ウズベキスタンの人口統計とは? わかりやすく解説

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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2022/05/18 06:46 UTC 版)

ウズベキスタンの人口統計 (英語: Demographics of Uzbekistan) はウズベキスタン人口に関する統計を示したものである。この統計の中には人口増加率、人口密度民族構成、識字率などの教育レベル、平均寿命、経済状況、信仰宗教、その他様々なウズベキスタンの人口に関する統計を含む。人口統計上では、ウズベキスタンに居住するすべての国民はウズベキスタン人として扱われる一方で、民族としてウズベク人といったように表記する。

  1. ^ a b c d e f Uzbekistan in CIA World Factbook
  2. ^ a b Uzbekistan”. Country Reports on Human Rights Practices - 1999. U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor (2000年2月23日). 2013年3月11日閲覧。
  3. ^ a b Svante E. Cornell, "Uzbekistan: A Regional Player in Eurasian Geopolitics?", European Security, vol. 20, no. 2, Summer 2000.
  4. ^ a b Richard Foltz, "The Tajiks of Uzbekistan", Central Asian Survey, 15(2), 213-216 (1996).
  5. ^ International Religious Freedom Report for 2004”. U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor (2004年9月15日). 2013年3月11日閲覧。
  6. ^ a b World Jewish Population 2001, American Jewish Yearbook, vol. 101 (2001), p. 561.
  7. ^ a b World Jewish Population 2007, American Jewish Yearbook, vol. 107 (2007), p. 592.
  8. ^ United nations. Demographic Yearbooks
  9. ^ The State Statistics Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan
  10. ^ A.I. Kamilov, J. Sullivan, and Z. D. Mutalova, Fertility, Chapter 4 in Uzbekistan Health Examination Survey 2002.
  11. ^ Cynthia Buckley, “Challenges to Integrating Sexual Health Issues into Reproductive Health Programs in Uzbekistan,” Studies in Family Planning 37(3) (2006-09), 157.
  12. ^ Magali Barbieri, Elena Dolkigh, and Amon Ergashev. “Nuptiality, Fertility, Use of Contraception, and Family Planning in Uzbekistan,” Population Studies: A Journal of Demography (1996) 50: 1, 69-88.
  13. ^ Cynthia Buckley, Jennifer Barrett, and Yakov P. Asminkin, “Reproductive and Sexual Health Among Young Adults in Uzbekistan” Studies In Family Planning (2004-03), 4.
  14. ^ Jennifer Barrett and Cynthia Buckley, “Constrained Contraceptive Choice: IUD Prevalence in Uzbekistan,” International Family Planning Perspectives (2007-06), 52.
  15. ^ Library of Congress, A Country Study: Uzbekistan. Ethnic composition
  16. ^ A Country Study: Uzbekistan. Ethnic composition, Appendix Table 4.
  17. ^ Results of population censuses in Uzbekistan in 1959, 1970, 1979, and 1989.
  18. ^ Ethnic Atlas of Uzbekistan, Part 1: Ethnic minorities, Open Society Institute, p. 195 (ロシア語).
  19. ^ Nancy Lubin. “Uzbekistan: The Challenges Ahead,” Middle East Journal vol. 43, Number 4, 1989-08, 619-634.
  20. ^ Radnitz 2006, p. 658
  21. ^ Richard Foltz, "The Tajiks of Uzbekistan", Central Asian Survey, 213-216 (1996).
  22. ^ Fane 1998, p. 292-293
  23. ^ a b [1]
  24. ^ Pew Global Attitudes
  25. ^ Scott Radnitz, “Weighing the Political and Economic Motivations for Migration in Post-Soviet Space: The Case of Uzbekistan,” Europe-Asia Studies (2006-07): 653-677.
  26. ^ a b c Erkin Ahmadov (2007年8月21日). “Fighting Illegal Labor Migration in Uzbekistan”. Central Asia Caucasus-Institute Analyst. 2013年3月11日閲覧。
  27. ^ International Organization for Migration, Uzbekistan,”. iom.int. 2013年3月11日閲覧。
  28. ^ International Crisis Group, Uzbekistan: Stagnation and Uncertainty, Asia Briefing, 2007-08-22
  29. ^ Radnitz 2006, p. 659
  30. ^ Daria Fane, “Ethnicity and Regionalism in Uzbekistan: Maintaining Stability Through Authoritarian Control,” in Leokadia Drobizheva, Rose Gottemoeller, Catherine McArdle Kelleher, and Lee Walker, ed., in Ethnic Conflict in the Post-Soviet World: Case Studies and Analysis (New York: M.E. Sharp, Inc., 1998), 271-302.


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