ジェシー・l・ラスキーとは? わかりやすく解説

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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2023/07/25 08:05 UTC 版)

ジェシー・ルイス・ラスキー(Jesse Louis Lasky、1880年9月1日1958年1月13日)は、アメリカ合衆国の初期の先駆的な映画プロデューサー[1]アドルフ・ズーカーとともにパラマウント映画創設の中心人物となり、長じて脚本家となったジェシー・L・ラスキー・ジュニアの父であった。

  1. ^ Obituary Variety, January 15, 1958, page 70.
  2. ^ Cones, John. Motion Picture Biographies: The Hollywood Spin on Historical Figures. pp. 6. ISBN 9781628941166. https://books.google.com/books?id=I0byBwAAQBAJ&q=lasky#v=snippet&q=lasky&f=false 
  3. ^ Jesse L. Lasky at the IBDb.com database
  4. ^ Beatrice deMille – Women Film Pioneers Project”. wfpp.cdrs.columbia.edu. 2018年1月16日閲覧。
  5. ^ a b “Jesse Lasky dies.”. Time. (1958年1月27日). http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,864219,00.html 2008年6月8日閲覧. "Jesse Louis Lasky, 77. pioneer moviemaker who cranked out (in 1914) Hollywood's first feature-length film (The Squaw Man) in a barn studio; of a heart attack; in Beverly Hills. After his first movie venture (with a brother-in-law, Glove Salesman Samuel Goldfish, (now Goldwyn) and young playwright Cecil B. DeMille), Lasky joined (in 1916) with Adolph Zukor to form the Famous Players-Lasky Corp., which evolved into Paramount Pictures." 
  6. ^ “J.L. Lasky Invokes New Bankruptcy Law. Listing $2,020,024 Liabilities and $134,718 Assets, He Asks Deal With Creditors.”. New York Times. (1933年8月3日). https://www.nytimes.com/1933/08/03/archives/jl-lasky-invokes-new-bankruptcy-law-listing-2020024-liablities-and.html 2009年3月2日閲覧. "Listing a total of $2,020,024.24 in liabilities and assets of only $134,718.93, Jesse L. Lasky, pioneer motion-picture producer, today sought aid of the newly amended bankruptcy act to make a compromise with his creditors, and filed a debtor's petition with the United States District Court." 
  7. ^ “Jesse L. Lasky, Film Pioneer, Dies at 77. Early Producer Who Helped Build Movie Industry Suffers Fatal Heart Seizure.”. New York Times. (1958年1月14日). https://pqasb.pqarchiver.com/latimes/access/441241452.html?dids=441241452:441241452&FMT=CITE&FMTS=CITE:AI&date=Jan+14%2C+1958&author=&pub=Los+Angeles+Times&desc=Jesse+L.+Lasky%2C+Film+Pioneer%2C+Dies+at+77&pqatl=google 2009年3月2日閲覧。 


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