Google ニュースとは? わかりやすく解説

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Google ニュース

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2023/09/27 01:12 UTC 版)

Google ニュース(Google News)は、Googleが提供するニュースアグリゲーター。Googleのページランクに関連して、Googleの主任研究者である Krishna Bharat が2001年に開発したストーリーランクをベースとして始まった。人間はアグリゲーションのアルゴリズムを調節するだけで、掲載する記事の選択は全て自動的に行われる。2006年1月、Google News ベータ版が登場した[1]

  1. ^ Krishna Bharat, "And now, News", The Official Google Blog, 23 January 2006. "We're taking Google News out of beta! When we launched the English-language edition in September 2002, we entered untested waters with a grand experiment in news browsing - using computers to organize the world's news in real time and providing a bird's eye view of what's being reported on virtually any topic. By presenting news "clusters" (related articles in a group), we thought it would encourage readers to get a broader perspective by digging deeper into the news -- reading ten articles instead of one, perhaps -- and then gain a better understanding of the issues, which could ultimately benefit society. A bit more than three years later, we offer 22 regional editions in 10 languages, and have a better sense of how people use Google News." 2008年6月19日閲覧
  2. ^ China, Google News and source inclusion Google Blog、2004年9月27日
  3. ^ Google's news sued for infringing Agence France Presse copyrighted work News Journal、2005年3月19日
  4. ^ “Google starts hosting news stories”. DTM news. (2007年8月3日). 2009年10月3日閲覧。 
  5. ^ “Google News Becomes A Publisher.”. Information Week. (2007年8月31日).;jsessionid=PBT2QGMTUGF0AQSNDLOSKH0CJUNN2JVN?articleID=201803549&_requestid=555255 2008年4月26日閲覧. ""Because the Associated Press, Agence France-Presse, U.K. Press Association and the Canadian Press don't have a consumer Web site where they publish their content, they have not been able to benefit from the traffic that Google News drives to other publishers," Josh Cohen, business product manager for Google News, explained in a blog post. "As a result, we're hosting it on Google News."" 
  6. ^ Original stories, from the source.”. Google. 2008年4月26日閲覧。 “Today we’re launching a new feature on Google News that will help you quickly and easily find original stories from news publishers -- including stories from some of the top news agencies in the world, such as the Associated Press, Agence France-Presse, UK Press Association and the Canadian Press -- and go directly to the original source to read more.”
  7. ^ “Bad news for Google in Belgium.”. International Herald Tribune. (2006年9月22日). 2007年9月25日閲覧. "The earlier decision required Google to stop displaying extracts of French and German-language articles from Belgian newspapers." 
  8. ^ “Bringing history online, one newspaper at a time”. Google. (2008年9月8日). 2008年9月8日閲覧. "Today, we're launching an initiative to make more old newspapers accessible and searchable online by partnering with newspaper publishers to digitize millions of pages of news archives." 
  9. ^ a b Helft, Miguel. “How a Series of Mistakes Hurt Shares of United”. New York Times (The New York Times Company). 2008年9月15日閲覧。 
  10. ^ Kee, Tameka (2009-06-09), “Google tests Wikipedia links with news? But what about credibility issues?”, The Washington Post, .
  11. ^ Shaer, Matthew (2009-06-12), “Google News now linking to Wikipedia – a recipe for disaster?”, The Christian Science Monitor, .

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