ルイーズ・ブルックスとは? わかりやすく解説

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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2023/10/17 14:49 UTC 版)

ルイーズ・ブルックス(Louise Brooks, 1906年11月14日 - 1985年8月8日)は、アメリカ合衆国カンザス州出身の女優、ダンサーである。フラッパーボブ・カットの時代を象徴するシンボルであった。

  1. ^ Paris (1989), p.11
  2. ^ a b Tynan, Kenneth. The Girl in the Black Helmet in Show People: Profiles in Entertainment London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson (1980), originally from The New Yorker (June 11, 1979)
  3. ^ Paris (1989) p.548
  4. ^ Paris (1980), p.53
  5. ^ Paris (1989) p.429
  6. ^ Paris (1989) p.100
  7. ^ Paris (1989) p.109
  8. ^ Paris (1989), p.214
  9. ^ Paris (1989), pp.126–28
  10. ^ Paris (1989), p.311
  11. ^ Pabst, G. W. (2006) [1929]. Pandora's Box (Commentary). New York, New York: The Criterion Collection. CC1656D。
  12. ^ Paris (1989), p.358
  13. ^ a b Paris (1989), p.359
  14. ^ Waterloo Daily Courrant (February 12, 1932)
  15. ^ Shipman, David The Great Movie Stars: The Golden Years. Hamlyn 1970, ISBN 0-600-33817-7. pp.81-83
  16. ^ Paris (1989), pp.408-09
  17. ^ Paris (1989), p.412
  18. ^ Paris (1989), p.421
  19. ^ Brooks (1982), p.38
  20. ^ Paris (1989), p.423
  21. ^ Paris (1989), pp.428–30
  22. ^ Sherrow (2006), p.65
  23. ^ Van Wycks, CArolyn (April 6, 2014) "1920s Hairstyles – The Bobbed Hair Phenomenon of 1924" Glamourdaze
  24. ^ a b Paris (1989), pp.215, 246
  25. ^ Leacock, Richard. A Conversation with Louise Brooks. Rochester, New York. 1973.
  26. ^ a b Paris, Barry (writer); Neely, Hugh Munro (director) (1998) Louise Brooks: Looking for Lulu (documentary) PBS
  27. ^ a b Paris, (1989), p.364
  28. ^ Paris (1989), npg
  29. ^ Brooks, Louise, Roland Jaccard, and Gideon Y. Schein. Louise Brooks: Portrait of an Anti-star. Phébus, 1977. ISBN 978-2-85940-502-1,.
  30. ^ Weiss, Andrea. Vampires & Violets: Lesbians in the Cinema. J. Cape, 1992. ISBN 978-0-224-03575-0.
  31. ^ Wayne, Jane Ellen. The Golden Girls of MGM. Carroll & Graf Publishers, 2003. ISBN 978-0-7867-1303-5. p.89.
  32. ^ McLellan, Diana. The Girls: Sappho Goes to Hollywood. Macmillan, 2001. ISBN 978-0-312-28320-9 p. 81.
  33. ^ Paris (1989), pp.394–395
  34. ^ https://www.huffpost.com/entry/long-missing-louise-brooks-film-found_b_58dc8258e4b04ba4a5e250ca
  35. ^ Homage to Lulu (Homage to Louise Brooks)”. 12, 2017閲覧。
  36. ^ Gaiman, Neil (2001) American Gods, Headline Book Publishing. p.366 ISBN 9780747274179
  37. ^ "Ivy Pepper" Lackadaisy
  38. ^ "Character Profile Page" Lackadaisy
  39. ^ "Louise Brooks and the 'New Woman' in Weimar Cinema"[リンク切れ] ran from January 19 through April 29, 2007 at the ICP museum.



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