妻売りとは? わかりやすく解説

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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2022/12/12 21:56 UTC 版)

イングランド妻売り(つまうり、wife selling)、または売妻(ばいさい)は、不本意な結婚を夫婦同士の合意によって終わらせるための手段であり、おそらく17世紀後半になって離婚が裕福な人間以外には事実上不可能になり始まった習慣である。売られる妻が首や腕、腰に縄ひもをかけられ街を練り歩いた後に、夫がまわりに集まった人々を相手に競売をおこない、高値をつけた人間が落札する。売妻はトマス・ハーディの「キャスターブリッジの市長」のテーマにもなっている。この小説の主人公は物語の冒頭で妻を売り、死ぬまでそれに悩んだあげく、ついには破滅してしまう。

  1. ^ 1844年にウォリックの巡回裁判で重婚者へ下された判決のなかで、ウィリアム・ヘンリ・マウルがその過程について詳述している[13] This affirmation later contributed to the passing of the 1857 Act.
  2. ^ A common cryer was a person whose responsibility it was to make public announcements on behalf of his employer.
  3. ^ MSS. 32,084
  4. ^ Private sales have not been counted. Thompson, 1991, pp. 409–410 and see pp. 411–412.
  5. ^ The "gas pillar" was a large cast iron vase erected in the early 19th century, in Bolton's market square, atop which was a gas lamp. The whole structure was about 30フィート (9.1 m) tall.
  6. ^ Thank you, sir, thank you, said the bold auctioneer,
    Going for ten—is there nobody here
    Will bid any more? Is this not a bad job?
    Going! Going! I say—she is gone for ten bob.[55]
  1. ^ Vaessen, Rachel Anne (2006) (PDF), Humour, Halters and Humiliation: Wife Sale as Theatre and Self-divorce (thesis), ir.lib.sfu.ca, http://summit.sfu.ca/item/6318 18 December 2009閲覧。 
  2. ^ Griffiths 1995, p. 163
  3. ^ a b Bryce 1901, p. 820
  4. ^ a b c d e Mansell & Meteyard 2004, p. 88
  5. ^ a b c d Kenny, Courtney (1929), “Wife-Selling in England”, Law Quarterly Review (heinonline.org): 494–497, http://heinonline.org/HOL/LandingPage?collection=journals&handle=hein.journals/lqr45&div=34&id=&page= (要登録)
  6. ^ Bryce 1901, p. 819
  7. ^ Bryce 1901, pp. 816–817
  8. ^ Leneman, Leah (1999), “The Scottish Case That Led to Hardwicke's Marriage Act”, Law and History Review (University of Illinois Press) 17 (1): 161, doi:10.2307/744190, オリジナルの2012年5月25日時点におけるアーカイブ。, https://archive.is/20120525024450/http://www.historycooperative.org/journals/lhr/17.1/leneman.html 16 December 2009閲覧。 
  9. ^ Caine & Sluga 2002, pp. 12–13
  10. ^ a b Stone 1990, p. 141
  11. ^ Sokol & Sokol 2003, p. 144
  12. ^ Finlay 2005, p. 15
  13. ^ a b Wright, John deP. (2004), “Wife Sale”, greenbag.org (Green Bag Archives), http://www.greenbag.org/archive/green_bag_tables_of_contents.html 25 August 2011閲覧。 
  14. ^ a b 浜林 2002, p. 164
  15. ^ Hill 1994, p. 215
  16. ^ a b Hill 1994, pp. 217–218
  17. ^ Thompson 1991, p. 462
  18. ^ Pateman 1988, p. 122
  19. ^ Stewart, Douglas (1971). “Chandos, Marlborough and Kneller: Painting and 'Protest' in the Age of Queen Anne”. National Gallery of Canada Bulletin 17. オリジナルの15 July 2007時点におけるアーカイブ。. https://web.archive.org/web/20070715065306/http://www.national.gallery.ca/bulletin/num17/stewart1.html 2008年2月2日閲覧。. 
  20. ^ “The Contrast, by the Author of "Yes and No"”, The Gentleman's Magazine 102: 347, (April 1832), https://books.google.co.jp/books?id=rDwDw0HkYPkC&redir_esc=y&hl=ja 
  21. ^ Jacob 2002, p. 76
  22. ^ Thompson 1991, p. 412
  23. ^ a b Thompson 1991, pp. 408–409
  24. ^ Hill 1994, pp. 215–216
  25. ^ Ashton 1899, pp. 216–217
  26. ^ Thompson 1991, p. 433
  27. ^ Thompson 1991, p. 428
  28. ^ Hill 1994, pp. 216–217
  29. ^ a b Hill 1994, p. 216
  30. ^ Thompson 1991, pp. 440–441
  31. ^ Thompson 1991, pp. 413–414
  32. ^ a b Thompson 1991, p. 451
  33. ^ a b c Clark 1997, pp. 86–87
  34. ^ Woodbury 1951, p. 223
  35. ^ Gibson 1993, p. 51
  36. ^ Stone 1990, pp. 144–145
  37. ^ Hill 1994, p. 218
  38. ^ Collins 2007, p. 65.
  39. ^ Stone 1990, pp. 147–148
  40. ^ a b Thompson 1991, p. 409
  41. ^ Stone 1990, p. 145
  42. ^ Thompson 1991, p. 408
  43. ^ 浜林 2002, p. 163
  44. ^ Thompson 1991, p. 418
  45. ^ Thompson 1991, pp. 458–459
  46. ^ Thompson 1991, p. 461
  47. ^ Woodbury 1951, pp. 224–225
  48. ^ Godbeer 2002, p. 131
  49. ^ “News”, The Times (infotrac.galegroup.com) (3949): p. 3, col. B, (18 July 1797), http://infotrac.galegroup.com/itw/infomark/250/374/88505816w16/purl=rc1_TTDA_0_CS50731250&dyn=5!zoom_2?sw_aep=mclib 17 December 2009閲覧。 (要登録)
  50. ^ Hill 1994, p. 217
  51. ^ A.R.ライト 『イギリスの民俗』 堀川徹夫訳 <民俗民芸双書> 岩崎美術社 1995年 新装第1刷 ISBN 4753400840 pp.37-40.
  52. ^ Stone 1990, p. 146
  53. ^ “Buying and Selling Wives”, The Times (infotrac.galegroup.com) (14784): p. 6, col. E, (26 February 1832), http://infotrac.galegroup.com/itw/infomark/250/374/88505816w16/purl=rc1_TTDA_0_CS102391385&dyn=12!xrn_4_0_CS102391385&hst_1?sw_aep=mclib (要登録)
  54. ^ “News”, The Times (infotrac.galegroup.com): p. 3, col. B, (30 October 1818), http://infotrac.galegroup.com/itw/infomark/250/374/88505816w16/purl=rc1_TTDA_0_CS50873182&dyn=12!xrn_1_0_CS50873182&hst_1?sw_aep=mclib (要登録)
  55. ^ Ashton 1888, p. 3
  56. ^ “Wife Selling at Smithfield: Authentic Case and a Ballad in which the Heroine is Sold” (PDF), The New York Times, (2 July 1894), http://query.nytimes.com/mem/archive-free/pdf?res=9A03E1DF1730E033A25751C0A9619C94659ED7CF 25 August 2011閲覧。 
  57. ^ “Police”, The Times (infotrac.galegroup.com) (12539): p. 3, col. C, (1 January 1825), http://infotrac.galegroup.com/itw/infomark/250/374/88505816w16/purl=rc1_TTDA_0_CS51138593&dyn=12!xrn_2_0_CS51138593&hst_1?sw_aep=mclib (要登録)
  58. ^ “Public Sale of a Wife”, The Times (infotrac.galegroup.com) (15115): p. 4, col. C, (18 March 1833), http://infotrac.galegroup.com/itw/infomark/250/374/88505816w16/purl=rc2_TTDA_2_wife+sale+market_________________________________________________________________________________________&dyn=sig!8?sw_aep=mclib (要登録)
  59. ^ Gibson 1996, pp. 95–97
  60. ^ Reach 1846, p. 337
  61. ^ Reach 1846, pp. 335–336
  62. ^ Chambers 1864, p. 487
  63. ^ Stone 1990, pp. 146–147
  64. ^ Burn 2009, p. 1025
  65. ^ a b Thompson 1991, p. 455
  66. ^ “A Brutal Practice”, New Zealand Tablet (paperspast.natlib.govt.nz) IX (436): p. 1, (19 August 1881), http://paperspast.natlib.govt.nz/cgi-bin/paperspast?a=d&d=NZT18810819.2.2 


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