チクングニアとは? わかりやすく解説

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チクングニア熱(チクングニアねつ、Chikungunya fever、CHIKV)は、ネッタイシマカヒトスジシマカなどにより媒介されるウイルス性の伝染病。トガウイルス科アルファウイルス属のチクングニアウイルスがヒトに感染することにより発症する。おなじく蚊媒介性のデング熱ウエストナイル熱と症状が類似している。日本では感染症法に基づく4類感染症および検疫法に基づく検疫感染症に指定されている。チクングニヤ熱チクングンヤ熱などとも表記される。

  1. ^ Chhabra M, Mittal V, Bhattacharya D, Rana U, Lal S (2008). “Chikungunya fever: a re-emerging viral infection”. Indian J Med Microbiol 26 (1): 5–12. PMID 18227590. 
  2. ^ Simon F, Parola P, Grandadam M, Fourcade S, Oliver M, Brouqui P, Hance P, Kraemer P, Ali Mohamed A, de Lamballerie X, Charrel R, Tolou H (2007). “Chikungunya infection: an emerging rheumatism among travelers returned from Indian Ocean islands. Report of 47 cases”. Medicine (Baltimore) 86 (3): 123–37. doi:10.1097/MD/0b013e31806010a5. PMID 17505252. 
  3. ^ Taubitz W, Cramer JP, Kapaun A, Pfeffer M, Drosten C, Dobler G, Burchard GD, Löscher T (2007). “Chikungunya fever in travelers: clinical thermometer and course”. Clin. Infect. Dis. 45 (1): e1–4. doi:10.1086/518701. PMID 17554689. 
  4. ^ a b c Guidelines on Clinical Management of Chikungunya Fever” (PDF). WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia (2008年10月). 2011年11月13日閲覧。
  5. ^ Laboratory Diagnosis of Chikungunya Fevers”. WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia (2008年11月26日). 2012年9月8日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2011年11月13日閲覧。
  6. ^ Guidelines for Prevention and Control of Chikungunya Fever” (PDF). WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia (2009年). 2011年11月13日閲覧。
  7. ^ Edelman R, Tacket CO, Wasserman SS, Bodison SA, Perry JG, Mangiafico JA (June 2000). “Phase II safety and immunogenicity study of live chikungunya virus vaccine TSI-GSD-218”. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 62 (6): 681–5. PMID 11304054. http://www.ajtmh.org/cgi/reprint/62/6/681. 
  8. ^ Couderc T, Khandoudi N, Grandadam M, et al. (2009). “Prophylaxis and therapy for Chikungunya virus infection”. J Infect Dis 200 (4): 516–523. doi:10.1086/600381. PMID 19572805. http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/full/10.1086/600381. 
  9. ^ Akahata W, Yang ZY, Andersen H, et al. (March 2010). “A virus-like particle vaccine for epidemic Chikungunya virus protects nonhuman primates against infection”. Nat. Med. 16 (3): 334–8. doi:10.1038/nm.2105. PMC 2834826. PMID 20111039. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2834826/. 
  10. ^ Muthumani K, Lankaraman KM, Laddy DJ, et al. (September 2008). “Immunogenicity of novel consensus-based DNA vaccines against Chikungunya virus”. Vaccine 26 (40): 5128–34. doi:10.1016/j.vaccine.2008.03.060. PMC 2582145. PMID 18471943. http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0264-410X(08)00341-1. 
  11. ^ Alphaviruses
  12. ^ Mahendradas P, Ranganna SK, Shetty R, et al. (February 2008). “Ocular manifestations associated with chikungunya”. Ophthalmology 115 (2): 287–91. doi:10.1016/j.ophtha.2007.03.085. PMID 17631967. http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0161-6420(07)00488-5. 
  13. ^ Martin Enserink (2007). “Chikungunya: No Longer a Third World Disease”. Science 318 (5858): 1860–1. doi:10.1126/science.318.5858.1860. PMID 18096785. 
  14. ^ Martin E (2007). “EPIDEMIOLOGY: Tropical Disease Follows Mosquitoes to Europe”. Science 317 (5844): 1485. doi:10.1126/science.317.5844.1485a. PMID 17872417. 
  15. ^ Tsetsarkin KA, Vanlandingham DL, McGee CE, Higgs S (2007). “A Single Mutation in Chikungunya Virus Affects Vector Specificity and Epidemic Potential”. PLoS Pathog 3 (12): e201. doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.0030201. PMC 2134949. PMID 18069894. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2134949/. 
  16. ^ ProMED-mail (2007) Chikungunya virus: genetic change. Archive Number 20071209.3973
  17. ^ European Centers for Disease Control Report Chikungunya in Italy.
  18. ^ T Rath (2009). Trang hospital found Chikungunya transmitted from a mother to her foetus, 28 May 2009. (Accessed: 29 May 2009).
  19. ^ Robinson MC (1955). “An epidemic of virus disease in Southern Province, Tanganyika Territory, in 1952-53. I. Clinical features”. Trans. R. Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg. 49 (1): 28–32. doi:10.1016/0035-9203(55)90080-8. PMID 14373834. 
  20. ^ Lumsden WH (1955). “An epidemic of virus disease in Southern Province, Tanganyika Territory, in 1952–53. II. General description and epidemiology”. Trans. R. Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg. 49 (1): 33–57. doi:10.1016/0035-9203(55)90081-X. PMID 14373835. 
  21. ^ Carey DE (July 1971). “Chikungunya and dengue: a case of mistaken identity?”. J Hist Med Allied Sci 26 (3): 243–62. PMID 4938938. http://jhmas.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/pmidlookup?view=long&pmid=4938938. 
  22. ^ Cherian SS, Walimbe AM, Jadhav SM, Gandhe SS, Hundekar SL, Mishra AC, Arankalle VA (2009) Evolutionary rates and timescale comparison of chikungunya viruses inferred from the whole genome/E1 gene with special reference to the 2005-07 outbreak in the Indian subcontinent. Infect Genet Evol 9(1):16-23


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