カイロ会議_(1921年)とは? わかりやすく解説

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カイロ会議 (1921年)

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2022/11/05 21:07 UTC 版)


  1. ^ The cubs were being taken to London zoo by G.F.Archer
  2. ^ Klieman, 1970.
  3. ^ Garnett, David (1938) Letters of T. E. Lawrence 1942 edition. pp. 124,125. Summary by Garnett: "Evacuate Mesopotamia".
  4. ^ Antonius, George英語版 (1938) The Arab Awakening. The Story of The Arab National Movement Hamish Hamilton 1945 edition. p.316.
  5. ^ Asher, Michael英語版 (1998) Lawrence. The uncrowned King of Arabia. Penguin edition 1999. ISBN 9780879517120. p.356.
  6. ^ David Fromkin (1989). A Peace to End All Peace英語版. New York: Henry Holt. pp. 502–503 
  7. ^ Lacey, Robert (1981) The Kingdom, Fontana edition, 1982, ISBN 0-00-636509-4. p.160
  8. ^ Sykes, Christopher英語版 (1965) Cross Roads to Israel: Palestine from Balfour to Bevin. New English Library Edition August 1967. p.66.
  9. ^ Sykes, p.54.
  10. ^ Sykes, p.55.
  11. ^ A Broken Trust: Sir Herbert Samuel, Zionism and the Palestinians, p.125. Huneidi, Sahar (2001), I.B.Tauris. ISBN 1-86064-172-5
  12. ^ Sykes. pp.66, 67.
  13. ^ Sykes, pp.55,56. チャーチルとサミュエルは、デモ隊がユダヤ人排斥のスローガンを唱えているとは知らずに、手を振っていたと報道されている。pp.58,59.
  14. ^ Report on Middle East Conference held in Cairo and Jerusalem, March 12th to 30th, 1921, Appendix 19, p. 109-111. British Colonial Office, June 1921 (CO 935/1/1)
  15. ^ a b Report on Middle East Conference held in Cairo and Jerusalem, March 12th to 30th, 1921, Appendix 23, pp. 142-153. British Colonial Office, June 1921 (CO 935/1/1)
  16. ^ Huneidi. pp. 124-127. "植民地秘書の訪問は1921年3月のパレスチナにおける重要な出来事であり、イギリスに対するアラブの反発の本当の出発点とみなす事ができる。"
  17. ^ a b c Report on Middle East Conference held in Cairo and Jerusalem, March 12th to 30th, 1921, Appendix 23, pp. 153-157.
  18. ^ Asher. p.357. Lawrence quote from Seven Pillars of Wisdom (1935) footnote p. 276.
  19. ^ Antonius. pp. 316–319.
  20. ^ Boyle, Andrew (1962). Trenchard Man of Vision. Collins. p. 381 
  21. ^ Baker, Anne (2003). From Biplane to Spitfire: The Life of Air Chief Marshal Sir Geoffrey Salmond. Leo Cooper. p. 168. ISBN 0 85052 980 8 

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