バダホス条約 (1801年)とは? わかりやすく解説

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バダホス条約 (1801年)

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2020/08/31 16:13 UTC 版)

バダホス条約(バダホスじょうやく、西: Tratado de Badajoz)、またはバダホスの和約(バダホスのわやく、西: Paz de Badajoz)は、1801年6月6日バダホスで締結された、ポルトガル王国摂政王太子ジョアンの代表とスペイン王国代表の間の条約。

  1. ^ Brodrick and Fotheringham, p. 6. Spain and Portugal were both lukewarm in this war, and on June 6 signed the treaty of Badajoz, by which Portugal agreed to close her ports to England, to pay an indemnity to Spain, and to cede the small district of Olivenza, south of Badajoz.
  2. ^ Louis Antoine Fauvelet de Bourrienne, p. 375. On the 6th of June, 1801, Portugal signed the treaty of Badajoz, by which she promised to cede Olivenza, Almeida, and some other fortresses to Spain, and to close her ports against England. The first consul, who was dissatisfied with the treaty, at first refused to ratify it. He still kept his army in Spain, and this proceeding determined Portugal to accede to some slight alterations in the first treaty. This business proved very advantageous to Lucien and Godoy.
  3. ^ Fournier, p. 210. A Spanish army reinforced by a French auxiliary corps was despatched across the Portuguese frontier, and on the 6th of June, 1801, John VI. was forced to sign the treaty of Badajoz, which closed all Portuguese harbors to the English, and by a special convention, September 29th, he was bound to pay France twenty million francs.
  4. ^ International Dispute of Olivenza” (英語). Grupo dos Amigos de Olivença (2003年). 2018年1月9日閲覧。

「バダホス条約 (1801年)」の続きの解説一覧

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