直接監視下短期化学療法とは? わかりやすく解説

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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2019/07/30 07:38 UTC 版)

直接監視下短期化学療法(DOTS)(ちょくせつかんしかたんきかがくりょうほう、DOTS)とは、世界保健機関(WHO)が定めた、結核の治療における、DOT(directly observed therapy)直接服薬確を指し、DOTSはDOTを含む対策全体のシステムを指す。

  1. ^ 四元秀毅「医療者の為の結核の知識」、株式会社医学書院、2001年3月。
  2. ^ "TB: Join the DOTS." The Economist. May 20, 1995. P. 89.
  3. ^ "Controlling Tuberculosis in China." In Millions Saved: Proven Successes in Global Health, edited by Ruth Levine, 31?37. Washington, D.C.: Center for Global Development, 2014.
  4. ^ "Framework for Effective Tuberculosis Control." World Health Organization. Document WHO/TB/94.179.
  5. ^ World Bank. 1993. World Development Report 1993: Investing in Health. Oxford University Press: New York.
  6. ^ a b "Creation of DOTS" JEET (Joint Effort to Eradicate Tuberculosis)
  7. ^ Ogden, J., et al (2003). "The politics of ‘branding’ in policy transfer: the case of DOTS for tuberculosis control." In Social Science & Medicine. 57 (pp. 179?188).
  8. ^ "Lives in Turnaround: WHO knows how to address TB." POZ Magazine. Aug./Sept. 1995. P. 16.
  9. ^ "WHO Calls for Action Against TB". Science. Vol. 267. March 24, 1995.
  10. ^ Klaudt, K. (2000). "The Political Causes and Solutions of the Current Tuberculosis Epidemic." In J. Whitman (Ed.), The Politics of Emerging and Resurgent Infectious Diseases (pp. 86?109). London: MacMillan Press.
  11. ^ "Breakthrough in TB Control Announced by WHO." WHO press release. WHO/23, March 19, 1997
  12. ^ "Is DOTS the Health Breakthrough of the 1990s?" World Health Form. Vol. 18, No. 3/4, 1997. World Health Organization. Geneva.
  13. ^ WHO - Former Director-General of WHO dies: health contributions remembered”. www.WHO.int (2013年1月28日). 2017年8月10日閲覧。


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