GiuseppeGaribaldiとは? わかりやすく解説

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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2024/04/30 03:55 UTC 版)

ジュゼッペ・ガリバルディイタリア語: Giuseppe Garibaldi, 1807年7月4日 - 1882年6月2日)は、イタリア統一運動を推進し、イタリア王国成立に貢献した軍事家である。イタリア統一を進めるため、多くの軍事行動を個人的に率いた。ヨーロッパと南米での功績から「二つの世界の英雄」とも呼ばれ[1]カヴールマッツィーニと並ぶ「イタリア統一の三傑」の一人とされる。

  1. ^ He is considered an Italian national hero Garibaldi, Giuseppe (1807-1882) - Encyclopedia of 1848 Revolutions Archived 2009年1月29日, at the Wayback Machine.
  2. ^ 17 Marzo 1861, Unità d’Italia: perché il Sud non deve festeggiare”. 2024年2月12日閲覧。
  3. ^ G. M. Trevelyan,Garibaldi's Defence of the Roman Republic, Longmans, London (1907) p. 227
  4. ^ Jackson, Kenneth T. (1995). The Encyclopedia of New York City. The New York Historical Society and Yale University Press. pp. 451
  5. ^ 1852-53 - As a "citizen of Peru," he captains a clipper to the far east, returning to Lima via Australia and New Zealand. - Life and Times of Giuseppe Garibaldi - The Reformation Online
  6. ^ Full text of "Autobiography of Giuseppe Garibaldi" "we parsed through Bass's Strait, between Australia and Van Diemen's Land. Touching at one of the Hunter lslands, to take in water, we found small farm, lately deserted by an Englishman and hia wife, on the death of his partner. Thus information we obtained from a board erected on the settler's grave, which set forth in brief the history of the little colony. " The husband and wifis," said the inscription, " unable to bear the loneliness of the desert island, left it, and returned to Van Diemen." - The Internet Archive
  7. ^ Ships, Strikes and Keelmen: Glimpses of North-Eastern Social History - David Bell, 2001 ISBN 1901237265
  8. ^ Carroll, Rory (2000年2月8日). “Garibaldi asked by Lincoln to run army”. The Guardian (Guardian News and Media Limited). 2008年6月3日閲覧。 
  9. ^ Diamond, Michael (2003). Victorian Sensation. Anthem Press. pp. 50–53. ISBN 1-84331-150-X 
  10. ^ Giuseppe Guerzoni, Garibaldi: con documenti editi e inediti, Florence, 1882, Vol. 11, 485.
  11. ^ Ridley, p. 602
  12. ^ (4317) Garibaldi = 1972 EA = 1980 DA1 = 1988 EF1”. MPC. 2021年10月7日閲覧。


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