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  1. ^ Villard, P. (1901), “Transformateur à haut voltage. A survolteur cathodique” (French), Journal de Physique Théorique et Appliquée, 4th series 10: 28–32, doi:10.1051/jphystap:019010010002801, https://archive.org/stream/journaldephysiq62physgoog#page/n35/mode/2up . Villard's voltage booster appears in Fig. 1 on p. 31.
  2. ^ Greinacher, H. (1914), “Das Ionometer und seine Verwendung zur Messung von Radium- und Röntgenstrahlen” (German), Physikalische Zeitschrift 15: 410–415, http://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=nyp.33433090815022;view=1up;seq=450 . Greinacher's voltage doubler appears in Fig. 4 on p. 412. He used chemical (electrolytic) rectifiers, which are denoted "Z" (Zellen, cells).
  3. ^ Greinacher, H. (1921), “Über eine Methode, Wechselstrom mittels elektrischer Ventile und Kondensatoren in hochgespannten Gleichstrom umzuwandeln” (German), Zeitschrift für Physik 4 (2): 195–205, doi:10.1007/bf01328615, https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=njp.32101065883751;view=1up;seq=205 
  4. ^ In 1919, a year before Greinacher published his voltage multiplier, the German Moritz Schenkel published a multi-stage voltage multiplier.
  5. ^ Cockcroft, J. D.; Walton, E. T. S. (1932), “Experiments with high velocity positive ions. (1) Further developments in the method of obtaining high velocity positive ions”, Proceedings of the Royal Society A 136: 619–630, doi:10.1098/rspa.1932.0107 
  6. ^ Jules Delon (1876-1941) was an engineer for the French company Société française des câbles électriques Berthoud-Borel. He used a mechanical rectifier, which was based on a rotating commutator (contact tournant).
    • His apparatus was exhibited at the 1908 Exposition d'électricité in Marseille, France: Georges Tardy (August 15, 1908) "Contact tournant de la Société française des câbles électriques Systeme Berthoud-Borel", L'Electricien: Revue Internationale de l'Electricité et de ses Applications, 2nd series, 36 (920) : 97-98. (Article includes photograph of machine.) The equipment was used to test insulation on high-voltage commercial power lines.
    • The operation of Delon's bridge rectifier is also explained (with schematic) in: E. von Rziha and Josef Seidener, Starkstromtechnik: Taschenbuch für Elektrotechniker (High-current technology: A Pocket book for Electrical Engineers), 5th ed., vol. 1, (Berlin, Germany: Wilhelm Ernst & Sohn, 1921), pages 710-711.
    • Delon's name and dates appear in: Friedrich Heilbronner, Internationale Liste von Elektrotechnikern (2013), pp. 14-15. Brief obituary of Jules Delon, Technica (Journal of the Association des anciens eleves de l'ecole centrale Lyonnaise (Association of the Alumni of the Central School of Lyon)), 2nd series, no. 25, page 24 (December 1941). Available on-line at: Technica. See also Delon's U.S. patents no. 1,740,076, no. 1,837,952, and no. 1,995,201.
  7. ^ Dickson, John F. (July 1976), “On-chip high-voltage generation in MNOS integrated circuits using an improved voltage multiplier technique”, IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits 11 (3): 374–378, doi:10.1109/jssc.1976.1050739 


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