イベリアチフチャフとは? わかりやすく解説

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(Iberian chiffchaff から転送)

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2024/01/13 23:44 UTC 版)

イベリアチフチャフ学名:Phylloscopus ibericus)は、ムシクイ科に分類されるである。イベリア半島アフリカ大陸に生息する。小さい体の上部は緑がかっていて、体の下部と顔は黄色がかっている。見た目はチフチャフに似ているが、イベリアチフチャフはより鮮やかな色をしている。主に虫を食べる。

  1. ^ BirdLife International (2009). "Phylloscopus ibericus". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2008. International Union for Conservation of Nature. 2010年10月13日閲覧
  2. ^ a b c Andreas J. Helbig, Jochen Martens, I. Seibold, F. Henning, B. Schottler, Michael Wink (1996). “Phylogeny and species limits in the Palearctic Chiffchaff Phylloscopus collybita complex” (英語) (PDF). Ibis 138: pp. 650-666.. http://www.uni-heidelberg.de/institute/fak14/ipmb/phazb/pubwink/1996/13_1996.pdf 2009年6月5日閲覧。. 
  3. ^ a b Andreas J. Helbig, Marc Salomon, S. Bensch, I. Seibold, Male-biased gene flow across an avian hybrid zone: evidence from mitochondrial and microsatellite DNA. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 2001.
  4. ^ a b c d Collinson, J. Martin; Melling, Tim (April 2008). “Identification of vagrant Iberian Chiffchaffs - pointers, pitfalls and problem birds”. British Birds 101 (4): pp. 174-188.. 
  5. ^ a b Salomon, M. Voisin, J.F. y Bried, J.(2003年1月) "On the taxonomic status and denomination of the Iberian Chiffchaffs" Ibis 145 (1): pp. 87–97..
  6. ^ Lars Svensson, "The correct name of the Iberian Chiffchaff Phylloscopus ibericus Ticehurst 1937, its identification and new evidence of its winter grounds". Bulletin of the British Ornithologists Club, 2001
  7. ^ Balmori, Alfonso; Cuesta, Miguel Ángel; Caballero, José María (2002): Distribución de los mosquiteros ibéricos (Phylloscopus brehmii) y europeo (Phylloscopus collybita) en los bosques de ribera de Castilla y León (España). Ardeola 49(1): pp. 19–27.
  8. ^ a b Kevin Baker (1997) (英語). Warblers of Europe, Asia and North Africa (Helm Identification Guides). pp. 256–259. ISBN 0713639717 
  9. ^ Marc Salomon, J. Bried, Andreas J. Helbig, J. Riofrío, Morphometric differentiation between male Common Chiffchaffs, Phylloscopus [c.] collybita Vieillot, 1817, and Iberian Chiffchaffs, P. [c.] brehmii Homeyer, 1871, in a secondary contact zone (Aves: Sylviidae). Zoologischer Anzeiger, 1997.
  10. ^ a b Salomon, Marc (1989): Song as a possible reproductive isolating mechanism between two parapatric forms. The case of the chiffchaffs Phylloscopus c. collybita and P. c. brehmii in the western Pyrenees. Behaviour 111 (1–4): pp. 270–290.
  11. ^ a b Marc Salomon, Y. Hemim, Song variation in the Chiffchaffs (Phylloscopus collybita) of the western Pyrenees – the contact zone between collybita and brehmii forms. Ethology
  12. ^ Hans-Günther Bauer, Einhard Bezzel und Wolfgang Fiedler (2005). Das Kompendium der Vögel Mitteleuropas: Alles über Biologie, Gefährdung und Schutz. Band 2: Passeriformes – Sperlingsvögel, Aula-Verlag Wiebelsheim, Wiesbaden. P. 193 ISBN 3-89104-648-0
  13. ^ Catry, P. Lecoq, M. Aráujo, A. Conway, G. Felgueiras, M. J. Michael B. King, Rumsey, S. Salima H. y Tenreiro, P. Differential migration of chiffchaffs Phylloscopus collybita and P. ibericus in Europe and Africa PP. 184-190. Journal of avian biology 36 (2005)
  14. ^ Andreas J. Helbig, Marc Salomon, Michael Wink, Joël Bried, Absence de flux genique mitochondrial entre le Pouillots "veloces" medio-européen et ibérique (Aves: Phylloscopus collybita, P. (c.) brehmii); implications taxonomiques. Résultats tirés de la PCR et du séquencage d'ADN. C. R. Acad. Sci. III, 1993.


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