区切り文字とは? わかりやすく解説

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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2024/06/05 09:02 UTC 版)

英語: delimiter、デリミタ)は、コンピュータ言語データ通信において独立した領域の境界を特定するために入れられる文字である[1]。例えば、コンマ区切りの文字列において、コンマ (,) は各フィールドの境界を表す「フィールド区切り文字」の役割をしている。

  1. ^ Federal Standard 1037C - Telecommunications: Glossary of Telecommunication Terms
  2. ^ Rohl, Jeffrey S. (1973). Programming in Fortran. Oxford Oxfordshire: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-7190-0555-8  describing the method in Hollerith notation under the Fortran programming language.
  3. ^ a b de Moor, Georges J. (1993). Progress in Standardization in Health Care Informatics. IOS Press. ISBN 90-5199-114-2  p. 141
  4. ^ Friedl, Jeffrey E. F. (2002). Mastering Regular Expressions: Powerful Techniques for Perl and Other Tools. O'Reilly. ISBN 0-596-00289-0  p. 319
  5. ^ Scott, Michael Lee (1999). Programming Language Pragmatics. Morgan Kaufmann. ISBN 1-55860-442-1 
  6. ^ Wall; Larry; Jon Orwant (July 2000). Programming Perl (Third ed.). O'Reilly. ISBN 0-596-00027-8 
  7. ^ Kaufmann, Matt (2000). Computer-Aided Reasoning: An Approach. Springer. ISBN 0-7923-7744-3 p. 3
  8. ^ Meyer, Mark (2005). Explorations in Computer Science. Oxford Oxfordshire: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-7637-3832-7  references C-style programming languages prominently featuring curly brackets and semicolons.
  9. ^ Dilligan, Robert (1998). Computing in the Web Age. Oxford Oxfordshire: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-306-45972-6 Describes syntax and delimiters used in HTML.
  10. ^ a b Schwartz, Randal (2005). Learning Perl. Oxford Oxfordshire: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-596-10105-3 Describes string literals.
  11. ^ Watt, Andrew (2003). Sams Teach Yourself Xml in 10 Minutes. Oxford Oxfordshire: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-672-32471-0  Describes XML processing instruction. p. 21.
  12. ^ Cabrera, Harold (2002). C# for Java Programmers. Oxford Oxfordshire: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-1-931836-54-8  Describes single-line and multi-line comments. p. 72.
  13. ^ Smarty Template Documentation”. 2010年3月12日閲覧。 See e.g., Smarty template system documentation, "escaping template delimiters".
  14. ^ International Organization for Standardization (December 1, 1975). "The set of control characters for ISO 646". Internet Assigned Numbers Authority Registry. Alternate U.S. version: ASCII Graphic character set”. 2014年5月10日閲覧。. Accessed August 7, 2005.
  15. ^ Lewine, Donald (1991). Posix Programmer's Guide. Oxford Oxfordshire: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-937175-73-6  Describes use of control-z. p. 156,
  16. ^ Friedl, Jeffrey (2006). Mastering Regular Expressions. Oxford Oxfordshire: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-596-52812-6  describing solutions for embedded-delimiter problems p. 472.
  17. ^ Discussion on ASCII Delimited Text vs CSV and Tab Delimited
  18. ^ Kahrel, Peter (2006). Automating InDesign with Regular Expressions. O'Reilly. ISBN 0-596-52937-6 p. 11
  19. ^ Wall; Larry; Jon Orwant (July 2000). Programming Perl (Third ed.). O'Reilly. p. 63. ISBN 0-596-00027-8 
  20. ^ Wall; Larry; Jon Orwant (July 2000). Programming Perl (Third ed.). O'Reilly. p. 62. ISBN 0-596-00027-8 
  21. ^ Matsumoto, Yukihiro (2001). Ruby in a Nutshell. O'Reilly. ISBN 0-596-00214-9  In Ruby, these are indicated as general delimited strings. p. 11
  22. ^ Javvin Technologies, Incorporated (2005). Network Protocols Handbook. Javvin Technologies Inc.. ISBN 0-9740945-2-8  p. 26
  23. ^ 200, Cicling (2001). Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing. Oxford Oxfordshire: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-3-540-41687-6  Describes whitespace delimiters. p. 258.
  24. ^ Friedl, Jeffrey (2006). Mastering Regular Expressions. Oxford Oxfordshire: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-596-52812-6  page 472.
  25. ^ Perl operators and precedence
  26. ^ Rhee, Man (2003). Internet Security: Cryptographic Principles, Algorithms and Protocols. John Wiley and Sons. ISBN 0-470-85285-2 (an example usage of ASCII armoring in encryption applications)
  27. ^ Gross, Christian (2005). Open Source for Windows Administrators. Charles River Media. ISBN 1-58450-347-5 (an example usage of ASCII armoring in encryption applications)
  28. ^ Kalani, Amit (2004). Developing and Implementing Web Applications with Visual C# . NET and Visual Studio . NET. Que. ISBN 0-7897-2901-6 (describes the use of Base64 encoding and VIEWSTATE inside HTML source code)
  29. ^ 日本国特許第6511598号


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