ANM176とは? わかりやすく解説

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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2022/09/30 20:50 UTC 版)

ANM176[注記 1]フェルラ酸と特定成分が含まれるガーデンアンゼリカの根の抽出物を配合した食品用製剤で、脳機能の維持を目的とした食品やサプリメントの配合素材として用いられる。

  1. ^ ANM176は、株式会社エイワイシーの登録商標(T 5905052)
  2. ^ INMは翰林大学生薬研究所(Institute of Natural Medicine, Hallym University)の登録商標
  1. ^ Barone E, Calabrese V, Mancuso C (Apr 2009). “Ferulic acid and its therapeutic potential as a hormetin for age-related diseases.” Biogerontology 10(2): 97–108 (
  2. ^ Kumar N, Pruthi V (Sep 2014). “Potential applications of ferulic acid from natural sources” Biotechnol Rep (Amst) 4: 86-93 (
  3. ^ Venugopala KN, Rashmi V, Odhav B(2013). “Review on natural coumarin lead compounds for their pharmacological activity” Biomed Res Int 2013:963248 (
  1. ^ a b c d e f Yan JJ, Cho JY, Kim HS, Kim KL, Jung JS, Huh SO, Suh HW, Kim YH, Song DK (May 2001). “Protection against β-amyloid peptide toxicity in vivo with long-term administration of ferulic acid.” Br J Pharmacol. 133(1): 89–96 (
  2. ^ Yamada K , Tanaka T, Sensaki K, Kameyama T, Nabeshima T (Jan 1999). “Protective effects of idebenone and alpha-tocopherol on beta-amyloid-(1-42)-induced learning and memory deficits in rats: implication of oxidative stress in bete-amyloid-induced neurotoxicity in vivo.” Eur J Neurosci. 11(1): 83-90
  3. ^ a b c d Yan JJ, Kim DH, Moon YS, Jung JS, Ahn EM, Baek NI, Song DK(Jan 2004). “Protection against β-amyloid peptide-induced memory impairment with long-term administration of extract of Angelica gigas or decursinol in mice.” Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry 28(1): 25–30
  4. ^ Kim JH, Koh SK, Koh HJ, Kwon YA, Kim SH, Kim JG, Kim TE, Park JW, Seo MY, Song YR, Lee I, Kim DK(Mar 2003). “A three month placebo-controlled clinical trial of INM176 in the old aged subjects with memory impairment.” J Korean Neuropsychiar Assoc 42(2): 254–62 (
  5. ^ a b 中村 重信, 佐々木 健, 阿瀬川 孝治, 伊丹 昭, 伊藤 達彦, 清原 龍夫, 河野 和彦, 松田 桜子, 水野 裕, 宮原 覚, 折笠 秀樹, 遠藤 英俊 (2008). “Ferulic acidとgarden angelica根抽出物製剤ANM176(TM)がアルツハイマー病患者の認知機能に及ぼす影響”Geriat Med 46(12): 1511–1519
  6. ^ Caro JJ, Getsios D, Migliaccio-Walle K, Raggio G, Ward A; AHEAD Study Group (Sep 2001). “Assessment of health economics in Alzheimer's disease (AHEAD) based on need for full-time care.” Neurology 57(6):964–71 (
  7. ^ Doody RS, Geldmacher DS, Gordon B, Perdomo CA, Pratt RD; Donepezil Study Group (Mar 2001). “Open-label, multicenter, phase 3 extension study of the safety and efficacy of donepezil in patients with Alzheimer disease.” Arch Neurol 58(3):427–33 (
  8. ^ Kim JS, Kim JC, Shim SH, Lee EJ, Jin W, Bae K, Son KH, Kim HP, Kang SS, Chang HW (Aug 2006). “Chemical constituents of the root of Dystaenia takeshimana and their anti-inflammatory activity” Arch Pharm Res 29(8): 617–23
  9. ^ Shin S, Joo SS, Park D, Jeon JH, Kim TK, Kim JS, Park SK, Hwang BY, Kim YB (Mar 2010). “Ethanol extract of Angelica gigas inhibits croton oil-induced inflammation by suppressing the cyclooxygenase-prostaglandin pathway” J Vet Sci 11(1): 43–50 (
  10. ^ 稲永 和豊、台之尊 啓次郎、二宮 嘉正、瀧井 修二, 王丸 道夫, 田中 孝道, 二又 義夫, 冨松 愈, 小島 秀樹, 古賀 照邦, 西島 英利, 西川 正, 古賀 五之, 内田 又功 (1996). “老年期認知障害の当帰芍薬散による治療効果-多施設共同研究-” Progress in Medicine 16(2): 293–300


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