深みの水泳とは? わかりやすく解説

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深みの水泳』(ふかみのすいえい、The Swimming Hole)(別名SwimmingThe Old Swimming Hole)は、1884年 - 1885年のアメリカ合衆国の画家トマス・エイキンズの絵である。グッドリッチ・カタログ 190 (Goodrich catalog #190) 。テキサス州フォートワースにあるエーモン・カーター美術館 (Amon Carter Museum) に収蔵されている。

  1. ^ Bolger, vii
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k Bolger, Doreen; Barry, Claire M. (1994年3月). “Thomas Eakins' 'Swimming Hole.' – 1885 painting in the Amon Carter Museum, Fort Worth, Texas”. Magazine Antiques. オリジナルの2006年8月27日時点におけるアーカイブ。. https://web.archive.org/web/20060827110142/http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1026/is_n3_v145/ai_15216356/pg_1 2009年1月6日閲覧。 
  3. ^ a b c Goodrich, 239
  4. ^ a b c d Bolger, 1
  5. ^ Adams, 305
  6. ^ Adams, 306
  7. ^ Brown Price, Aimee (1997年12月). “How the 'Bathers' emerged  - the painting 'Bathers at Asnieres' – Georges Seurat, National Gallery, London, England”. Art in America. オリジナルの2007年12月30日時点におけるアーカイブ。. https://web.archive.org/web/20071230143327/http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1248/is_n12_v85/ai_20094662 2009年1月6日閲覧。 
  8. ^ Figliano, Laurie. “Naked and Exposed: A Historical, Psychosexual and Comparative Analysis of Thomas Eakins' Masterpiece, The Swimming”. Concordia Undergraduate Journal of Art History, Issue #2. http://art-history.concordia.ca/cujah/pieces/4-naked-and-exposed-a-historical-psychosexual-and-comparative-analysis-of-thomas-eakins-s-masterpiece-the-swimming.html 2008年12月21日閲覧。 
  9. ^ Lubbock, Tom (2008年2月1日). “Eakins, Thomas The Swimming Hole (1885): The Independent's Great Art series”. The Independent. http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/art/great-works/eakins-thomas-the-swimming-hole-1885-776575.html 2009年1月6日閲覧。 
  10. ^ a b c Sewell, 90
  11. ^ Adams, 306–07
  12. ^ a b Bolger, 28–29
  13. ^ "Description page for 'Swimming'". Amon Carter Museum. Retrieved January 7, 2009
  14. ^ a b c Martin A. Berger (Autumn, 1997). "Modernity and Gender in Thomas Eakins' "Swimming"". American Art, Vol. 11, No. 3, 33–47. Published by the University of Chicago Press on behalf of the Smithsonian American Art Museum. Retrieved on January 10, 2009.
  15. ^ a b Glueck, Grace (2004年9月3日). “European Influences On Americans' Views”. The New York Times. http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9A05E0DA1531F930A3575AC0A9629C8B63&sec=&spon=&pagewanted=all 2008年1月6日閲覧。 
  16. ^ Kirkpatrick, 285
  17. ^ a b Bolger, 1–3
  18. ^ a b Bolger, 66
  19. ^ Eakins himself said "There is so much beauty in reflections that it is generally worthwhile to try to get them right." – Bolger, 25
  20. ^ Homer, 116
  21. ^ a b Sewell et al., 113
  22. ^ a b “Eakins' Students at the "The Swimming Hole"”. The Getty Museum. (2008年2月1日). http://www.getty.edu/art/gettyguide/artObjectDetails?artobj=66570 2009年1月4日閲覧。 
  23. ^ Sewell, 89–90
  24. ^ Eakins later gave the unfinished painting to William Merritt Chase. Sewell et al., 113
  25. ^ Homer, 116, 141–45
  26. ^ Bolger, 21–22
  27. ^ Sewell et al., 235–36
  28. ^ McCoy, Garnett (1972年). “Some Recently Discovered Thomas Eakins Photographs”. Archives of American Art Journal, Vol. 12, No. 4 (The Smithsonian Institution). http://www.jstor.org/pss/1557158 2008年1月6日閲覧。  15–22
  29. ^ Bolger, 19
  30. ^ Sewell, 89
  31. ^ Bolger, 13
  32. ^ At the time, Eakins' annual salary was $1,200 ($ 33,000 in current dollars). See Bolger, 15–16
  33. ^ Bolger, 44
  34. ^ Bolger, 45
  35. ^ Bolger, 26
  36. ^ Foster, Kathleen A. “Thomas Eakins – Scenes from a Modern Life: Biography 1886: Indicted by Rumor”. PBS. http://www.pbs.org/eakins/t_1886_rumor.htm 2008年1月6日閲覧。 
  37. ^ "During the following three decades, likely no one beyond the painter's immediate circle of family and friends saw the painting. Nor is there any extant anecdotal or pictorial data to testify to the painter's sense of the work during these years ... The painting simply failed to register in any significant, public way during Eakins' lifetime." – Bolger, 4
  38. ^ Bolger, Doreen; Barry, Claire M. (2004年5月13日). “Thomas Eakins' 'The Swimming Hole.'”. Resource Library Magazine. http://www.tfaoi.com/aa/4aa/4aa444.htm 2008年1月6日閲覧。 
  39. ^ Reif, Rita (1990年4月21日). “Fort Worth Strives to Keep Eakins' 'Swimming Hole'”. The New York Times. http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9C0CE0DF153DF932A15757C0A966958260&scp=2&sq=Swimming%20Hole%20Eakins&st=cse 2008年1月14日閲覧。 
  40. ^ Kimmelman, Michael (1990年6月16日). “An Eakins Classic Stays In Texas”. The New York Times. http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9C0CE4DC133EF935A25755C0A966958260&n=Top/Reference/Times%20Topics/People/E/Eakins,%20Thomas&scp=3&sq=Swimming%20Hole%20Eakins&st=cse 2008年1月14日閲覧。 
  41. ^ Sewell et al., 100
  42. ^ Goodrich, 239–40
  43. ^ Homer, 116
  44. ^ Adams, 305, 311
  45. ^ Adams, 311
  46. ^ Bolger, 83
  47. ^ Bazille seems to have drawn back from his own more radical instincts, having first painted the figures in Summer Scene completely nude, before deciding to clothe them. Bolger, 80–95
  48. ^ Levander, Caroline Field; Singley, Carol J (2003). The American Child: A Cultural Studies Reader. Rutgers University Press, 211–12. ISBN 0-8135-3223-X
  49. ^ Zurier, Rebecca (2006). Picturing the City: Urban Vision and the Ashcan School. University of California Press, 216. ISBN 0-520-22018-8
  50. ^ Bolger, 7
  51. ^ Several years after the painting was completed, Eakins and Whitman became friends, and in 1887 Eakins traveled to the poet's home in Camden, New Jersey to paint his portrait. Homer, 116, 210–13
  52. ^ Homer, 116; Bolger, 59. See also Whitney Davis, "Erotic Revision in Thomas Eakins Narratives of Male Nudity
  53. ^ Bolger, 59
  54. ^ Bolger, 7–8 refers specifically to Sexual Perspective: Homosexuality and Art in the Last 100 Years in the West by Emmanuel Cooper, Homoerotic Photograph: Male Images from Durieu / Delacroix to Mapplethorpe by Allen Ellenzweig, Realism, Writing, Disfiguration by Michael Fried, and Eakins in the Wilderness by Adam Gopnik.
  55. ^ Adams, 306–08
  56. ^ a b Adams, 308–09. Referenced from Male Desire: The Homoerotic in American Art by Jonathan Weinberg

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