ミラーテストとは? わかりやすく解説

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ミラーテストマークテストまたは鏡像自己認知テスト: mirror self-recognition testMSR)とは、1970年に心理学者のゴードン・ギャラップJr.(Gordon Gallup Jr.)が開発した動物の行動研究であり、人間以外の動物が視覚的な自己認知(self-recognition)の能力を持っているかどうかを確かめるための手段として用いられている[1]。ミラーテストは、自己認識(self-awareness)の有無を確かめる手法としては長い歴史を持っているが、その妥当性については意見が分かれている。

  1. ^ a b c d e Gallup, GG Jr. (1970). “Chimpanzees: Self recognition”. Science 167 (3914): 86–87. Bibcode1970Sci...167...86G. doi:10.1126/science.167.3914.86. PMID 4982211. 
  2. ^ List of Animals That Have Passed the Mirror Test”. 2015年11月23日閲覧。
  3. ^ 10 Animals with Self Awareness”. 2015年11月23日閲覧。
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  5. ^ If a fish can pass the mark test, what are the implications for consciousness and self-awareness testing in animals?PLOS BIOLOGY, Published: February 7, 2019(2019年4月14日閲覧)。
  6. ^ Jonathan Weiner. Darwin at the Zoo. available at http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=darwin-at-the-zoo.
  7. ^ Carl Zimmer. The Descent of Man: The Concise Edition. excerpt available at http://carlzimmer.com/books/descentofman/excerpt.html.
  8. ^ Mitchell, R.W. (1995). “Evidence of dolphin self-recognition and the difficulties of interpretation”. Consciousness and Cognition 4 (2): 229–234. doi:10.1006/ccog.1995.1029. PMID 8521261. 
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  10. ^ Shaffer, David (2009). Social and Personality Development. Belmont: Thomson Wadsworth. pp. 172. ISBN 978-0-495-60038-1 
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  12. ^ Povinelli, D.J., Rulf, A.B., Landau, K.R. and Bierschwale, D.T. (1993). “Self-recognition in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes): distribution, ontogeny, and patterns of emergence”. J. Comp. Psychol. 107 (4): 347–372. doi:10.1037/0735-7036.107.4.347. PMID 8112048. 
  13. ^ Marten, K. & Psarakos, S. (1995). “Evidence of self-awareness in the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus)”. In Parker, S.T.; Mitchell, R. & Boccia, M.. Self-awareness in Animals and Humans: Developmental Perspectives. Cambridge University Press. pp. 361–379. オリジナルの13 October 2008時点におけるアーカイブ。. https://web.archive.org/web/20081013081149/http://earthtrust.org/delbook.html 
  14. ^ Reiss, D. & Marino, L.. “Mirror self-recognition in the bottlenose dolphin: A case of cognitive convergence”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 98 (10): 5937–5942. doi:10.1073/pnas.101086398. PMC 33317. PMID 11331768. http://www.pnas.org/content/98/10/5937.full. 
  15. ^ a b Delfour, F. & Marten, K. (2001). “Mirror image processing in three marine mammal species: Killer whales (Orcinus orca), false killer whales (Pseudorca crassidens) and California sea lions (Zalophus californianus)”. Behavioural Processes 53 (3): 181–190. doi:10.1016/s0376-6357(01)00134-6. PMID 11334706. 
  16. ^ Walraven, V., van Elsacker, L. and Verheyen, R. (1995). “Reactions of a group of pygmy chimpanzees (Pan paniscus) to their mirror images: evidence of self-recognition”. Primates 36: 145–150. doi:10.1007/bf02381922. 
  17. ^ Greg C. Westergaard; C. W. Hyatt (1994). “The responses of bonobos (Pan paniscus) to their mirror images: Evidence of self-recognition”. Human Evolution 9 (4): 273–279. doi:10.1007/BF02435514. 
  18. ^ a b Suárez, S.D. & Gallup, G.G. (1981). “Self-recognition in chimpanzees and orangutans, but not gorillas”. Journal of Human Evolution 10 (2): 175–188. doi:10.1016/s0047-2484(81)80016-4. 
  19. ^ a b Robert, S. (1986). “Ontogeny of mirror behavior in two species of great apes”. American Journal of Primatology 10 (2): 109–117. doi:10.1002/ajp.1350100202. 
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  21. ^ Povinelli, D.; de Veer, M.; Gallup Jr., G.; Theall, L.; van den Bos, R. (2003). “An 8-year longitudinal study of mirror self-recognition in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes)”. Neuropsychologia 41 (2): 229–334. doi:10.1016/S0028-3932(02)00153-7. ISSN 0028-3932. 
  22. ^ Calhoun, S. & Thompson, R.L. (1988). “Long-term retention of self-recognition by chimpanzees”. Am. J. Primatol. 15 (4): 361–365. doi:10.1002/ajp.1350150409. 
  23. ^ a b c Archer, John (1992). Ethology and Human Development. Rowman & Littlefield. ISBN 0-389-20996-1 
  24. ^ a b "Consciousness and the Symbolic Universe"
  25. ^ Povinelli, D.J. (1989). “Failure to find self-recognition in Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) in contrast to their use of mirror cues to discover hidden food.”. Journal of Comparative Psychology 103 (2): 122–131. doi:10.1037/0735-7036.103.2.122. https://doi.org/10.1037/0735-7036.103.2.122. 
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  28. ^ This tiny fish can recognize itself in a mirror. Is it self-aware?” (英語). Animals (2019年2月7日). 2020年5月11日閲覧。
  29. ^ Ye, Yvaine. “A species of fish has passed the mirror test for the first time” (英語). New Scientist. 2020年5月11日閲覧。
  30. ^ Kohda, Masanori; Hotta, Takashi; Takeyama, Tomohiro; Awata, Satoshi; Tanaka, Hirokazu; Asai, Jun-ya; Jordan, Alex L. (2019). “If a fish can pass the mark test, what are the implications for consciousness and self-awareness testing in animals?”. PLOS Biology 17 (2): e3000021. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.3000021. PMC 6366756. PMID 30730878. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6366756/. 
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  33. ^ 幸田正典「魚にも自分がわかる」第5章(157頁)。筑摩書房(2021年10月5日) ISBN 978-4-480-07432-4
  34. ^ Shillito, D., Gallup, G.G. and Beck, B.B. (1999). “Factors affecting mirror behaviour in western lowland gorillas, Gorilla gorilla”. Animal Behaviour 57 (5): 999–1004. doi:10.1006/anbe.1998.1062. PMID 10328785. 
  35. ^ a b Ledbetter, D.H. & Basen, J.A. (1982). “Failure to demonstrate self-recognition in gorillas”. American Journal of Primatology 2 (3): 307–310. doi:10.1002/ajp.1350020309. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ajp.1350020309/abstract 2014年7月16日閲覧。. 
  36. ^ Nicholson, I.S. & Gould, J.E. (1995). “Mirror mediated object discrimination and self-directed behavior in a female gorilla”. Primates 36 (4): 515–521. doi:10.1007/bf02382873. 
  37. ^ Allen, M. & Schwartz, B.L. (2008). “Mirror self-recognition in a Gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla)”. J. Integr. Biosci. 5: 19–24. doi:10.1037/e603982013-032. http://altweb.astate.edu/electronicjournal/Articles/sp_issue_psychobio/06%20EJIBS%20Schwartz%20gorilla_Final.pdf. 
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  41. ^ https://www.newscientist.com/article/2081640-manta-rays-are-first-fish-to-recognise-themselves-in-a-mirror/ 「Manta rays are first fish to recognise themselves in a mirror Read more: https://www.newscientist.com/article/2081640-manta-rays-are-first-fish-to-recognise-themselves-in-a-mirror/#ixzz6gdhsVHSA」
  42. ^ https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gINpG8Zc8hg 「Manta ray cognition/ mirror test
  43. ^ https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LQ1KErB_2oU 「Mantas mirror test2」
  44. ^ https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PlG9EgqZiCk 「Manta ray cognition/mirror test3」
  45. ^ Ari, C. and D’Agostino, D.P. (2016). “Contingency checking and self-directed behaviors in giant manta rays: Do elasmobranchs have self-awareness?”. Journal of Ethology 34 (2): 167–174. doi:10.1007/s10164-016-0462-z. 
  46. ^ Amanda Pachniewska (2016). List of Animals That Have Passed the Mirror Test. http://www.animalcognition.org/2015/04/15/list-of-animals-that-have-passed-the-mirror-test/. 
  47. ^ Andrea Ferrari,Antonella Ferrari『サメ・ガイドブック』(阪急コミュニケーションズ、2008年)p.197
  48. ^ Ari, C. and D’Agostino, D.P. (2016). “Contingency checking and self-directed behaviors in giant manta rays: Do elasmobranchs have self-awareness?”. Journal of Ethology 34 (2): 167–174. doi:10.1007/s10164-016-0462-z. 
  49. ^ a b Hill, H.M., Webber, K., Kemery, A., Garcia, M. and Kuczaj, S.A. (2015). “Can sea lions’ (Zalophus californianus) use mirrors to locate an object?”. International Journal of Comparative Psychology 28. http://escholarship.org/uc/item/8wx583w7. 
  50. ^ a b c d e f Ma, X., Jin, Y., Luo, B., Zhang, G., Wei, R. and Liu, D. (2015). “Giant pandas failed to show mirror self-recognition”. Animal Cognition 18 (3): 713–721. doi:10.1007/s10071-015-0838-4. PMID 25609263. 
  51. ^ Hyatt, C.W. (1998). “Responses of gibbons (Hylobates lar) to their mirror images”. American Journal of Primatology 45 (3): 307–311. doi:10.1002/(SICI)1098-2345(1998)45:3<307::AID-AJP7>3.0.CO;2-#. PMID 9651653. 
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  53. ^ Shaffer, V. A., & Renner, M. J. (2002). “Black and white colobus monkeys (Colobus guereza) do not show mirror self-recognition”. International Journal of Comparative Psychology 13: 154–159. 
  54. ^ Roma, P., Silberberg, A., Huntsberry, M., Christensen, C., Ruggiero, A. and Suomi, S. (2007). “Mark tests for mirror self-recognition in Capuchin monkeys (Cebus Apella) trained to touch marks”. American Journal of Primatology 69 (9): 989–1000. doi:10.1002/ajp.20404. ISSN 0275-2565. PMID 17253635. 
  55. ^ M. Hauser, C. Miller, K. Liu, R. Gupta (2001). American Journal of Primatology 137 (December 2000): 131-137. doi:10.1002/1098-2345(200103)53. 
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  57. ^ Soler, M., Pérez-Contreras, T. and Peralta-Sánchez, J.M. (2014). “Mirror-mark tests performed on jackdaws reveal potential methodological problems in the use of stickers in avian mark-test studies”. PLoS ONE 9 (1): e86193. Bibcode2014PLoSO...986193S. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0086193. PMC 3903501. PMID 24475085. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3903501/. 
  58. ^ Kraft F.L., Forštová T., Utku Urhan A., Exnerová A., Brodin A. (2017年). “No evidence for self-recognition in a small passerine, the great tit (Parus major) judged from the mark/mirror test”. Animal Cognition 20 (6): pp. 1049-1057. doi:10.1007/s10071-017-1121-7. PMC 5640729. https://link.springer.com/10.1007/s10071-017-1121-7 
  59. ^ Hotta T, Komiyama S, Kohda M (2018年). “A social cichlid fish failed to pass the mark test”. Animal Cognition 21 (1): pp. 127–136. doi:10.1007/s10071-017-1146-y. PMID 29150813. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10071-017-1146-y 
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  62. ^ Brandon, K. (2010年9月29日). “Monkeys see selves in mirror, open a barrel of questions”. Wired. https://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2010/09/monkey-self-awareness/ 2010年10月1日閲覧。 
  63. ^ Broom, D. M.; Sena, H.; Moynihan, K. L. (2009). “Pigs learn what a mirror image represents and use it to obtain information”. Animal Behaviour 78 (5): 1037–1041. doi:10.1016/j.anbehav.2009.07.027. 
  64. ^ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mza1EQ6aLdg
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  66. ^ This is video of one such test[リンク切れ]
  67. ^ De Waal, F.B. (2008). “The thief in the mirror”. PLOS Biology 6 (8): e201. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0060201. http://www.plosbiology.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pbio.0060201. 
  68. ^ Amanda Pachniewska (2016). “List of Animals That Have Passed the Mirror Test”. Animalcognition.org. http://www.animalcognition.org/2015/04/15/list-of-animals-that-have-passed-the-mirror-test/. 
  69. ^ http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-19354994
  70. ^ a b c d Stanley Coren. How Dogs Think. ISBN 0-7432-2232-6 
  71. ^ http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/canine-corner/201107/does-my-dog-recognize-himself-in-mirror
  72. ^ Cazzolla Gatti, Roberto (2016). “Self-consciousness: beyond the looking-glass and what dogs found there”. Ethology Ecology & Evolution 28 (2): 232–240. doi:10.1080/03949370.2015.1102777. ISSN 0394-9370. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/ref/10.1080/03949370.2015.1102777. 
  73. ^ Couchman, J.J. (2011). “Self-agency in rhesus monkeys”. Biology Letters 8 (1): 39–41. doi:10.1098/rsbl.2011.0536. PMC 3259954. PMID 21733868. http://rsbl.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/early/2011/07/08/rsbl.2011.0536.short. 
  74. ^ Anderson, J.R. (1984). “Monkeys with mirrors: Some questions for primate psychology”. International Journal of Primatology 5 (1): 81–98. doi:10.1007/bf02735149. 
  75. ^ a b c Beulah Amsterdam (1972). “Mirror self-image reactions before age two”. Developmental Psychobiology 5 (4): 297–305. doi:10.1002/dev.420050403. PMID 4679817. 
  76. ^ a b Lewis, M.; Brooks-Gunn, J. (1979). Social cognition and the acquisition of self. New York: Plenum Press. p. 296. ISBN 978-0-306-40232-6 
  77. ^ a b Priel, Beatrice; de Schonen, Scania (1986). “Self-Recognition: A Study of a Population without Mirrors”. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 41 (2): 237–250. doi:10.1016/0022-0965(86)90038-X. PMID 3701250. 
  78. ^ a b Sedikides, C. & Spencer, S.J. (Eds.) (2007). The Self. New York: Psychology Press
  79. ^ Heidi Keller; Relindis Yovsi; Joern Borke; Joscha Kärtner; Henning Jensen; Zaira Papaligoura (2004). “Developmental Consequences of Early Parenting Experiences: Self-Recognition and Self-Regulation in Three Cultural Communities”. Child Development 75 (6): 1745–1760. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8624.2004.00814.x. PMID 15566377. 
  80. ^ BENNETT I. BERTENTHAL; KURT W. FISCHER (1978). “Development of Self-Recognition in the Infant”. Developmental Psychology 14: 44–50. doi:10.1037/0012-1649.14.1.44. 
  81. ^ Amsterdam B (1972). “Mirror self-image reactions before age two”. Dev Psychobiol 5: 297–305. doi:10.1002/dev.420050403. PMID 4679817. 
  82. ^ Self-awareness in the first few weeks of life”. 2017年11月4日閲覧。
  83. ^ Social Psychology, 6th Edition p68-69
  84. ^ Lacan, J., Some reflections on the Ego in Écrits, org. published 1949.
  85. ^ a b c d Asendorpf, J.B., Warkentin V. and Baudonniere, P. (1996). “Self-awareness and other-awareness II: Mirror self-recognition, social contingency awareness, and synchronic imitation”. Developmental Psychology 32 (2): 313–321. doi:10.1037/0012-1649.32.2.313. 

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