ノルウェー人 関連項目


出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2024/04/23 16:10 UTC 版)

ノルウェー人(ノルウェーじん、ノルウェー語: nordmenn)は、ノルウェー王国の国民、または同国を故地とする民族を指す。後者は共通の文化とノルウェー語を有し、アメリカ合衆国カナダオーストラリアに移民のコミュニティがある。

  1. ^ "Without immigrant background" : Population 1.1.2010 (4 305 886 [1])
  2. ^ The 2000 American census Archived 2004年2月25日, at the Wayback Machine. reports that the United States, in the 2000 census, has 4,477,725 inhabitants of (partial) Norwegian ancestry.
  3. ^ Shows a list over Canadas different ethnic groups, reports that there is 363,760 persons reporting Norwegian as one ancestry in Canada, of these 44,790 reported only Norwegian.
  4. ^ The 2000 Brazilian census reports that Brazil, in the 2000 census, has 465,44 inhabitants of (partial) Norwegian ancestry.
  5. ^ Number of Norwegians registered at the Embassy for living in each of these countries.
  6. ^ Swedish Statistics from 2005. Shows the official number of Norwegians in Sweden at page 20.
  7. ^ Sweden: Stock of foreign-born population by country of birth, by year
  8. ^ Swedish Statistics from 2005. Shows the official number of Norwegians in Sweden at page 20.
  9. ^ Australian: Stock of foreign-born population by country of birth, by year
  10. ^ https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/no.html
  11. ^ アーカイブされたコピー”. 2011年9月27日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2011年9月27日閲覧。
  12. ^ F. Luca, F. Di Giacomo, T. Benincasa et al., "Y-Chromosomal Variation in the Czech Republic," American Journal of Physical Anthropology 132:132–139 (2007).
  13. ^ a b http://www.ajhg.org/AJHG/abstract/S0002-9297(07)63256-X Estimating Scandinavian and Gaelic Ancestry in the Male Settlers of Iceland - Agnar Helgason et al., 2000, Am. J. Hum. Genet. 67:697–717, 2000
  14. ^ a b Rosser et al. (2000)
  15. ^ U.S Census 2000
  16. ^ Detailed Mother Tongue (148), Single and Multiple Language Responses (3) and Sex (3) for the Population of Canada, Provinces, Territories, Census Metropolitan Areas and Census Agglomerations, 2006 Census – 20% Sample Data. (2007). http://www12.statcan.ca/census-recensement/2006/dp-pd/tbt/Rp-eng.cfm?TABID=1&LANG=E&APATH=3&DETAIL=0&DIM=0&FL=A&FREE=0&GC=0&GK=0&GRP=1&PID=89186&PRID=0&PTYPE=88971,97154&S=0&SHOWALL=0&SUB=0&Temporal=2006&THEME=70&VID=0&VNAMEE=&VNAMEF=. 
  17. ^ Culture of Norway. Everyculture.com. Retrieved 27 November 2008.
  18. ^ Culture from Study in Norway Archived 2012年2月19日, at the Wayback Machine.. Retrieved 2 December 2008.
  19. ^ Norwegian Folk Music from Norway, official site in the UK. Retrieved 25 November 2008.
  20. ^ Contemporary art from Norway the official site. Retrieved 28 November 2008.
  21. ^ GALLUP WorldView
  22. ^ Stavanger Aftenblad - 2 prosent går i kirken på en vanlig søndag
  23. ^ American Religious Identification Survey”. Exhibit 15. The Graduate Center, City University of New York. 2006年11月24日閲覧。
  24. ^ a b North Dakota Movers”. US-Moving.com. 2007年8月19日閲覧。
  25. ^ San Diego Times, May 2, 2006 Archived 2012年5月13日, at the Wayback Machine., from 2006 Gallup survey


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