vasectomyとは? わかりやすく解説

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精管結紮術(せいかんけっさつじゅつ、: vasectomy)、通称パイプカット和製英語: pipe cut)は、男性の不妊手術、つまり永続的な避妊のための外科的処置。

  1. ^ What Happens When I Get a Vasectomy?” (英語). WebMD. 2021年10月7日閲覧。
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  9. ^ a b Griffin, T; Tooher, R; Nowakowski, K; Lloyd, M; Maddern, G (2005). “How Little is Enough? The Evidence for Post-Vasectomy Testing”. The Journal of Urology 174 (1): 29–36. doi:10.1097/01.ju.0000161595.82642.fc. PMID 15947571. 
  10. ^ a b Trussell, James (2011). “Contraceptive efficacy”. In Hatcher, Robert A.; Trussell, James; Nelson, Anita L. et al.. Contraceptive technology (20th revised ed.). New York: Ardent Media. pp. 779–863. ISBN 978-1-59708-004-0. ISSN 0091-9721. OCLC 781956734  Table 26–1 = Table 3–2 Percentage of women experiencing an unintended pregnancy during the first year of typical use and the first year of perfect use of contraception, and the percentage continuing use at the end of the first year. United States.
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  15. ^ Klotz, Kenneth L.; Coppola, Michael A.; Labrecque, Michel; Brugh Vm, Victor M.; Ramsey, Kim; Kim, Kyung-ah; Conaway, Mark R.; Howards, Stuart S. et al. (2008). “Clinical and Consumer Trial Performance of a Sensitive Immunodiagnostic Home Test That Qualitatively Detects Low Concentrations of Sperm Following Vasectomy”. The Journal of Urology 180 (6): 2569–2576. doi:10.1016/j.juro.2008.08.045. PMC 2657845. PMID 18930494. 
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