フック長の公式 Connection to representation theory


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Connection to representation theory

The hook-length formula is of great importance in the representation theory of the symmetric group , where the number is known to be equal to the dimension of the complex irreducible representation associated to , and is frequently denoted by , or .

Detailed discussion

The complex irreducible representations of the symmetric group are indexed by partitions of (for an explicit construction see Specht module) . Their characters are related to the theory of symmetric functions via the Hall inner product in the following formula

where is the Schur function associated to and is the power-sum symmetric function of the partition associated to the cycle decomposition of . For example, if then .

Since the identity permutation has the form in cycle notation, . Then the formula says

Considering the expansion of Schur functions in terms of monomial symmetric functions using the Kostka numbers

the inner product with is , because . Note that is equal to . Hence

An immediate consequence of this is

The above equality is also a simple consequence of the Robinson–Schensted–Knuth correspondence.

The computation also shows that:

Which is the expansion of in terms of Schur functions using the coefficients given by the inner product, because . The above equality can be proven also checking the coefficients of each monomial at both sides and using the Robinson–Schensted–Knuth correspondence or, more conceptually, looking at the decomposition of by irreducible modules, and taking characters. See Schur–Weyl duality.

Outline of the proof of the hook formula using Frobenius formula

By the above considerations

So that

where is the Vandermonde determinant.

For a given partition define for . For the following we need at least as many variables as rows in the partition, so from now on we work with variables .

Each term is equal to

See Schur function. Since the vector is different for each partition, this means that the coefficient of in , denoted , is equal to . This is known as the Frobenius Character Formula, which gives one of the earliest proofs.[18] All that remains is tracking that coefficient with a mixture of cleverness and brute force: Multiplying


we conclude that the coefficient that we are looking for is

which can be written as

The latter sum is equal to the following determinant

which column reduces to the Vandermonde determinant, and we obtain the formula

Note that is the hook length of the first box in each row of the Young Diagram. Transforming this expression into the form claimed by the hook-length formula is a fairly simple exercise in combinatorics: For any given , one has to argue that , where the latter product ranges over all cells in the -row of the Young diagram of .

  1. ^ Frame, J. S., Robinson, G. de B. and Thrall, R. M. (1954). The hook graphs of the symmetric group. Can. J. Math. 6, 316–325.
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  4. ^ P. A. MacMahon. “Combinatory Analysis,” Cambridge Univ. Press, London/New York, 1916; reprinted by Chelsea, New York, 1960.
  5. ^ Knuth, Donald (1973). The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 3: Sorting and Searching, 3rd Edition, Addison–Wesley, p. 63
  6. ^ A. P. Hillman and R. M. Grassl. Reverse plane partitions and tableau hook numbers, J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 21 (1976), 216–221.
  7. ^ Greene, C., Nijenhuis, A. and Wilf, H. S. (1979). A probabilistic proof of a formula for the number of Young tableaux of a given shape. Adv. in Math. 31, 104–109.
  8. ^ J. B. Remmel. Bijective proofs of formulae for the number of standard Young tableaux, Linear and Multilinear Algebra 11 (1982), 45–100.
  9. ^ Franzblau, D. S. and Zeilberger, D. (1982). A bijective proof of the hook-length formula. J. Algorithms 3, 317–343.
  10. ^ D. Zeilberger. A short hook-lengths bijection inspired by the Greene–Nijenhuis–Wilf proof, Discrete Math. 51 (1984), 101–108.
  11. ^ Pak, I. M. and Stoyanovskii, A. V. (1992). A bijective proof of the hook-length formula. Funct. Anal. Appl. 24.
  12. ^ Novelli, J.-C., Pak, I. M. and Stoyanovskii, A. V. (1997). A direct bijective proof of the hook-length formula. Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science 1, 1997, 53–67.
  13. ^ R. M. Thrall. A combinatorial problem, Michigan Math. J. 1 (1952), 81–88.
  14. ^ Sagan, B. On selecting a random shifted Young tableau. J. Algorithms 1, 3 (1980), 213–234.
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  16. ^ Knuth, Donald (1973), The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 3: Sorting and Searching, 3rd Edition, Addison–Wesley, p. 63, ISBN 0-201-03803-X .
  17. ^ Greene, C., Nijenhuis, A. and Wilf, H. S. (1979). A probabilistic proof of a formula for the number of Young tableaux of a given shape. Adv. in Math. 31, 104–109.
  18. ^ W. Fulton, J. Harris. Representation Theory: A First Course Springer-Verlag , New York, 1991
  19. ^ Vershik, A. M.; Kerov, C. V. (1977), "Asymptotics of the Plancheral measure of the symmetric group and a limiting form for Young tableaux", Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 233: 1024–1027
  20. ^ B. F. Logan and L. A. Shepp, A variational problem for random Young tableaux, Advances in Math. 26 (1977), no. 2, 206–222.
  21. ^ Knuth, Donald (1973), The Art of Computer Programming, 3 (1 ed.), Addison–Wesley, pp. 61–62 
  22. ^ Stanley, Richard P. (1971), “Theory and applications of plane partitions, 2”, Studies in Applied Mathematics 50: 259–279 
  23. ^ R.P. Stanley, "Ordered Structures and Partitions" PhD Thesis, Harvard University, 1971
  24. ^ Morales, A. H., Pak, I., and Panova, G. Hook formulas for skew shapes, arXiv:1512.08348.

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