ロジャー・メレンとは? わかりやすく解説

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ロジャー・ダグラス・メレン(Roger Douglas Melen、1946年 - )[1][2]は、アメリカ合衆国電子工学者・実業家であり、初期のマイクロコンピュータ産業に対する貢献と、工学的な発明で知られている。

  1. ^ a b c Levering, Robert; Katz, Michael; Moskowitz, Milton (1984). The Computer Entrepreneurs. New American Library. pp. 36–40. ISBN 0-453-00477-6. https://archive.org/details/computerentrepre00leve/page/36 
  2. ^ a b Roger Melen - Camera Phone Image Sensor Market 9.11.07”. 2013年2月21日閲覧。
  3. ^ a b Piscione, Deborah (2013). Secrets of Silicon Valley. Palgrave MacMillan. p. 80. ISBN 978-1-137-27917-0 
  4. ^ Melen, Roger (February 1969). “The Beatnote Basher: a selective audio filter”. 73 Magazine 101: 12. https://archive.org/details/73-magazine-1969-02. 
  5. ^ Melen, Roger; Garland, Harry (1971). “Build the Fil-oscillator”. Popular Electronics 34 (5): 58–62. 
  6. ^ Garland, Harry; Melen, Roger (1971). “Add Triggered Sweep to your Scope”. Popular Electronics 35 (1): 61–66. 
  7. ^ Garland, Harry; Melen, Roger (1971). “Build the Muscle Whistler”. Popular Electronics 35 (5): 60–62. 
  8. ^ Garland, Harry; Melen, Roger (1973). “Build a Low-Cost Op Amp Tester”. Popular Electronics Including Electronics World 4 (6): 34–35. 
  9. ^ Garland, Harry; Melen, Roger (1974). “A Single-IC Capacitance Meter”. Popular Electronics Including Electronics World 5 (2): 44–45. 
  10. ^ a b Melen, Roger; Garland, Harry (1971). Understanding IC Operational Amplifers. Howard W. Sams. ISBN 0-672-22484-4 
  11. ^ a b Melen, Roger; Garland, Harry (1975). Understanding CMOS Integrated Circuits. Howard W. Sams. ISBN 0-672-21598-5 
  12. ^ Stanford Alumni Association (1989). Stanford Alumni Directory Centennial Edition. p. 870 
  13. ^ Melen, Roger (May 24, 1973). “The tradeoffs in monolithic image sensors: MOS vs CCD”. Electronics 46: 106–111. 
  14. ^ Melen, R.D.; Meindl, J.D. (April 1974). “A transparent electrode CCD image sensor for a reading aid for the blind”. IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits 9 (2): 41–49. Bibcode1974IJSSC...9...41M. doi:10.1109/jssc.1974.1050460. 
  15. ^ Melen, R.D.; Shott, J.D.; Walker, J.T.; Meindl, J.D. (October 1975). “CCD dynamically focussed lenses for ultrasonic imaging”. Proceedings of the 1975 International Conference on the Application of Charge-Coupled Devices: 165–171. http://www.imagesensors.org/Past%20Workshops/Marvin%20White%20Collection/1975%20Papers/1975%202-08%20Melen.pdf. 
  16. ^ Gheewala, T.R.; Melen, Roger; White, Robert L. (December 1975). “A CMOS implantable multielectrode auditory stimulator for the deaf”. IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits 10 (6): 472–479. Bibcode1975IJSSC..10..472G. doi:10.1109/jssc.1975.1050643. 
  17. ^ Solomon, Les. “Solomon's Memory”. atariarchives.org. 2012年2月10日閲覧。
  18. ^ a b Freiberger, Paul; Swaine, Michael (2000). Fire in the Valley: The Making of the Personal Computer (Second ed.). McGraw-Hill. p. 48. https://archive.org/details/fireinvalleymaki00frei 
  19. ^ a b Levy, Steven (1984). Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution. Garden City, NY: Anchor Press/Doubleday. pp. 202. ISBN 0-385-19195-2 
  20. ^ Walker, Terry; Garland, Harry; Melen, Roger (1975). “Build Cyclops”. Popular Electronics 7 (2): 27–31. 
  21. ^ Garland, Harry (March 1977). “Design Innovations in Personal Computers”. Computer. 3 10 (3): 24–27. doi:10.1109/c-m.1977.217669. 
  22. ^ Walker, Terry; Melen, Roger; Garland, Harry; Hall, Ed (1976). “Build the TV Dazzler”. Popular Electronics 9 (2): 31–40. 
  23. ^ Cromemco Computer Graphics 1987”. wn.com. 2012年2月10日閲覧。
  24. ^ a b Kuhman, Robert. “The Cro's Nest RCP/M-RBBS”. www.kuhmann.com. 2012年2月10日閲覧。
  25. ^ “USAF will equip its tactical fighter squadrons with a mission planning system”. Aviation Week & Space Technology 126 (22): 105. (June 1, 1987). 
  26. ^ Ost, Laura (November 9, 1979). “Cromemco Saw the Future for Computers Overseas”. The Peninsula Times Tribune: E1,E3. 
  27. ^ Reduced resolution document storage and retrieval system”. USPTO. 2013年2月21日閲覧。
  28. ^ Stereographic image compression with image moment normalization”. USPTO. 2013年2月21日閲覧。
  29. ^ Flipping stereoscopic radiographs”. USPTO. 2013年2月21日閲覧。
  30. ^ Sixth Annual Fujitsu Laboratories of America Technology Symposium Speaker Biography: Roger D. Melen”. Fujitsu. 2013年2月21日閲覧。
  31. ^ Group interaction system for interaction with other vehicles of a group”. USPTO. 2013年2月21日閲覧。
  32. ^ Managing vehicle efficiency”. USPTO. 2013年2月21日閲覧。
  33. ^ Melen, Roger; Buss, Dennis (1977). Charge-Coupled Devices: Technology and Applications. New York, NY: IEEE Press. ISBN 0-87942-083-9 
  34. ^ Full cast and crew for The Triumph of the Nerds: The Rise of Accidental Empires”. IMDb. 2013年2月21日閲覧。
  35. ^ USPTO Patent Full_Text and Image Database”. USPTO. 2012年2月10日閲覧。


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