23日閲覧。
  10. ^ Landy, Marcia, ed. (1991) Imitations of Life: A Reader on Film and Television Melodrama, Detroit: Wayne State UP.; Mercer, John and Martin Shingler (2004) Melodrama: Genre, Style, Sensibility, New York: Wallflower Pr.
  11. ^ Mulvey, Laura (1994) “‘It Will Be a Magnificent Obsession’: The Melodrama’s Role in the Development of Contemporary Film Theory”, Melodrama: Stage, Picture, Screen, ed. by Christine Gledhill et al., London: British Film Institute, pp. 121–133.; Neale, Steve (1986) “Melodrama and Tears”, Screen, 27:6, pp. 6-23.
  12. ^ a b Elsaesser, Thomas (1973) “Fire and Fury: Observations on the Family Melodrama”, Film Genre Reader IV, ed. by Barry Keith Grant, Austin: U. of Texas Pr., 2012.
  13. ^ Kaplan, E. Ann (1983) “Theories of Melodrama: A Feminist Perspective.” Women in Performance, 1: 40–48. A
  14. ^ Belau, Linda and Ed Cameron (2016) "Melodrama, Sickness, and Paranoia: Todd Haynes and the Woman's Film", Film & History: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Film and Television, 46:2, pp. 35-
  15. ^ Melodramas Films”. www.filmsite.org. 2020年5月23日閲覧。
  16. ^ ウルリヒ・ミヒェルス編『図解音楽辞典』角倉一朗日本語版監修、白水社、1989年、345頁。ISBN 978-4560036860
  17. ^ a b c d e Cox, Philip. "Melodrama, Origin and Development." Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Literature: The Encyclopedia of Romantic Literature, Frederick Burwick, et al. eds., 1st ed., Wiley, 2012.
  18. ^ a b c Randel, Don Michael. "Melodrama." The Harvard Dictionary of Music, 4th ed., Harvard University Press, 2003.
  19. ^ a b Smith, James L. Melodrama, Methuen, 1973.
  20. ^ a b Hambridge, Katherine and Jonathan Hicks eds. The Melodramatic Moment : Music and Theatrical Culture, 1790-1820, The University of Chicago Press, 2018
  21. ^ Kravitt, Edward. "The Joining of Words and Music in Late Romantic Melodrama," MQ 42 (1976): 571–90.


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