Spectral modeling synthesis Spectral modeling synthesisの概要

Spectral modeling synthesis

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2023/04/18 00:20 UTC 版)

Roads 1996, p. 153[1]を日本語訳


    Bonada et al. 2001 Fig.1 & 2に基く

SMSは調波成分残余成分 (非調波成分; ノイズ成分) の組合せとしてモデル化する。

楽音分析合成 / 音声分析合成として次の要素から構成される。



Sinusoidal modeling
Sinusoidal Analysis/Synthesis System
(McAulay & Quatieri 1988, p. 161[5] に基く)

  1. ^ Roads 1996, p. 153, Figure 4.23: Overview of spectrum modeling synthesis.
  2. ^ 本手法は調波解析/調波合成に基づいており、その意図は調波成分が主役となる楽音音響分析音響合成である。
  3. ^ Serra & Smith 1990, p. 12. "It describes a technique called spectral modeling synthesis [SMS], that models time-varying spectra as (1) a collection of sinusoids controlled through time by piecewise linear amplitude and frequency envelopes (the deterministic part), and (2) a time-varying filtered noise component (the stochastic part). The analysis procedure first extracts the sinusoidal trajectories by tracking peaks in a sequence of short-time Fourier transforms. These peaks are then removed by spectral subtraction. The remaining “noise floor” is then modeled as white noise through a time-varying filter. A piecewise linear approximation to the upper spectral envelope of the noise is computed each successive spectrum, and the stochastic part is synthesized by mean of the overlap-add technique."
  4. ^ 加法性ホワイトガウスノイズ (AWGN): パワースペクトル(周波数領域の強度)が全周波数で同じ強度(=白色)で、振幅分布(時間領域の強度)がガウス分布に従うノイズ
  5. ^ McAulay & Quatieri 1988, p. 161, Fig. 8. "This block diagram of the sinusoidal analysis/synthesis system illustrates the major functions subsumed within the system. Neither voicing decisions nor residual waveforms are required for speech synthesis."

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