国際連合原子力委員会とは? わかりやすく解説

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(国連原子力委員会 から転送)

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2021/11/01 15:09 UTC 版)

国際連合原子力委員会(こくさいれんごうげんしりょくいいんかい、United Nations Atomic Energy Commission (UNAEC))は、初期の国際連合原子力兵器の国際管理を推進するために設置されていた委員会である。

  1. ^ a b United Nations General Assembly Session 1 Resolution 1. Establishment of a Commission to Deal with the Problems Raised by the Discovery of Atomic Energy A/RES/1(I) 24 January 1946. Retrieved 2010-06-18.
  2. ^ United Nations General Assembly Session 1 Resolution 41. Principles governing the general regulation and reduction of Armaments A/RES/41(I) 14 December 1946. Retrieved 2008-08-24.
  3. ^ United Nations Security Council Resolution 20. Atomic energy: international control S/RES/20(1947) 10 March 1947. Retrieved 2008-08-24.
  4. ^ United Nations General Assembly Session 3 Resolution 191. Reports of the Atomic Energy Commission A/RES/191(III) 4 November 1948. Retrieved 2010-06-18.
  5. ^ McGeorge Bundy, Danger and Survival: Choices About the Bomb in the First Fifty Years (New York, Vintage Books, 1988), pp. 176–184.
  6. ^ International Atomic Energy Agency, "IAEA Turns 40: Key Dates & Historical Developments," Supplement to the IAEA Bulletin, September 1997, Archived copy”. 2010年6月18日閲覧。
  7. ^ A/RES/502(VI) 11 January 1952 Regulation, limitation and balanced reduction of all armed forces and all armaments; international control of atomic energy


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