ポール・ロブスンとは? わかりやすく解説


出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2021/10/20 23:47 UTC 版)

ポール・リロイ・バスティル・ロブスン(Paul LeRoy Bustill Robeson, 1898年4月9日 - 1976年1月23日)は、多言語で活躍したアメリカ合衆国俳優運動選手、義勇軍行進曲の英訳をしたことで有名なバスバリトンオペラ歌手、作家公民権活動家、共産党支持者、ソ連スパイ、スピンガーン・メダルとスターリン平和賞の受賞者。


  1. ^ ロブスンがかつて共産党のメンバーであったという証拠は全くない。情報公開法に基づいて発表された記録によると、FBIは、ロブスンが「ジョン・トーマス」という名で一行に加わっていたかもしれないと信じていたが、「彼の共産党会員資格番号は知られていない」。 ロブスンの伝記作家、マーティン・ドゥバーマンは、「彼は決してアメリカ共産党のメンバーでなく、決して末端の分子でもなく、決して日常的な官僚の操作の関係者ではなかった」と結論を下している。 (Duberman, pp. 301, 418, 440.)


  1. ^ a b Paul Robeson Centennial Celebration, A Brief Biography
  2. ^ Time Magazine, 1998.
  3. ^ Robeson, Susan (1982年9月26日). “Paul Robeson”. New York Times. http://select.nytimes.com/search/restricted/article?res=FB0910FF3A5C0C758EDDA00894DA484D81 2007年6月21日閲覧. "He was among the first to concertize on behalf of the American war effort and he became one of the top American actors and singers of that era. ... From 1948 - when he was at the pinnacle of fame and fortune - until 1958, Robeson was silenced because his exercise of free speech did not please forces in the American Government of that time. His passport was revoked from 1950 until 1958, when the Supreme Court ruled it unconstitutional; at the same time he was barred from virtually every concert hall and recording studio in America - a ban that lasted a decade. Robeson records disappeared from the stores, and, quite astonishingly, his name was struck from the roster of the 1917 and 1918 college All-America football teams." 
  4. ^ “All God's Chillun”. Time (magazine). (1924年3月17日). http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,717940,00.html 2007年6月21日閲覧. "The dramatic miscegenation will shortly be enacted in the Provincetown Playhouse, Manhattan, by a brilliant Negro named Paul Robeson and a brilliant white named Mary Blair. The producers are the Provincetown Players, headed by Eugene O'Neill, dramatist; Robert Edmund Jones, artist, and Kenneth Macgowan, author. Many white people do not like the idea. Neither do many black." 
  5. ^ The Atlanta Journal 6/21/48
  6. ^ "I Am at Home" Says Robeson at Reception in Soviet Union, Daily Worker, January 15, 1935
  7. ^ An American Hero, The American Spectator, April 11, 2007
  8. ^ Paul Robeson Chronology
  9. ^ To You Beloved Comrade”
  10. ^ Stewart, pg. 225.
  11. ^ Paul Robeson: A Flawed Martyr Archived 2008年5月16日, at the Wayback Machine., New Politics; Summer 1998
  12. ^ [1].
  13. ^ FBI File on Paul Robeson
  14. ^ Duberman, pp. 307-308
  15. ^ Duberman, pp. 439-442
  16. ^ a b Duberman, p. 389
  17. ^ Duberman, p. 400
  18. ^ Duberman p. 411
  19. ^ Paul Robeson Chronology.
  20. ^ Duberman, p. 463
  21. ^ White, Michael (2000年6月1日). “Obituary: Andrew Faulds”. The Guardian. http://politics.guardian.co.uk/politicsobituaries/story/0,1441,563445,00.html 2007年8月11日閲覧。 
  22. ^ "Did the U.S. Government Drug Paul Robeson?" Democracy Now, July 6, 1999
  23. ^ “Paul Robeson Dead at 77; Singer, Actor and Activist; Paul Robeson, the Singer, Actor and Activist, Is Dead”. New York Times. (January 24, 1976, Saturday). "Paul Robeson, the singer, actor and black activist, died yesterday at the age of 77 in Philadelphia." 
  24. ^ “Died”. Time (magazine). (1976年2月2日). http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,945524,00.html 2007年6月21日閲覧. "Paul Robeson, 77, superbly talented and ultimately tragic singer, actor and civil rights leader who won a world fame known to few blacks of his generation and spent his last years sick, half-forgotten and, in Coretta Scott King's words, "buried alive"; following a stroke; in Philadelphia." 



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