Chela (organ)とは? わかりやすく解説

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はさみ (動物)

(Chela (organ) から転送)

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2022/10/19 07:06 UTC 版)

節足動物(ハサミ、英語: chela[1]複数形: chelae[2])とは、はさみペンチと似た付属肢関節肢)の構造である。カニロブスターサソリカブトガニなどに見られ、主に物を掴むのに用いられる。

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  6. ^ a b Van Der Meijden, A.; Herrel, A.; Summers, A. (2010-04). “Comparison of chela size and pincer force in scorpions; getting a first grip” (英語). Journal of Zoology 280 (4): 319-325. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7998.2009.00628.x. ISSN 0952-8369. 
  7. ^ a b van der Meijden, Arie; Kleinteich, Thomas; Coelho, Pedro (2012-5). “Packing a pinch: functional implications of chela shapes in scorpions using finite element analysis”. Journal of Anatomy 220 (5): 423-434. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7580.2012.01485.x. ISSN 0021-8782. PMC 3403273. PMID 22360433. 
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  12. ^ a b PEREZ, DANIELA M.; ROSENBERG, MICHAEL S.; PIE, MARCIO R. (2012-06-01). “The evolution of waving displays in fiddler crabs (Uca spp., Crustacea: Ocypodidae)”. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 106 (2): 307-315. doi:10.1111/j.1095-8312.2012.01860.x. ISSN 0024-4066. 
  13. ^ a b Callander, Sophia; Kahn, Andrew T.; Maricic, Tim; Jennions, Michael D.; Backwell, Patricia R. Y. (2013-07-01). “Weapons or mating signals? Claw shape and mate choice in a fiddler crab” (英語). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 67 (7): 1163-1167. doi:10.1007/s00265-013-1541-6. ISSN 1432-0762. 
  14. ^ Levinton, Jeffrey S.; Judge, Michael L.; Kurdziel, Josepha P. (1995-11-29). “Functional differences between the major and minor claws of fiddler crabs (Uca, family Ocypodidae, Order Decapoda, Subphylum Crustacea): A result of selection or developmental constraint?” (英語). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 193 (1): 147-160. doi:10.1016/0022-0981(95)00115-8. ISSN 0022-0981. 
  15. ^ 石原(安田)千晶「Male-male competition in hermit crabs : Assessment of fighting ability with focusing on the role of major cheliped / (邦題)ヤドカリのオス間闘争 : 大鋏脚の機能に着目した闘争能力の評価戦略」北海道大学 水産科学(博士), 甲第11608号、2014年12月、 doi:10.14943/doctoral.k11608hdl:2115/58240NAID 500000929003
  16. ^ Versluis, Michel; Schmitz, Barbara; von der Heydt, Anna; Lohse, Detlef (2000-09-22). “How Snapping Shrimp Snap: Through Cavitating Bubbles” (英語). Science 289 (5487): 2114-2117. doi:10.1126/science.289.5487.2114. ISSN 0036-8075. 
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  19. ^ a b c d e Lamsdell, James C.; Dunlop, Jason A. (2017). “Segmentation and tagmosis in Chelicerata” (英語). Arthropod Structure & Development 46 (3): 395-418. ISSN 1467-8039. 
  20. ^ von Reumont, Bjoern; Campbell, Lahcen; Jenner, Ronald (2014-12-19). “Quo Vadis Venomics? A Roadmap to Neglected Venomous Invertebrates” (英語). Toxins 6 (12): 3488-3551. doi:10.3390/toxins6123488. ISSN 2072-6651. PMC PMC4280546. PMID 25533518. 
  21. ^ Krämer, Jonas; Pohl, Hans; Predel, Reinhard (2019-04-15). “Venom collection and analysis in the pseudoscorpion Chelifer cancroides (Pseudoscorpiones: Cheliferidae)”. Toxicon 162: 15-23. doi:10.1016/j.toxicon.2019.02.009. ISSN 0041-0101. 
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  24. ^ Weirauch, Christiane; Forero, Dimitri; Jacobs, Dawid H. (2011). “On the evolution of raptorial legs – an insect example (Hemiptera: Reduviidae: Phymatinae)” (英語). Cladistics 27 (2): 138-149. doi:10.1111/j.1096-0031.2010.00325.x. ISSN 1096-0031. 
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  29. ^ Haug, Joachim T.; Waloszek, Dieter; Maas, Andreas; Liu, Yu; Haug, Carolin (2012-03). “Functional morphology, ontogeny and evolution of mantis shrimp-like predators in the Cambrian: MANTIS SHRIMP-LIKE CAMBRIAN PREDATORS” (英語). Palaeontology 55 (2): 369-399. doi:10.1111/j.1475-4983.2011.01124.x. 
  30. ^ Paterson, John R.; Shu, Degan; Dunlop, Jason A.; Steiner, Michael; Lerosey-Aubril, Rudy; Liu, Jianni (2018-11-01). “Origin of raptorial feeding in juvenile euarthropods revealed by a Cambrian radiodontan” (英語). National Science Review 5 (6): 863-869. doi:10.1093/nsr/nwy057. ISSN 2095-5138. 
  31. ^ McCullough, Erin L.; Tobalske, Bret W.; Emlen, Douglas J. (2014-10-07). “Structural adaptations to diverse fighting styles in sexually selected weapons” (英語). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (40): 14484-14488. doi:10.1073/pnas.1409585111. ISSN 0027-8424. 

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