ドナルド・バクスター・マクミランとは? わかりやすく解説

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(Donald Baxter MacMillan から転送)

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2021/09/18 01:54 UTC 版)

ドナルド・バクスター・マクミラン(英語: Donald Baxter MacMillan1874年11月10日 - 1970年9月7日)は、アメリカ合衆国探検家で船員、研究者で講師。46年にわたるキャリアで北極北極圏探査を30回超重ねた。北極圏で初めて無線通信航空輸送、電気の使用を行い、記録映像と写真数千枚を持ち帰り、イヌクティトゥット語の辞書をまとめた。

  1. ^ a b Donald Baxter MacMillan | Bowdoin College”. www.bowdoin.edu. 2019年11月10日閲覧。
  2. ^ West, James E.『The Boy Scouts Book of True Adventure』Putnam、New York、1931年。OCLC 8484128
  3. ^ John Dilks, Wireless North Pole Christmas, QST, December 2008, pp. 94-5.
  4. ^ “MacMillan Sails North. Explorer Hopes to Determine Whether New 'Ice Age' Is Coming”. The New York Times. (1923年7月4日). https://www.nytimes.com/1923/07/04/archives/macmillan-sails-north-explorer-hopes-to-determine-whether-new-ice.html 2015年3月11日閲覧. "Captain Donald B. MacMillan, Arctic explorer, and his picked crew of six sailed for the Far North tonight ..." 
  5. ^ “MacMillan to Seek Signs of New Ice Age. His Expedition Equipped for Polar Radio”. The New York Times. (1923年5月28日). https://www.nytimes.com/1923/05/28/archives/macmillan-to-seek-signs-of-new-ice-age-his-expedition-equipped-for.html 2015年3月11日閲覧. "Captain Donald B. MacMillan, who will sail from here June 16 on the little schooner Bowdoin to resume his arctic explorations, announced today that one purpose of the expedition is to determine whether there is beginning another ice age, as the advance of glaciers in the last seventy years would indicate. ..." 
  6. ^ “MacMillan Finds Old Norse Ruins”. The New York Times. Associated Press. (1926年9月5日). https://www.nytimes.com/1926/09/05/archives/macmillan-finds-old-norse-ruins-thinks-relics-of-settlement-off.html 2009年7月24日閲覧. "Thinks Relics of Settlement Off Labrador Perhaps 1,000 Years Old. Sub-Arctic Expedition of Field Museum of Chicago Returns to Sydney. The authenticity of old legends telling of Norse settlements established in America by Vikings long before Columbus sailed for the New World has received ..." 
  7. ^ Register of Commissioned Officers of the U.S. Naval Reserve. July 1, 1939.
  8. ^ U.S. Naval Reserve Register. 1 July 1944.
  9. ^ The New York Times. June 25, 1954.
  10. ^ “Around the World”. Time. (August 29, 1927). http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,723029,00.html 2007年10月24日閲覧。. 
  11. ^ Drum Major David Ricklis (PHS 1967) (2010年1月11日). “About MacMillan: The Story of the MacMillan Pipe Band” (英語). MacMillan Pipe Band. 2019年11月10日閲覧。


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