ドレッドヘアーとは? わかりやすく解説

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(ドレッドヘアー から転送)

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2024/01/06 18:06 UTC 版)

ドレッドロックス: dreadlocks)は互いに絡まり合っている束形状の髪型。『ロックス』『ドレッド』『ドレッドヘア』などとも呼ばれる。

  1. ^ 「ドレッドヘア」の複雑な歴史|これは過小評価されがちな“文化的遺産””. Esquire (2022年11月5日). 2024年1月6日閲覧。
  2. ^ making, growing, maintaining, and understanding dreadlocks. they used for ceremonial purposes in Jamaica.”. 2012年7月1日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2012年7月16日閲覧。
  3. ^ Hair: Styling, Culture and Fashion. University of Michigan [Michigan]: Bloomsbury Academic. (2009). ISBN 9781845207922. "His jata (dreadlocks) are elegantly styled, and the source of the Ganges issues from his topknot. In the background are the Himalayas where Shiva performs his austerities." 
  4. ^ Poliakoff, Michael B. (1987). Combat Sports in the Ancient World: Competition, Violence, and Culture. Yale University Press. p. 172. ISBN 9780300063127. "The boxing boys on a fresco from Thera (now the Greek island of Santorini), also 1500 B.C.E., are less martial with their jewelry and long braids, and it is hard to imagine that they are engaged in a hazardous" 
  5. ^ Blencowe, Chris (2013). YRIA: The Guiding Shadow. Sidewalk Editions. p. 36. ISBN 9780992676100. "... Archaeologist Christos Doumas, discoverer of Akrotiri, wrote: "Even though the character of the wall-paintings from Thera is Minoan, ... the boxing children with dreadlocks, and ochre-coloured naked fishermen proudly displaying their abundant hauls of blue and yellow fish." 
  6. ^ Bloomer, W. Martin (2015). A Companion to Ancient Education. John Wiley & Sons. p. 31. ISBN 9781119023890. "Figure 2.1b Two Minoan boys with distinctive hairstyles, boxing. Fresco from West House, Thera (Santorini), ca. 1600–1500 bce (now in the National Museum, Athens)." 
  7. ^ Steves, Rick (2014). Athens and the Peloponnese. Avalon Travel. p. 165. ISBN 978-1-61238-060-5 
  8. ^ Blencowe, Chris (2013). YRIA: The Guiding Shadow. Sidewalk Editions. p. 36. ISBN 9780992676100. "... Archaeologist Christos Doumas, discoverer of Akrotiri, wrote: "Even though the character of the wall-paintings from Thera is Minoan, ... the boxing children with dreadlocks, and ochre-coloured naked fishermen proudly displaying their abundant hauls of blue and yellow fish." 
  9. ^ Poliakoff, Michael B. (1987). Combat Sports in the Ancient World: Competition, Violence, and Culture. Yale University Press. p. 172. ISBN 9780300063127. "The boxing boys on a fresco from Thera (now the Greek island of Santorini), also 1500 B.C.E., are less martial with their jewelry and long braids, and it is hard to imagine that they are engaged in a hazardous" 
  10. ^ Blencowe, Chris (2013). YRIA: The Guiding Shadow. Sidewalk Editions. p. 36. ISBN 9780992676100. "... Archaeologist Christos Doumas, discoverer of Akrotiri, wrote: "Even though the character of the wall-paintings from Thera is Minoan, ... the boxing children with dreadlocks, and ochre-coloured naked fishermen proudly displaying their abundant hauls of blue and yellow fish." 
  11. ^ ロックスの髪型をしたエジプト人の彫刻
  12. ^ Egyptian Museum - Return of the Mummy Toronto Life - 2002." Retrieved 01-26-2007.
  13. ^ Marathon 490 BC: The First Persian Invasion of Greece マラソンBC |last= Sekunda |first= Nick |publisher= Osprey Publishing |isbn= 978-1-84176-000-1 |quote= The ephors were members of the 'Spartiate' class who were noted for the uniformity of their dress, and their archaic hairstyles. They continued to wear long hair, a fashion long-dead elsewhere among Greek aristocrats. The hair was braided into long locks all gathered together at the back, sometimes with a couple of locks allowed to fall lose.


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