KP方程式とは? わかりやすく解説

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(Kadomtsev–Petviashvili equation から転送)

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KP方程式 (: Kadomtsev–Petviashvili equation) は非線形波動水面波を記述する偏微分方程式であり、次のように表わされる。

  1. ^ Wazwaz, A. M. (2008). Solitons and singular solitons for the Gardner–KP equation. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 204(1), 162-169.
  2. ^ Xu, B., & Liu, X. Q. (2009). Classification, reduction, group invariant solutions and conservation laws of the Gardner-KP equation. Applied mathematics and computation, 215(3), 1244-1250.
  3. ^ Naz, R., Ali, Z., & Naeem, I. (2013). Reductions and new exact solutions of ZK, Gardner KP, and modified KP equations via generalized double reduction theorem. In Abstract and Applied Analysis (Vol. 2013). Hindawi.
  4. ^ Jawad, A. J. A. M., Mirzazadeh, M., & Biswas, A. (2015). Dynamics of shallow water waves with Gardner–Kadomtsev–Petviashvili equation. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Series S, 8(6), 1155-1164.
  5. ^ Wazwaz, A. M., & El-Tantawy, S. A. (2017). Solving the -dimensional KP–Boussinesq and BKP–Boussinesq equations by the simplified Hirota’s method. Nonlinear Dynamics, 88(4), 3017-3021.
  6. ^ Sun, B., & Wazwaz, A. M. (2018). General high–order breathers and rogue waves in the -dimensional KP–Boussinesq equation. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 64, 1-13.
  7. ^ Wazwaz, A. M. (2008). Multiple-soliton solutions for the Lax–Kadomtsev–Petviashvili (Lax–KP) equation. Applied Mathematics and computation, 201(1-2), 168-174.
  8. ^ Tokihiro, T., Takahashi, D., & Matsukidaira, J. (2000). Box and ball system as a realization of ultradiscrete nonautonomous KP equation. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 33(3), 607.
  9. ^ a b Shinzawa, N., & Hirota, R. (2003). The Bäcklund transformation equations for the ultradiscrete KP equation. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 36(16), 4667.
  10. ^ a b 新沢信彦, & 広田良吾. (2003). 超離散 KP 方程式, 超離散 BKP 方程式の Backlund 変換方程式 (可積分系研究の新展開: 連続・離散・超離散).
  11. ^ Krichever, I. M., & Novikov, S. P. (1978). Holomorphic bundles over Riemann surfaces and the Kadomtsev—Petviashvili equation. I. Functional Analysis and Its Applications, 12(4), 276-286.
  12. ^ Fokas, A. S., & Ablowitz, M. J. (1983). Method of solution for a class of multidimensional nonlinear evolution equations. Physical Review Letters, 51(1), 7.
  13. ^ Fokas, A. S., & Ablowitz, M. J. (1983). On the inverse scattering and direct linearizing transforms for the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation. Physics Letters A, 94(2), 67-70.
  14. ^ Fokas, A. S., & Ablowitz, M. J. (1983). On the Inverse Scattering of the Time‐Dependent Schrödinger Equation and the Associated Kadomtsev‐Petviashvili (I) Equation. Studies in Applied Mathematics, 69(3), 211-228.
  15. ^ a b Hirota, R., Ohta, Y., & Satsuma, J. (1988). Solutions of the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation and the two-dimensional Toda equations. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 57(6), 1901-1904.
  16. ^ 松木平淳太, & 薩摩順吉. (1989). KP hierarchy の対称性と保存量 (ソリトン理論における広田の方法).
  17. ^ Willox, R., Tokihiro, T., & Satsuma, J. (1997). Darboux and binary Darboux transformations for the nonautonomous discrete KP equation. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 38(12), 6455-6469.
  18. ^ Isojima, S., Willox, R., & Satsuma, J. (2002). On various solutions of the coupled KP equation. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 35(32), 6893.
  19. ^ a b Matsukidaira, J., Satsuma, J., & Strampp, W. (1990). Conserved quantities and symmetries of KP hierarchy. Journal of mathematical physics, 31(6), 1426-1434.
  20. ^ Kajiwara, K., Matsukidaira, J., & Satsuma, J. (1990). Conserved quantities of two-component KP hierarchy. Physics Letters A, 146(3), 115-118.
  21. ^ Date, E., Jimbo, M., Kashiwara, M., & Miwa, T. (1982). Transformation groups for soliton equations—Euclidean Lie algebras and reduction of the KP hierarchy—. Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, 18(3), 1077-1110.
  22. ^ Date, E., Jimbo, M., Kashiwara, M., & Miwa, T. (1981). Operator Approach to the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili Equation–Transformation Groups for Soliton Equations III–. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 50(11), 3806-3812.
  23. ^ Date, E., Jimbo, M., Kashiwara, M., & Miwa, T. (1982). Transformation groups for soliton equations: IV. A new hierarchy of soliton equations of KP-type. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 4(3), 343-365.
  24. ^ Date, E., Jimbo, M., Kashiwara, M., & Miwa, T. (1982). Quasi-Periodic Solutions of the Orthogonal KP Equation—Transformation Groups for Soliton Equations V—. Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, 18(3), 1111-1119.
  25. ^ Date, E., Jimbo, M., Kashiwara, M., & Miwa, T. (1981). KP hierarchies of orthogonal and symplectic type–Transformation groups for soliton equations VI–. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 50(11), 3813-3818.
  26. ^ 広田良吾『KP差分方程式系とその解の構造』(レポート) 24AO-S3、7号、九州大学応用力学研究所、2013年、49-57頁。doi:10.15017/27167hdl:2324/27167。"九州大学応用力学研究所研究集会報告 No.23AO-S7 「非線形波動研究の進展 : 現象と数理の相互作用」"。 
  27. ^ Ohkuma, Kenji; Wadati, Miki (1983). “The Kadomtsev-Petviashvili Equation: the Trace Method and the Soliton Resonances”. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan (日本物理学会) 52 (3): 749-760. doi:10.1143/jpsj.52.749. ISSN 00319015. "MRID:702929" 


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