鼻眼鏡とは? わかりやすく解説

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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2024/07/07 21:08 UTC 版)


  1. ^ Synonyms of spectacles in English”. Lexico. 2019年10月4日閲覧。
  2. ^ Pettet, Robert D (1913). The mechanics of fitting glasses. Chicago : Topaz & Kaemerle. p. 9-15. https://archive.org/details/mechanicsoffitti00pettrich 
  3. ^ American Optical Company (1912). (Catalog) American Optical Company. American Optical Company. https://archive.org/details/109550Watermarked/page/n145 
  4. ^ a b Goldbacher, Ernes (1879). 1851-1878 illustrated catalogue and price list of optical, meteorological and mathematical instruments manufactured and imported. New York : E. Goldbacher. p. 31-41. https://archive.org/details/04331200R.nlm.nih.gov/page/n35 
  5. ^ a b Phillips, Richard Jones (1892). Spectacles and eyeglasses, their forms, mounting, and proper adjustment. Philadelphia, P. Blakiston, son & co.. p. 42. https://archive.org/details/spectacleseyeg00phil 
  6. ^ Hindsight Is 20/20: The Pince-Nez” (2012年9月). 2022年2月16日閲覧。
  7. ^ a b ジェシカ・グラスコック 黒木章人訳 (2022), メガネの歴史, 原書房, pp. 102 
  8. ^ a b Pince-nez - The eyewear that got a grip.”. the College of Optometrists. 2018年6月23日閲覧。
  9. ^ Hindsight Is 20/20: The Pince-Nez” (2012年9月). 2021年6月12日閲覧。
  10. ^ a b Phillips, Richard Jones (1892). Spectacles and eyeglasses, their forms, mounting, and proper adjustment. Philadelphia, P. Blakiston, son & co.. p. 26. https://archive.org/details/spectacleseyeg00phil 
  11. ^ a b c 石津寛 (昭和3). めがねをかける人のために. 山本書房. p. 96. https://dl.ndl.go.jp/info:ndljp/pid/1051049 
  12. ^ Phillips, Richard Jones (1892). Spectacles and eyeglasses, their forms, mounting, and proper adjustment. Philadelphia, P. Blakiston, son & co.. p. 43. https://archive.org/details/spectacleseyeg00phil 
  13. ^ Goldbacher, Ernes (1879). 1851-1878 illustrated catalogue and price list of optical, meteorological and mathematical instruments manufactured and imported. New York : E. Goldbacher. p. 15. https://archive.org/details/04331200R.nlm.nih.gov/page/n17 
  14. ^ American Optical Company (1912). (Catalog) American Optical Company. American Optical Company. p. 288-302. https://archive.org/details/109550Watermarked/page/n271 
  15. ^ a b American Optical Company (1912). (Catalog) American Optical Company. American Optical Company. p. 290. https://archive.org/details/109550Watermarked/page/n271 
  16. ^ http://www.wright-brothers.org/Information_Desk/Just_the_Facts/Wright_Family/Katharine_Wright/Katharine_Wright.htm
  17. ^ American Optical Company (1912). (Catalog) American Optical Company. American Optical Company. p. 302. https://archive.org/details/109550Watermarked/page/n283 
  18. ^ リチャード・コーソン (1999). メガネの文化史. 八坂書房. pp. 243 
  19. ^ Murphy, Frank G. (1921). Be Beautiful in Glasses: A Treatise on the Art of Utilizing Optical Illusions Produced by Spectacles and Eyeglasses to Beautify the Face.. Murphy, Frank G.. p. 8-11. https://archive.org/details/musiamo5060120190012002/page/n11/ 
  20. ^ Cochlear (2016). Cochlear Kanso User Guide. Cochlear. p. 18-21. https://cochlearimplanthelp.files.wordpress.com/2016/09/cochlear-kanso-user-guide.pdf 
  21. ^ MED-EL. ROND 2 Single-Unit Audio Processor Quick Guide. MED-EL. p. 12-13. https://www.medel.com/docs/default-source/support-downloads/aw35356_r1_0-rondo2quickguidebr-web.pdf?sfvrsn=9ab0f245_4 
  22. ^ Kanso™ - Attach a Safety Line”. Cochlear India. 2018年11月13日閲覧。
  23. ^ Kanso 2 User Guide”. Cochlear Americas. 2021年12月26日閲覧。
  24. ^ a b c 中村康 (昭和7). 眼鏡処方解説. 金原商店. p. 109. https://dl.ndl.go.jp/info:ndljp/pid/1049004 
  25. ^ a b American Optical Company (1912). (Catalog) American Optical Company. American Optical Company. p. 156-157. https://archive.org/details/109550Watermarked/page/n145 
  26. ^ Phillips, Richard Jones (1892). Spectacles and eyeglasses, their forms, mounting, and proper adjustment. Philadelphia, P. Blakiston, son & co.. p. 28. https://archive.org/details/spectacleseyeg00phil/page/28 
  27. ^ 宇山安夫 (1968). 眼鏡士読本. 医学書房. p. 123 
  28. ^ a b Pettet, Robert D (1913). The mechanics of fitting glasses. Chicago : Topaz & Kaemerle. p. 57-58. https://archive.org/details/mechanicsoffitti00pettrich 
  29. ^ American Optical Company (1912). (Catalog) American Optical Company. American Optical Company. p. 219. https://archive.org/details/109550Watermarked/page/n203 
  30. ^ Pettet, Robert D (1913). The mechanics of fitting glasses. Chicago : Topaz & Kaemerle. p. 55. https://archive.org/details/mechanicsoffitti00pettrich 
  31. ^ American Optical Company (1912). (Catalog) American Optical Company. American Optical Company. p. 29. https://archive.org/details/109550Watermarked/page/n27 
  32. ^ Pettet, Robert D (1913). The mechanics of fitting glasses. Chicago : Topaz & Kaemerle. p. 18. https://archive.org/details/mechanicsoffitti00pettrich 
  33. ^ Pettet, Robert D (1913). The mechanics of fitting glasses. Chicago : Topaz & Kaemerle. p. 18-19. https://archive.org/details/mechanicsoffitti00pettrich 
  34. ^ Kitchiner, William (1824). The economy of the eyes : precepts for the improvement and preservation of the sight : plain rules which will enable all to judge exactly when, and what spectacles are best calculated for their eyes : observations on opera glasses and theatres, and an account of the pancratic magnifier, for double stars, and day telescopes. Boston : Wells and Lilly. p. 101. https://archive.org/details/economyofeyespre00kitc/page/101 
  35. ^ 宇山安夫 (1968). 眼鏡士読本. 医学書房. p. 121-123 
  36. ^ Goldbacher, Ernes (1879). 1851-1878 illustrated catalogue and price list of optical, meteorological and mathematical instruments manufactured and imported. New York : E. Goldbacher. p. 33. https://archive.org/details/04331200R.nlm.nih.gov/page/n35 
  37. ^ Bausch & Lomb Optical Company (1916). Ophthalmic lenses and accessories; lenses, frames, magnifiers and readers. Bausch & Lomb Optical Company. p. 132. https://archive.org/details/ophthalmiclenses00bausrich/page/132 
  38. ^ American Optical Company (1912). (Catalog) American Optical Company. American Optical Company. p. 158-168. https://archive.org/details/109550Watermarked/page/n147 
  39. ^ a b Pettet, Robert D (1913). The mechanics of fitting glasses. Chicago : Topaz & Kaemerle. p. 30-32. https://archive.org/details/mechanicsoffitti00pettrich 
  40. ^ 中村康 (昭和7). 眼鏡処方解説. 金原商店. p. 87. https://dl.ndl.go.jp/info:ndljp/pid/1049004 
  41. ^ Pettet, Robert D (1913). The mechanics of fitting glasses. Chicago : Topaz & Kaemerle. p. 14. https://archive.org/details/mechanicsoffitti00pettrich 
  42. ^ Pettet, Robert D (1913). The mechanics of fitting glasses. Chicago : Topaz & Kaemerle. p. 43. https://archive.org/details/mechanicsoffitti00pettrich 
  43. ^ Pettet, Robert D (1913). The mechanics of fitting glasses. Chicago : Topaz & Kaemerle. p. 32-34. https://archive.org/details/mechanicsoffitti00pettrich 
  44. ^ American Optical Company (1912). (Catalog) American Optical Company. American Optical Company. p. 142. https://archive.org/details/109550Watermarked/page/n133 
  45. ^ American Optical Company (1912). (Catalog) American Optical Company. American Optical Company. p. 28. https://archive.org/details/109550Watermarked/page/n133 
  46. ^ American Optical Company (1912). (Catalog) American Optical Company. American Optical Company. p. 143. https://archive.org/details/109550Watermarked/page/n133 
  47. ^ Pettet, Robert D (1913). The mechanics of fitting glasses. Chicago : Topaz & Kaemerle. p. 33. https://archive.org/details/mechanicsoffitti00pettrich 
  48. ^ Hudson, J. T. (John Thomas) (1833). Spectaclaenia; or the sight restored, assisted, and preserved by the use of spectacles, with suggestions to spectacle wearers and others. The author; Simpkin & Marsha. p. 26. https://archive.org/details/b30376907 
  49. ^ American Optical Company (1935). Gold-filled Spectacleware Catalog. American Optical Company. p. 21. http://www.opticalheritagemuseum.org/Industry/Images/Frames/AO1935GoldFrameCatalogue.pdf 
  50. ^ Fitting Faces. Paramount. 1940.
  51. ^ Murphy, Frank G. (1921). Be Beautiful in Glasses: A Treatise on the Art of Utilizing Optical Illusions Produced by Spectacles and Eyeglasses to Beautify the Face.. Murphy, Frank G.. p. 9. https://archive.org/details/musiamo5060120190012002/page/n11/ 
  52. ^ https://web.archive.org/web/20081028204353/http://www.seikoeyewear.com/CE/CECourse.cfm?ceID=6


出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2022/06/14 21:48 UTC 版)


テンプルがなく、鼻をばねで挟むような形で装用するもの。現代では一般的でない目立たず審美上の利点があるが、顔の形によっては掛けるのがほとんど不可能である。レンズ位置角度が狂いやすく、光学的に好ましくないフィンチ、パンスネ、鼻掛眼鏡とも。英語の eyeglasses はかつてはこの形式のものをのみ指した詳細別項参照


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