光通信工学とは? わかりやすく解説

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光通信工学(Optical Communication Engineering)は光通信システム(Optical Communication System)の基本的な仕組みを明らかにし、発展させる学問である。光通信システムは世界で最も高性能の大容量長距離通信システムであり、インタネットの情報伝送機能を担って共に発展し、さらに別途、ビッグデータを蓄積するデータセンター内などの近距離の情報機器間の接続を果たす機能を持つシステムもあり、ICT文明の発展に貢献している。こうした情報伝送には主に各種の光ファイバや半導体レーザ、そして各種の光デバイスや電子デバイスが用いられ、総称して光ファイバ通信(Optical Fiber Communication)ともいわれる。実況中継や宇宙における光通信のように空間伝搬光通信もある。

  1. ^ 末松安晴、「わが国の光ファイバ通信研究 (前編・後編)」、科研費NEWS、2015年度
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  3. ^ 奥山脩平、河村豊、雀部晶、田中国昭「電気技術史概論」、ムイスリ出版、1991.
  4. ^ H. Lamb, Z. Instrumentenk, Vol.50, p.579, 1930.
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  10. ^ T. H. Maiman, “Stimulated optical radiation in ruby”, Nature, Vol.187, pp.493-494, 1960.
  11. ^ R. N. Hall, G. E. Fenner, J. D. Kingsley, T. J. Soltys and R. O. Carlson, “Coherent light emission from GaAs junctions”, Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol.9, No.9, p.366, Nov. 1, 1962.
  12. ^ M. I. Nathan, W. P. Dumke, G. Burns, F. H. Dill, Jr. and G. Lasher, “Stimulated emission of radiation from GaAs p-n junctions ”, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol.1, No.3, p.62, Nov. 1, 1962.
  13. ^ T. M. Quist, R. H. Rediker, R. J. Keyes, W. E. Krag, B. Lax, A. L. McWhorter and J. Zeiger, “Semiconductor maser of GaAs”, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol.1, No.4, p.91, Dec. 1, 1962.
  14. ^ N. Holonyak, Jr. and S. F. Bevacqua, “Coherent (Visible) light emission from Ga (As1-xPx) junctions”, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol.1, No.4, p.82, Feb. 1962.
  15. ^ W. Sullivan, “Walking Light, Bell Shows Beam of Talking Light,”New York Times, Feb.1, 1961.
  16. ^ 末松安晴,”最初の光ファイバ通信の実験は東京工業大学の全学祭か~昭和38年(1963)5月26日~,” クロニクル(東京工業大学発行),pp.3-4,1986年10月号.
  17. ^ H. Kogelnik, “On the propagation of Gaussian beams of light through lenslike media including those with loss or gain variation”, Bell Syst. Tech. J., Vol.44, No.3, pp.455-494, Mar. 1965.
  18. ^ 末松安晴, 吹抜洋司, “理想化されたガス光導波系の解析”, 信学誌, Vol.48, No.10, p.1684, Oct. 1965.
  19. ^ S. Kawakami and J. Nishizawa, “An optical waveguide with optimum distribution of the refractive with reference to waveform distortion”, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory & Tech., Vol.MTT-16, No.10, p.814 Oct. 1968.
  20. ^ K. C. Kao and G. A. Hockham, “Dielectric-fiber surface waveguide for optical frequency, Proc. IEE, Vol.113, No.7, p.1151, 1966.
  21. ^ T. Uchida, M. Furukawa, I. Kitano, K. Koizumi and H. Matsumura, “A light-focusing fiberguide”, Presented at the IEEE Conf. on Laser Eng. and Appl., Washington, D.C., May 1969; IEEE J. Quantum Electron., Vol.QE-5, No.6, p.331, June 1969.
  22. ^ F. P. Kapron, D. B. Keck and R. D. Maurer, “Radiation losses in glass optical waveguides”, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol.17, No.7, p.423, Nov. 15, 1970.
  23. ^ J. B. MacChesney, P. B. O’Connor and J. R. Simpson, “A new technique for the preparation of low-loss and graded-index optical fibers”, Proc. IEEE, Vol.62, No.9, pp.1280-1281, Sept. 1974.
  24. ^ T. Ikegami and Y. Suematsu, “Resonance-like characteristics of the direct modulation of a junction laser”, Proc. IEEE, Vol.55, No.1, p.122, Jan. 1967.
  25. ^ I. Hayashi, P. B. Panish, P. W. Foy and S. Sumski, “Junction lasers which operate continuously at room temperature”, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol.17,
  26. ^ Zh. I. Alferov, V. M. Andreev, E. L. Portnoi and M. K. Trukan, “AlAs-GaAs heterojunction injection lasers with a low room-temperature threshold”, Fiz. Tekh. Poluprov., Vol.3, p.1328, Sept. 1969. (Sov. Phys. Semicond., Vol.3, p.1107, Mar. 1970.)
  27. ^ Y. Suematsu and M. Yamada, “Transverse mode control in semiconductor laser”, IEEE Semi-conductor Laser Conf., May 16, 1972.
  28. ^ 末松安晴, 林健二, “分布反射器とこれを用いたレーザ共振回路の一般解析”, 昭和49年度電子通信学会全国大会, 1200, p.1203(July 25-27, 1974)、Y. Suematsu and K. Hayashi, ”General analysis of distributed Bragg reflector and laser resonator using it, ”National Convention of the Institute of Electronics and Communication Engineer, 1200, p.1203, July 25-27, 1974.
  29. ^ D. B. Keck, R. D. Maurer and P. C. Schultz, “On the ultimate lower limit of attenuation in glass optical waveguides”, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol.22, No.7, pp.307-309, Apr. 1, 1973.
  30. ^ S. Arai, Y. Itaya, Y. Suematsu, and K. Kishino, “1.5-1.6 μm wavelength (100) GaInAsP/InP DH lasers”, 11th Conf. on Solid State Devices (SSDM), Tokyo, B-3-4, Aug. 1979.
  31. ^ S. Arai, M. Asada, Y. Suematsu and Y. Itaya, “Room temperature CW operation GaInAsP/InP DH laser emitting at 1.51μm”, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol.18, No.12, pp.2333-2334, Dec. 1979.
  32. ^ T. Miya, Y. Terunuma, T. Hosaka and T. Miyashita, “An ultimately low-loss single-mode fiber at 1.55μm”, Electron. Lett., Vol.15, No.4, pp.106-108, Feb. 1979.
  33. ^ S. Akiba, K. Sakai, Y. Matsushima and T. Yamamoto, “Room-temperature C. W. operation of InGaAsP/InP heterostructure lasers emitting at 1.56 μm”, Electron.Lett., vol.15, no.9, pp.606–607, Sept.1979.
  34. ^ H. Kawaguchi, T. Takahei, Y. Toyoshima, H. Nagai and G. Iwane, “Room-temperature C.W. Operation of InP/InGaAsP/InP double heterostructure diode lasers emitting at 1.55μm”, Electron. Lett., Vol.15, No.21, pp.669-700, Oct. 1979.
  35. ^ I. P. Kaminow, R. E. Nahory, M. A. Pollack, L. W. Stulz and J. C. DeWinter, “Single-mode C.W. ridge-waveguide laser emitting at 1.55μm”, Electron. Lett., Vol.15, No.23, pp.763-765, Nov.1979.
  36. ^ D. N. Payne and W. A. Gambling, “Zero material dispersion in optical fibers”, Electron. Lett., Vol.11, No.8, pp.176-178, Apr. 17, 1975.
  37. ^ S. Kawakami and S. Nishida, “Perturbation theory of a doubly clad optical fiber with a low-index inner cladding”, IEEE J. Quantum Electron., Vol.QE-11, No.4, pp.130-138, Apr. 1975.
  38. ^ M. Horiguchi and H. Osanai, “Spectral losses of low-OH-content optical fibers”, Electron. Lett., Vol.12, No.12, p.310-311, June 10, 1976.
  39. ^ T. Izawa, S. Kobayashi, S. Sudo and F. Hanawa, “Continuous fabrication of high silica fiber preform”, International Conference on Integrated Optics and Optical Fiber Communication (IOOC ’77), C1-1, July 1977.
  40. ^ K. Utaka, K. Kobayashi and Y. Suematsu, “Lasing characteristics of 1.5〜1.6μm GaInAsP/InP integrated twin-guide lasers with first-order distributed Bragg reflectors”, IEEE J. Quantum Electron., Vol.QE-17, No.5, pp.651-658, May 1981.
  41. ^ K. Kobayashi, K. Utaka, Y. Abe, and Y. Suematsu, “CW Operation of 1.5-1.6μm Wavelength GaInAsP/InP BH Integrated Twin Guide Lasers with Distributed Bragg Reflector,” Electron. Lett., Vol.17, No.11, pp.366-368, May 1981.
  42. ^ K. Utaka, K. Kobayahsi, F. Koyama, Y. Abe and Y. Suematsu, “Single Wavelength Operation of 1.53μm GaInAsP/InP BH Integrated Twin Guide Lasers with Distributed Bragg Reflector under Direct Modulation up to 1GHz,” Electron. Lett., Vol.17, No.11, pp.368-369 (May 1981).
  43. ^ Y. Suematsu, “Long wavelength optical fiber communication”, Proc. IEEE, Vol.71, No.6, pp.692-721, June 1983.
  44. ^ K. Utaka, S. Akiba, K. Sakai and Y. Matsushima, “Room-temperature CW operation of distributed feedback buried-heterostructure InGaAsP/InP lasers emitting at 1.57 μm,” Electron. Lett., vol. 17, no. 25/26, pp. 961–963, Dec. 1981.
  45. ^ T. Matsuoka, H. Nagai, Y. Itaya, Y. Noguchi, U. Suzuki and T. Ikegami, “CW operation of DFB-BH GaInAsP/InP lasers in 1.5μm wavelength region”, Electron. Lett., Vol.18, No.1, pp.27-28, Jan. 1982.
  46. ^ S. Yamamoto, K. Utaka, S. Akiba, K. Sakai, Y. Matsushima, S. Sakaguchi and N. Seki, “280Mbit/s single-mode fiber transmission with DFB laser diode emitting at 1.53μm”, Electron. Lett., Vol.18, No.5, pp.239-240, Mar. 1982.
  47. ^ T. Ikegami, K. Kuroiwa, Y. Itaya, S. Shinohara, K. Hagimoto and N. Ikegami, “1.5μm transmission experiment with distributed feedback laser”, in Proc. 8th Euro. Conf. on Opt. Fiber Commun. (ECOC’ 82), Cannes, France, Sept. 1982.
  48. ^ K. Iwashita, K. Nakagawa, T. Matsuoka and M. Nakahara, “400Mb/s transmission test using a 1.53μm DFB laser diode and 104km single mode fiber”, Electron. Lett., Vol.18, No.22, pp.937-938, Oct. 1982.
  49. ^ K. Sekartedjo, N. Eda, K. Furuya, Y. Suematsu, F. Koyama and T. Tanbun-Ek, “1.5μm phase-shifted DFB lasers for single-mode operation,” Electron. Lett., vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 80–81, Jan. 1984.
  50. ^ F. Koyama, S. Kinoshita and K. Iga, “Room-temperature cw operation of GaAs vertical cavity surface emitting laser”, Trans. IEICE Japan, Vol.E71, No.11, pp.1089-1090, Dec. 1988.
  51. ^ V. Cerf and R. Kahn, “A Protocol for Packet Network Intercommunication”, IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol.22, issue 5, pp. 637-648, May 1974.
  52. ^ T. Berners-Lee, et al., “World-Wide Web: Information Universe”, Electronic Publishing: Research, Applications and Policy, April 1992.
  53. ^ M. Kawachi, “Silica waveguides on silicone and their application to integrated-optic components”, Opt. & Quantum Electron., Vol.22, pp.391-416, 1990.
  54. ^ K.Komatsu, S.Yamazaki, M.Kondo, and Y.Ohta,“Low-loss broad and LiNbO3 guidedwave phase modulators using titanium/ magnesium double diffusion method,”J. Lightwave T ech. , vol.LT-5, pp.1239-1245, Sept. 1987.
  55. ^ S. Sugimoto, K. Minemura, K. Kobayashi, M. Seki, M. Shikada, A. Ueki, T. Yanase and T. Miki, “High speed digital signal transmission experiments by optical wavelength division multiplexing”, IOOC '77, C7-4, July 1977.
  56. ^ S. Tsukamoto, D.-S. Ly-Gagnon, K. Katoh and K. Kikuchi, “Coherent Demonstration of 40-Gbit/s Polarization-Multiplexed QPSK signal with 16-GHz Spacing after 200-km Transmission,” Optical Fiber Communication Conference(OFC 2005), PDP29, Anaheim, CA, USA,(6-11March 2005)
  57. ^ R. J. Mears, L. Reekie, I. M. Jauncey and D. N. Payne, “Low-Noise Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier Operating at 1.54μm”, Electron. Lett., Vol.23, No.19, pp.1026-1028, Sept. 10, 1987.
  58. ^ M. Nakazawa, Y. Kimura and K. Suzuki, “Efficient Er3+-doped optical fiber amplifier pumped by a 1.48μm InGaAsP laser diode”, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol.54, No.4, pp.295-297, 23 Jan. 1989.
  59. ^ 編集委員会(神谷武志委員長)編、「光情報通信技術ハンドブック」コロナ社、2007。


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