アカントアメーバとは? わかりやすく解説

Weblio 辞書 > 固有名詞の種類 > 病気・健康 > 病気・けが > 病気 > 感染症 > アカントアメーバの意味・解説 








出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2024/01/17 00:50 UTC 版)


  1. ^ Vokonsky, M (1931). “Hartmannella castellanii Douglas et classification des Hartmannelles.”. Arch. Zool. Exp. Gen. 72: 317-39. 
  2. ^ Di Gregorio, C; Rivasi F, Mongiardo N, De Rienzo B, Wallace S, Visvesvara GS (Dec 1992). “Acanthamoeba meningoencephalitis in a patient with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome”. Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine 116 (12): 1363-5. PMID 1456885. 
  3. ^ Auran, JD; Starr MB, Jakobiec FA (1987). “Acanthamoeba keratitis. A review of the literature”. Cornea 6 (1): 2-26. PMID 3556011. 
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  7. ^ Sharma S, Garg P, Rao GN. "Patient characteristics, diagnosis, and treatment of non-contact lens related Acanthamoeba keratitis." The British Journal of Ophthalmology. 2000 Oct;84(10):1103-8. PMID 11004092
  8. ^ Pasricha, Gunisha; Savitri Sharma, Prashant Garg, Ramesh K. Aggarwal (July 2003). “Use of 18S rRNA Gene-Based PCR Assay for Diagnosis of Acanthamoeba Keratitis in Non-Contact Lens Wearers in India”. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 41 (7): 3206-3211. doi: 10.1128/JCM.41.7.3206-3211.2003. http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=165372. 
  9. ^ Khan, N (Nov 2006). “Acanthamoeba invasion of the central nervous system”. International Journal of Parasitology 37 (2): 131-8. PMID 17207487. 
  10. ^ Kaushal, V; Chhina DK, Kumar R, Pannu HS, Dhooria HPS, Chhina RS (Mar 2007). “Acanthamoeba Encephalitis”. Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology 26 (2): 182-4. PMID 18445961. 
  11. ^ アメーバに潜むレジオネラ属菌 - 大阪府立公衆衛生研究所
  12. ^ Horn, M; Wagner, M (Sep-Oct 2004). “Bacterial Endosymbionts of Free-living Amoebae”. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 51 (5): 509-14. PMID 15537084. 
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  15. ^ Anderson, I. J.; Watkins, R. F., Samuelson, J., Spencer, D. F., Majoros, W. H., Gray, M. W. and Loftus, B. J. (Aug 2005). “Gene Discovery in the Acanthamoeba castellanii Genome”. Protist 156 (2): 203-14. PMID 16171187. 
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