多糸染色体 発生


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植物では、いくつかの種で見るかるだけであり、Phaseolus coccineusP. vulgaris子房と未成熟な種子の組織や[13]Vigna unguiculata と一部のPhaseolus属の種の葯のタペータム英語版[14]に限られている。



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  • Daneholt B (1992). “The transcribed template and the transcription loop in Balbiani rings”. Cell Biol Int Rep 16 (8): 709–715. doi:10.1016/S0309-1651(05)80015-3. PMID 1446347. 
  • Werle SF, E Klekowski & DG Smith (2004). “Inversion polymorphism in a Connecticut River Axarus species (Diptera: Chironomidae): biometric effects of a triple inversion heterozygote”. Can. J. Zool. 82: 118–129. doi:10.1139/z03-227. 
  • Pavan, C. and Breuer, M. E. (1952). “Polytene chromosomes in different tissues of Rhynchosciara”. Journal of Heredity 63: 151–157. 
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  • Pavan, C., Biesele, J., Riess, R. W. and Wertz, A. V. (1971). “XIII. Changes in the ultrastructure of Rhynchosciara cells infected by Microsporidia”. Studies in Genetics VI: 7103. 
  • Pavan, C., Da Cunha, A. B. and Morsoletto, C. (1971). “Virus-chromosome relationships in cells of Rhynchosciara (Diptera, Sciaridae)”. Caryologia 24 (3): 371–389. doi:10.1080/00087114.1971.10796445. 


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