看護におけるいじめとは? わかりやすく解説

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看護におけるいじめ(かんごにおけるいじめ、: Bullying in nursing)について解説する。看護の現場は、職場でのいじめが非常に頻繁に発生する職場であるということが調査によって明らかになっている[1][2]。リレーショナル・アグレッション(噂話や威圧など、人間関係を攻撃するいじめの心理的側面)との関連性が認められるが、若年女性間における研究はなされてきたものの、大人女性の間の研究ではあまり研究されていない[3][4]。調査結果によると、看護師の74%、麻酔科医の100%、および外科技術者の80%が、看護職員によるいじめなどの非社会的行動を経験したか目撃しているという[5]

  1. ^ a b Hutchinson, M; Wilkes, L; Vickers, M; Jackson, D (2008). “The development and validation of a bullying inventory for the nursing workplace”. Nurse Researcher 15 (2): 19–29. doi:10.7748/nr2008. PMID 18283759. 
  2. ^ Porter-O'grady, T (2008). “Transforming work environments. Interview by Diane E Scott and Amanda Rosenkranz”. The American Nurse 40 (2): 7. PMID 18494401. 
  3. ^ Richards A, Edwards SL A Nurse's Survival Guide to the Ward (2008)[要ページ番号]
  4. ^ Dellasega, Cheryl A. (2009). “Bullying among nurses”. The American Journal of Nursing 109 (1): 52–8. doi:10.1097/01.NAJ.0000344039.11651.08. PMID 19112267. 
  5. ^ McNamara, S (2012). “Incivility in nursing: Unsafe nurse, unsafe patients”. AORN Journal 95 (4): 535–540. doi:10.1016/j.aorn.2012.01.020. PMID 22464626. 
  6. ^ Lewis, Malcolm A. (2006). “Nurse bullying: Organizational considerations in the maintenance and perpetration of health care bullying cultures”. Journal of Nursing Management 14 (1): 52–8. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2934.2005.00535.x. PMID 16359446. http://www.thepeoplebottomline.com/research/Health%20Sector/Nurse%20bullying%20-%20organizational%20considerations%20-%20Lewis.pdf. 
  7. ^ Spence Laschinger, Heather K.; Leiter, Michael; Day, Arla; Gilin, Debra (2009). “Workplace empowerment, incivility, and burnout: impact on staff nurse recruitment and retention outcomes”. Journal of Nursing Management 17 (3): 302–11. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2834.2009.00999.x. PMID 19426367. 
  8. ^ Klass, Perri (2017年2月27日). “What Happens When Parents Are Rude in the Hospital”. The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/27/well/family/what-happens-when-parents-are-rude-in-the-hospital.html 2017年3月2日閲覧。 
  9. ^ Riskin, Arieh; Erez, Amir; Foulk, Trevor A.; Riskin-Geuz, Kinneret S.; Ziv, Amitai; Sela, Rina; Pessach-Gelblum, Liat; Bamberger, Peter A. (2017-02-01). “Rudeness and Medical Team Performance”. Pediatrics 139 (2): e20162305. doi:10.1542/peds.2016-2305. ISSN 1098-4275. PMID 28073958. 
  10. ^ NHS nurses 'bullied by managers' BBC News 11 October 2003
  11. ^ Peters, Anya Bostian (2014). “Faculty to faculty incivility: Experiences of novice nurse faculty in academia”. Journal of Professional Nursing. 
  12. ^ Roy. “Horizontal Violence”. ADVANCE for Nurses. 2011年10月5日閲覧。
  13. ^ Trossman, S (2008). “Behaving badly? Joint Commission issues alert aimed at improving workplace culture, patient care”. The American Nurse 40 (5): 1, 6, 12. PMID 19024048. 
  14. ^ Martin, William (2008). “Is Your Hospital Safe? Disruptive Behavior and Workplace Bullying”. Hospital Topics 86 (3): 21–8. doi:10.3200/HTPS.86.3.21-28. PMID 18694856. http://www.soakitupspeaking.com/userfiles/file/IsYourHospitalSafe.pdf. 
  15. ^ Nurse Work Injury Compensation Eoin Campbell Injury Compensation Zone
  16. ^ Kerfoot, KM (2008). “Leadership, civility, and the 'no jerks' rule”. Medsurg Nursing 17 (6): 441–2. PMID 19248414. 


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