スカンソリオプテリクスとは? わかりやすく解説

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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2023/09/24 09:19 UTC 版)

スカンソリオプテリクス: Scansoriopteryx, 「登る翼」の意味)は、アヴィアラエ類の恐竜の属の一つである。中国、遼寧省で発見された単一の幼体の標本が記載されていて、イエスズメほどの大きさの動物である。足の構造からは木登り生活に適応していたことが示唆される。 また、タイプ標本には羽毛の痕跡が残されていた[1]

  1. ^ a b c d e f g Czerkas, S.A., and Yuan, C. (2002). "An arboreal maniraptoran from northeast China." Pp. 63-95 in Czerkas, S.J. (Ed.), Feathered Dinosaurs and the Origin of Flight. The Dinosaur Museum Journal 1. The Dinosaur Museum, Blanding, U.S.A. PDF abridged version
  2. ^ a b Harris, J.D. (2004). "'Published works' in the Electronic Age: recommended amendments to Articles 8 and 9 of the Code. Archived 2007年9月28日, at the Wayback Machine." Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 61(3): 138-148.
  3. ^ a b Padian, Kevin. (2001) "Basal Avialae" in "The Dinosauria" in "The Dinosauria: Second Edition" University of California Press. 2004.
  4. ^ a b Feduccia, Alan, Lingham-Soliar, Theagarten, Hinchliffe, J. Richard. "Do feathered dinosaurs exist? Testing the hypothesis on neontological and paleontological evidence" "Journal of Morphology" 266:125-166
  5. ^ a b c d e Zhang, F., Zhou, Z., Xu, X. & Wang, X. (2002). "A juvenile coelurosaurian theropod from China indicates arboreal habits." Naturwissenschaften, 89(9) 394-398. doi:10.1007/s00114-002-0353-8 PMID 12435090.
  6. ^ Senter, P. (2007). "A new look at the phylogeny of Coelurosauria (Dinosauria: Theropoda)." Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, 5(4): 429-463. doi:10.1017/S1477201907002143.
  7. ^ Holtz, Thomas R., Jr. (2007). Dinosaurs: the most complete, up-to-date encyclopedia for dinosaur lovers of all ages. New York: Random House. ISBN 978-0-375-82419-7.
  8. ^ Wang, X., Zhou, Z., He, H., Jin, F., Wang, Y., Zhang, J., Wang, Y., Xu, X. & Zhang, F. (2005). "Stratigraphy and age of the Daohugou Bed in Ningcheng, Inner Mongolia." Chinese Science Bulletin, 50(20): 2369-2376.
  9. ^ Ren, D. et al. (2002). "On the biostratigraphy of the Jurassic fossil beds at Daohugou near Ningcheng, Inner Mongolia." Geol. Bull. China 21, 584-591.
  10. ^ Buffetaut, E., Grellet-Tinner, G., Suteethorn, V., Cuny, G., Tong, H., Košir, A., Cavin, L., Chitsing, S., Griffiths, P.J., Tabouelle, J. and Le Loeuff, J. (2005). "Minute theropod eggs and embryo from the Lower Cretaceous of Thailand and the dinosaur-bird transition." Naturwissenschaften, 92(10): 477-482.
  11. ^ Fernandez, V. (2010). "Detection and imaging of in ovo fossil embryos by synchrotron microtomography : Study of the enigmatic embryos from Phu Phok (Lower Cretaceous, Thailand)." PhD Thesis.


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