Fair Dealとは? わかりやすく解説

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フェア‐ディール【Fair Deal】


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フェア・ディール(Fair Deal:「公正な扱い」の意)は、ハリー・S・トルーマン米国大統領1949年1月の一般教書にてアメリカ合衆国議会に示した、一連の提案に与えられた名称である。しかしこの語は、1945年から1953年まで米国を統治したトルーマン政権の国内改革課題を説明する際にも用いられた[1]。これは米国近代自由主義の歴史における新たな段階をなすものであったが、議会の多数派は保守連合であったため、共和党の支持なくして諸法案は成立しなかった。リチャード・ニュースタットが結論したように、最も重要な提案は教育支援、国民健康保険、公正雇用慣行委員会英語版 (FEPC) 、タフト=ハートリー法廃止であった。これらはいずれも長期にわたる議論の果てに否決された。それでも、雑多で異論の少ない(だが重要な)項目は可決され、リベラル派は若干の成果を挙げることに成功した[2]

  1. ^ http://www.encyclopedia.com/topic/Fair_Deal_1945-1953.aspx
  2. ^ Richard E. Neustadt, "Congress and the Fair Deal: A Legislative Balance Sheet," Public Policy, 5 (1954): 349-81, reprinted in Alonzo L. Hamby ed., Harry S. Truman and the Fair Deal (1974) p 29
  3. ^ Mark S. Byrnes, The Truman Years 1945-1953
  4. ^ Alonzo L. Hamby, "The Vital Center, the Fair Deal, and the Quest for a Liberal Political Economy," American Historical Review, June 1972, Vol. 77 Issue 3, pp 653-78 online at JSTOR
  5. ^ a b Hamby, Alonzo L. Harry S. Truman and the Fair Deal (1974) page vii.
  6. ^ http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=12359#axzz1NgTWreWb
  7. ^ Hamby, Harry S. Truman and the Fair Deal, page 15.
  8. ^ http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/truman-delivers-his-fair-deal-speech
  9. ^ Truman to Carter: A post-War History of the United States of America by Peter J. Mooney and Colin Brown
  10. ^ a b c d e f The Truman Years 1945-1953 by Mark S. Byrnes
  11. ^ Hamby 1995
  12. ^ “The Fair Deal.” United States History. 30 Mar. 2008 <http://countrystudies.us/united-states/history-115.htm>.
  13. ^ De Luna, Phyllis Komarek. Public Versus Private Power During the Truman Administration : a Study of Fair Deal Liberalism. New York: Peter Lang, 1997. 35-36.
  14. ^ Robert A. Taft, The Papers of Robert A. Taft: 1949-1953 edited by Clarence E. Wunderlin (2006) p. 81
  15. ^ a b Truman by David McCullough
  16. ^ The Welfare State Reader, edited by Christopher Pierson and Francis G. Castles
  17. ^ President Truman (1947). "President Truman's Address to the NAACP, June 28, 1947". National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
  18. ^ Philip H. Vaughan, "The Truman Administration's Fair Deal for Black America," Missouri Historical Review, April 1976, Vol. 70 Issue 3, pp 291-305
  19. ^ Hillary Rodham Clinton, Living history (2003) p. 145.
  20. ^ a b c d e http://www.ssa.gov/history/1940.html
  21. ^ Healthcare reform in America: a reference handbook by Jennie J. Kronenfeld and Michael R. Kronenfeld
  22. ^ http://www.hhnmag.com/hhnmag_app/jsp/articledisplay.jsp?dcrpath=HHNMAG/Article/data/02FEB2009/0902HHN_CoverStory_WebExtra&domain=HHNMAG
  23. ^ The food safety information handbook by Cynthia A. Roberts
  24. ^ The U.S. healthcare certificate of need sourcebook by Robert James Cimasi
  25. ^ The new public health: an introduction for the 21st century by Theodore H. Tulchinsky and Elena Varavikova
  26. ^ a b The changing federal role in U.S. health care policy by Jennie J. Kronenfeld
  27. ^ a b http://faculty.roosevelt.edu/Ziliak/doc/Social%20Welfare%20History.pdf
  28. ^ a b The theory and practice of American National Government by Carl Brent Swisher
  29. ^ a b Government and public health in America by Ronald Hamowy
  30. ^ http://www.nih.gov/about/almanac/historical/legislative_chronology.htm
  31. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u ibid
  32. ^ Tumultuous Years: The Presidency of Harry S. Truman, 1949-1953 by Robert J. Donovan
  33. ^ a b c http://www.ssa.gov/history/1950.html
  34. ^ A new deal for social security By Peter J. Ferrara and Michael Tanner
  35. ^ a b c d http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/R40428.pdf
  36. ^ http://www.basicincome.qut.edu.au/documents/Poverty%20Reduction%20and%20Welfare%20Provision%20for%20Single%20Parents%20in%20Aotearoa.pdf
  37. ^ Statistical handbook on the social safety net by Fernando Francisco Padró
  38. ^ a b America's wealth: the economic history of an open society by Peter d'Alroy Jones
  39. ^ http://www.ssa.gov/policy/docs/statcomps/supplement/2006/tempdisability.html
  40. ^ a b c d http://aspe.hhs.gov/info/hewhistory.htm
  41. ^ Blame welfare, ignore poverty and inequality by Joel F. Handler and Yeheskel Hasenfeld
  42. ^ Boyer, Paul S. Promises to Keep: The United States since World war II, page 79. Second ed. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1999
  43. ^ Beyond the liberal consensus: a political history of the United States since 1965 by Iwan W. Morgan
  44. ^ a b From Prairie Farmer to Entrepreneur: The Transformation of Midwestern Agriculture by Dennis Sven Nordin and Roy Vernon Scott
  45. ^ Education and learning in America by Catherine Reef
  46. ^ Disabled Policy: America's Programs for the Handicapped: A Twentieth Century Fund Report by Edward D. Berkowitz
  47. ^ Funding the Modern American State, 1941-1995: The Rise and Fall of the Era of Easy Finance by W. Elliot Brownlee
  48. ^ Robert Ball and the Politics of Social Security by Edward D. Berkowitz
  49. ^ David Plotke, Building a Democratic Political Order (2006) p 246
  50. ^ http://www.trumanlibrary.org/truman-2.htm
  51. ^ The New International Year Book by Frank Moore Colby, Allen Leon Churchill, Herbert Treadwell Wade, 1947
  52. ^ http://www.trumanlibrary.org/chron/49chrono.htm
  53. ^ Boosting paychecks: the politics of supporting America's working poor by Daniel P. Gitterman
  54. ^ a b http://www.msha.gov/MSHAINFO/MSHAINF2.HTM
  55. ^ http://clear.uhwo.hawaii.edu/Timeline-US.html
  56. ^ Harry S. Truman: A Life by Robert H. Ferrell
  57. ^ http://employeeissues.com/federal_labor_laws.htm
  58. ^ Citizenship and participation in the information age by Manjunath Pendakur and Roma M. Harris
  59. ^ Gary Donaldson, The making of modern America: the nation from 1945 to the present (2009) p 20
  60. ^ アーカイブされたコピー”. 2010年2月12日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2010年8月14日閲覧。
  61. ^ a b Encyclopaedia of the American presidency by Michael A. Genovese
  62. ^ Digest of Education Statistics, 2008 by Thomas D. Snyder, Sally A. Dillow
  63. ^ Children and Youth in America: A Documentary History, Volume III, 1933-1973, Parts 5-7, edited by Robert H. Bremner
  64. ^ Yerkes Observatory, 1892-1950: the birth, near death, and resurrection of a scientific research institution by Donald E. Osterbrock
  65. ^ Promises Kept: John F. Kennedy’s New Frontier by Irving Bernstein
  66. ^ When federalism works by Paul E. Peterson, Barry George Rabe, and Kenneth K. Wong
  67. ^ Universal Healthcare By Victoria Sherrow
  68. ^ Charles C. Brown, "Robert A. Taft, Champion of Public Housing and National Aid to Schools," Cincinnati Historical Society Bulletin, 1968, Vol. 26 Issue 3, pp 219-253
  69. ^ Selling the Lower East Side: culture, real estate, and resistance in New York City by Christopher Mele
  70. ^ http://www.trumanlibrary.org/chron/49chron2.htm
  71. ^ A more perfect union: advancing new American rights by Jesse Jackson and Frank E. Watkins
  72. ^ America: A Narrative History by George Brian Tindall and David Emory Shi
  73. ^ a b American city planning since 1890 by Mel Scott
  74. ^ Dictionary of American history by Michael Rheta Martin, Leonard Gelber, and Leo Lieberman
  75. ^ a b c d America in the twentieth century: a study of the United States since 1917 by David Keith Adams
  76. ^ a b Abundance and Anxiety: America, 1945-1960 by Gary A. Donaldson
  77. ^ Housing and society by Glenn H. Beyer
  78. ^ Virgil W. Dean, "Charles F. Brannan and the rise and fall of Truman's 'Fair Deal' for farmers," Agricultural History, Winter 1995, Vol. 69 Issue 1, pp 28-53
  79. ^ Control And Sensing Of Environmental Quality edited by R. Swarup, S. N. Mishra, and V. P. Jauhari
  80. ^ http://www.fns.usda.gov/fdd/aboutfd/history.htm
  81. ^ The economics of crop insurance and disaster aid by Barry K. Goodwin and Vincent H. Smith
  82. ^ http://www.trumanlibrary.org/publicpapers/index.php?pid=1324&st=&st1=
  83. ^ Charles Coate, "The New School of Thought: Reclamation and the Fair Deal, 1945-1953," Journal of the West 22 (April 1983):58-63
  84. ^ A Brief History of the United States since 1945 by Robert D. Marcus
  85. ^ A dictionary of American history by Thomas L. Purvis
  86. ^ Depression to Cold War: A History of America from Herbert Hoover to Ronald Reagan by Joseph M. Siracusa, David G. Coleman


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